第三章 分译与合译1
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5.Not surprisingly, those who were praised improved dramatically. 那些受到表扬的人进步显著 ,这是不足为怪的 。 6.Characteristically, Mr. Harold concealed his feelings and watched. 哈罗德先生没有表露自己的感情,只是察言观 色。这是他的性格。
由于猫眼比人眼能感觉到更多的光线,所以猫在夜 里能看得很清楚。(译成表示原因的分句)
2. Chinese delegations have been sent to European countries, who will negotiate trade agreement with the respective governments.
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将原文中的一个单词分离出来单独译为汉语的 一个句子。使原文的一个句子分译成两个以上 的汉语单句。可能进行分译的单词有: (1)形容词 1.Scofflaws abound in amazing variety。 违反法令者形形色色,令人吃惊。 (如翻译成“令人吃惊的多种多样”就显得生 硬别扭,不合汉语表达习惯) 2. His announcement got a mixed reaction. 2013-8-5 3 他的声明引起了反应,不过有好有坏。
3. As a shy young visitor to Einstein’s home, I was made to feel at ease when Einstein said,” I have something to show you.” 小时候有一次去爱因斯坦家作客,由于 我很腼 腆 ,他就对我说:“我有样东西给你看。”于 是我便感到不拘束了。 4.He is having an identifiable trouble with his teeth. 他正患牙病,这是大家都看得出来的。
A.结构分译: (一)简单句的分译 1. Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle。 黎明时分,大雾弥漫,烟雨蒙蒙。 2. A peasant and his family were working in a field beneath the singing larks。 农民一家人正在地里干活,头顶上云雀在歌唱。 (二) 复合句的分译:定语从句的分译 The simplest atom is the hydrogen atom that consists of one proton and one electron, as has been known to all.
(4)名词 4. At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply。 现在,人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回 答问题,因为它安全,不招风险。 5. She had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own. 她心地善良,待人和气,性格温柔,举止高雅, 为人大方。 此句中heart 被译为心地、待人、性格、举止、 和为人五个词,再与它前边五个形容词搭配。 6.His wealth enables him to do everything. 2013-8-5 9 他有钱,什么事都能干。
II.短语分译 英语常用短语作修饰语,而汉语常用短句。遇到 这类情况,可在短语结构松散处断开,将原文中 的一个短语译为一个句子。名词短语、分词短语、 介词短语等有时都可以分译成句。 (1)分词短语 1.He was dressed, sitting by the fire, looking a very sick and miserable boy of nine years. 他已穿好衣服,坐在火炉旁。这个9岁的男孩看
2013-8-5 中国已派出代表团前往欧洲各国,以便与各国政府 17
3. Nothing is hard in this world for anyone who dares to scale the height. 世上无难事,只要肯攀登。(译成表示条件的分 句) 4. Dr. Bethume, who was very tired on his arrival, set to work at once. 白求恩大夫虽然到达时很累,但立即开始工作。 (译成让步状语分句) who was= though he was 白求恩大夫不顾旅途劳顿,一到就开始工作了。 (regardless of)
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B.语义分译 有时,英语句中的某一部分,汉译时从词义来看, 与其放在原句,不如放在下一句更合适。这时, 可把有关部分放到译文的另一句子里。 1) She used to relate how she met in Italy an elderly gentleman who was looking very sad. She inquired the cause of his melancholy and he said that he had just parted from his two grandchildren. 她常提到她在意大利碰到一位老先生的事。她见 他愁容满面就问起他闷闷不乐的原因。他说那是 因为他刚同两个孙子分手才这样的。 句中的who was looking very sad 从上一句分 2013-8-5 14 译到下一句。这种分译是为了使译文更加紧凑。
第三章 翻译的基本技巧
分 译 与 合 译 01
Division & Combination
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英译汉时,如果一个英语句子或单词不能用 一个汉语句子或词汇清楚地表达出来,我们 可以把原句或单词拆开,用两个或两个以上 汉语句子或词汇来表达,这叫做分译 (Division),也被称为拆译. 分译通常包括单词的分译、短语的分译和句 子的分译三种情况。
(3)名词短语 1. Alice, normally a timid girl, argued heatedly with them about it. 阿丽丝平时是个腼腆的姑娘 ,现在也和他们 热烈地辩论起来。 2. The project was known simply as the Outpost Mission---one of the cold war’s most closely guarded secrets。 一般人认为这个计划不过是“警戒任务”, 然而 它却是冷战时期保守得最严的秘密之一。
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英语定语从句,有些在逻辑意义上与主句有状语关 系,翻译时应找出这种暗含的逻辑含义。
1. A cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night. (whose eyes… = because its eyes…)
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5. I had the honor of seeing Vice Premier Chen Yi, who visited Kaifeng in 1958.
2. He handed me my draft of the plan completely modified. 2013-8-5 他把我的计划草案交还了我,内容全改动了。
(2)介词短语 1. With all his faults, I like him. 尽管他有种种缺点,我还是喜欢他。 2. During several hours of semiconscious sleep, Lydia dreamed of Jack, feeling his presence。 几个小时过去了,莉迪亚一直处于半清醒的睡眠 状态。她做了一个梦,梦见了杰克,觉得他就在 她的身边。 3. They were very frank with each other in a relaxed way. 2013-8-5 11 他们相互十分坦率,气氛却十分轻松。
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recognize and share China’s resolve to resist the attempts of any nation which seeks to establish global or regional hegemony. 我们认识到中国决心抵抗任何国家寻求建 立全球霸权和地区霸权的企图,我们也有 这样的决心。
众所周知,最简单的原子是氢原子,它只包含一个 质子和一个电子。 (原文中as或which代表整个主 2013-8-5 15 句的意义,译文中要前置,层次才清楚。)
White House officials have acknowledged during past week that disclosure of the secret dealings was the latest and most serious in a number of recent issues that have raised broad questions about the administration’s credibility。 在过去一周中,白宫宫员们承认,秘密交易的泄 露是近来发生的一系列问题中最新最严重的一 个。这些问题已经使许多人对政府的信誉明显 地产生了怀疑。(在that 引导的从句前切分。)
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(3)动词 1. She inspected the table for dust with her finger. 她用手指抹抹桌子,看看有没有灰尘。 inspected 分三处译出,即“抹抹”、“看看” 和“有没有”。这既能把原意译透,又能保持 译文的通顺。 2.I always avoid the temptation to exalt the person. 我总是克制自己,不去颂扬这个人。
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III.句子分译 有时,分译要从整个句子着眼,这样的分译叫 句子分译。句子分译也可分为两种: A.结构分译 英语有些句子的结构奇特,其主、谓、宾在汉 译时无法对号入座。这时应从整个句子着手, 打散整个结构,重新分译。例如: 1. What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality, power and range. 他的诗形象生动,独具一格,而且气势磅礴, 题材广泛。这是显而易见的。
2Fra Baidu bibliotek13-8-5 5
7.We recognize that China’s long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth。 我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经 济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。 8.Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind to signs that say No Smoking。 烟鬼对那些“严禁吸烟”的警示牌视而不见, 真是不可救药。