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Having been told several times, 可以写成=Told several times,
=that he was writing a short novel.
❖ 2.He was reading a novel written by Charles Dickens.
=which was written by Charles Dichens.
▲在概念上,ing.表“抽象、习惯”,不定式表“具体、偶 然、将来”. *Swimming (抽象)is my favourite sport and I like swimming(习惯)every day, but I don’t like to swim(具
now. (作定语) ❖ 6. Swimming in Summer ,we can get cool.
❖1.This cup is broken. (作表语 ❖2.This is a broken cup. (作表语) ❖3.I found the cup broken.(作宾语补足语)
The platform which has been built will be used

to perform on. √
❖ 2. Having given her opinion about the building,
she left the meeting.

Having been used for a long time, the computer 状
Written in simple English, the book is easy to read
❖ 2. Being used by me now,the bike can’t be lent to you.
❖ 3. Having been used for many years, the bike needs repairing.
❖ 1.Swimming is his favourite sport. (作主语) ❖ 2.He enjoys swimming. (作宾语) ❖ 3.I found him swimming in the river. (作宾补) ❖ 4.His favourite sport is swimming. (作表语) ❖ 5.He is the man swimming in the river just
made(表被动) gone(表完成)
to be made to go
to have been to have gone made
to be going
成份 主 宾 表 定 宾

类别 语 语 语 语 补 时 条 原 目 结 方 让 伴
间 件因 的 果 式 步 随
体)today, I would like to swim(将来)tomorrow.
❖ The platform having been built will be used to
perform on. ×

❖ 1.The platform built will be used to perform on. √ 定
不定 式
现在 × × 分词
过去 × × 分词
动名 词
❖ 1.To see you is语gl、ad表. 语、定语、状语等.
=It’s glad to see you.
❖ 2.I want to see you.
❖ 3.I want him to see you. (作宾补)
❖ 4.My hope is to see you. (作表语)
❖ 5.He is the man to see you. (作定语)
❖ 6.I’m glad to see you.
❖ 7.I went to see you.
(作目的状语)ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
❖ 8.He went so early as to see you (作结果状语)
needs repairing.

D.▲ed+主句(不强调时间先后);Being ed+主句(强调 主句和从句动作同时发生);Having been ed+主句(强 调时间先后)如不强调时间先后可用ed,一般式来代替.
❖ 1.Used as a means of traffic in China,the bike is very useful.
❖4.Broken by Tom, the cup can’t be
used. (作状语) ❖★过去分词一般不作主语、宾语.
❖ 3.分词的用法比较
❖ A.在时态上
ing分词表“进行” ed分词表“完成”
❖ 1.China is a developing country =a country which is developing.
非谓语动词语法 讲解优秀课件
语态 主动语态 被动语态 主动语态
一般式:(与谓语动词同时 发生)
完成式:(先与谓语动词之 前发生)
having made (不作定语)
只有一般式:(不强调时间 先后,只说明原因、条
一般式:(与谓语动词(几 to make 乎)同时发生)
inf 完成式:(先与谓语动词之 to have made
进行式:(在谓语动词动作 to be making 发生时正在进行)
being made going
having been made (不作定语)
having gone (不作定语)
❖ 2.Japan is a developed country =a country which has developed.
❖ 3.I found him gone. =that he had gone.(表完成)
❖ 1.I saw him writing a short novel.