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人教版七年级下册英语第一单元知识点及练习Unit1 Can you play the guitar?



I can swim. He can swim. They can swim.


can not = can’t


Can you swim? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

二、can 的用法


She can dance.


S he can’t dance.

Can she dance?Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.

What can she do?


Can I help you?


Swim-swimming dance-dancing write-writing


The teacher say it’s useful.(强调说话的内容)

Speak + 语言(强调说语言或发音的动作)

tell story / jokes tell you story = tell story to you (强调讲述和转述)talk talk to/with sb. talk about(强调与人交流)

join v. *take part in+活动 go/come to +活动 join in +活动

join the club/party/League/NBA/WTO(组织)


too 多位于肯定和疑问句句末

Nice to meet you, too. Do you have volleyball, too?

Also多位于句中,be 动和情态动词之后,实意动词之前。

She is also 12. He can also draw. He also like fruit.

people 集合复数 old/young people

Two people are in the room.

story n. some syories

teach v. teach sb. to do sth. teacher

I teach English. I teach them English. = I teach English to them.


play the guitar play + the + 乐器

play chess /tennis/cards play + 球类运动 / 棋牌

be good at be good with

She is good at English.

be good with sb.= get along well with E.g. The girl is good with children.` 1 be good with sth. Mr. Zhang is good with his hands.

Help …with …

Can you help me with English? He usually helps his mom with housework. make friends

He likes to make friends with English-speaking people.


1. Lucy can play the guitar but she can’t play it .

A. well

B. good C nice D fine

2. Bill can play piano. He can also play soccer.

A .the ;the

B the ;/

C /; the

3.—Can I help you ?B:______

A. Yes, please.

B. No, I can’t

C. Yes, I can

D. you are welcome .

4. Miss 'Read is good music.

A. for

B. with

C. at D in

5. He wants to join the club. He can chess.

A. chess's; play the

B. chess; play

C. chessing; play

D. chess; plays the

6. Dad, we can sports at school one hour a day.

A. to do

B. does

C. do

D. doing

7. What can you do, Lin Tao?

A.I like sports B I want to join the music club C.I am well D. I can do Chinese Kong fu.

8.She wants to go to Beijing her father in 2013.

A.for B. with C. of D. before

9. If you want to know that, please call 622-6033.

A. by

B. at C for D on

10. Let’s go and play __ping-pong. I don’t want to play __violin.

A. a, the

B. the, a

C. /, the D the, the

11. Who wants ______ the singing club ?

A. to joins

B. join

C. to join D joining

12. I always help my sister_______ her history.

A. to

B. with

C. for D of

13. Maybe he can ______ in their basketball team.

A. is

B. be

C. are D am

14. -- Can you play the violin ? --- .But I can sing.

A. Yes, I do

B. No ,I don’t

C. Yes, I can

D. No, I can’t

15. My friend Lisa is good at _____.

A. sing

B. to sing

C. singing D sings

16. He is funny. He likes____ stories.

A. talking

B. saying

C. telling D speaking

17. A:Can you swim or play chess? B:___________.

A. Yes, I am

B. Yes, I can

C. I can swim

D.I don’t know

18. Are you good ____ children ?

A. with

B. at

C. for

D. to

19. A: _ _ do you join the club ? B: I like music.

A. What

B. Where

C. Why D How
