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Storytelling is a traditional Chinese performance in the form of oral speaking. It is also a kind of oral literature created by the working people of our country. Generally, a storyteller tells us a story. It is adapted from historic events, famous novels and so on. Besides, they may also comment on the characters in the story and judge what is right and wrong.


春节是中国最重要的传统节日。每逢春节,中国人都会回家与家人团聚。由于越来越多的中国人离开家乡到外地学习或工作,春节前后就会出现春运高峰(Spring Festival rush)。每年此时,大量乘客涌入火车站、汽车站和机场。因此,公共交通承受着巨大的压力。

Spring Festival is the most important holiday in China. On every Spring Festival, Chinese return home to reunite with their family members. As more and more Chinese left their hometowns to study or seek work elsewhere, Spring Festival rush has appeared around Spring Festival. During this period every year, volumes of passengers rush to railway stations, bus stations and airports. Therefore, the public transportation is under great pressure.


中国龙一直是吉祥力量(auspicious power)的象征。在中国人心目中占据着不可替代的位置。在封建社会,龙一直是皇帝和皇权(imperial authority)的象征。进入现代社会以后,龙逐渐演变为吉祥物(mascot)。龙象征着人类社会与大自然的和谐相处。

The Chinese dragon has long been a symbol of auspicious power. It has an irreplaceable position in the mind of Chinese people. During the feudal period, the dragon used to serve as a symbol of the emperor and imperial authority. In modern society, it has gradually become a mascot. The Chinese dragon symbolizes the harmony between human society and nature.

放风筝是中国一种古老的娱乐项目。风筝源于春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn period),至今已有2700多年的历史。风筝最初是军事上传递信息的工具。到了宋代,放风筝成为人们喜爱的户外活动。现在,放风筝活动在对外文化交流中发挥着重要作用。

Kite-flying is an old Chinese pastime. Originating in the Spring and Autumn period, kite has a history of more than 2700 years. Kite was first used as a tool to transmit information for military purpose. When it came to the Song Dynasty, kite-flying became a favorite outdoor activity. Nowadays, kite-flying plays an important role in cultural exchanges all over the world.


网购是电子商务(electronic commerce)的一种形式。顾客足不出户就可以通过网络购买商品或服务。物美价廉的商品令越来越多的人迷上了网购。网购随时随地都可进行。据预测,中国网购人数将以更快的速度持续增长。

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce. Consumers can purchase goods or services over the Internet without stepping out of their home. With high quality and lower price, online goods attract an increasing number of customers. Online shopping can be conducted anywhere at any time. It is predicted that in the future the number of online shoppers will keep growing in China at a faster rate.



Christmas is one of the grandest religious festivals in the West. It is celebrated in many countries around the world every year. Nowadays, an increasing number of Chinese people celebrate Christmas. They decorate their houses and exchange gifts like the westerners. In China, apples are often given as a gift on Christmas.


