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2.Paragraph 2 suggests that the main reason why governments began to license newspapers was

A.to make sure that newspapers were of high quality

B.to provide their countries1 publishers with an advantage over other European publishers

C.to reduce competition among government-sponsored newspapers

D.to help control the public's attitudes about the news

These state publications met the increasing demand for news but always supported the government’s views of the events of the day 6.In paragraph 4, why does the author mention a French language paper that was published in Leiden?

A.To show that the most successful newspapers in Europe tended to be French-language newspapers

B.To illustrate the important role played by the mail in the distribution of newspapers

C.To provide evidence that newspapers were being read by the elites of Europe

D.To establish that the Netherlands had one of the most effective postal systems in Europe

It was through the mail that readers outside major cities and their environs—and virtually all readers in areas where press censorship was exercised firmly— received their newspapers.后面才说法语报纸在leiden出版

11. The word "thus" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. consequently

B. regularly

C. in addition

D. soon

Even more important was the inauguration of letters to the editor in which readers expressed their opinions about events Newspapers thus became venues for the often rapid exchange of news and opinions.

Consequently---thus 因此

13.Look at the four squares ■ that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage: ,

And even when it was possible to apply laws limiting speech, authorities were reluctant to do so because of the growing economic importance of the commercial book market.

Dutch publishers had an advantage over many other publishers around Europe because the Netherlands’ highly decentralized political system made its censorship laws very difficult to enforce. ■Throughout Europe in the seventeenth century, governments began recognizing the revolutionary potential of the free press and began requiring licenses of newspapers—to control who was able to publish news. ■Another tactic, in France and elsewhere on the continent from the 1630s onward, was for governments to sponsor official newspapers.■These state publications met the increasing demand for news but always supported the government's views of the events of the day. ■

