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0.2 新版菲迪克文本及其应用范围的界定 The new documents of FIDIC conditions of contract and its application scope 0.2.1 1987版菲迪克合同条件的三个标准文本/ Three standard forms of FIDIC conditions of Contract 1987 土木工程施工合同条件(红皮书)1987, Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (the “Red Book”) 1987 机电工程施工包括现场安装合同条件(黄皮书)1987, Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works including Erection on Site (the “Yellow Book”) 1987 设计建造和交钥匙工程合同条件(橘皮书)1995, Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (the “Orange Book”) 1995 0.2.2 菲迪克1987版出了什麽问题/What’s the problem of FIDIC standard forms of 1987 菲迪克在更新其红皮书和黄皮书时发现:一些项目已经超出了已有合 同规定的范围/During its work in updating the Red and Yellow Books, FIDIC has noted that certain projects have fallen outside the scope of the existing contracts
随即,菲迪克不仅是更新其标准合同文本,而是在1999年9月扩大 了其应用范围,进而形成了一套四种全新的标准合同格式,这四种新 的标准合同格式对世界上绝大多数建设和厂房安装项目都是适用的/ Accordingly, FIDIC had not only updated the standard forms but has expanded the range and FIDIC had – in September 1999 – produced a new generation of 4 standard forms of contract which are suitable for the great majority of construction and plant installation projects around the world 0.2.3 新版菲迪克(标记为“1999第一版”)The new generation of FIDIC Conditions of Contract (marked “First Edition 1999”) 施工合同条件: 施工合同条件: 内容:通用条件、专业条件编写指南、投标函、合同协议书和争端裁 内容 决协议书格式;推荐用于 业主 推荐用于由业主 工程师设计的建筑或工程 推荐用于 业主或其代表—工程师 工程师 项(注意:国际工程中,只有业主、工程师和承包商三方,无设计方) Conditions of Contract for Constructions: General Conditions, Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions, Forms of Letter of Tender, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement; which are recommended for building or engineering works designed by Employer or his representative, the Engineer.(Notice:E E C are the only 3 parts in international contracting works)
Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects: General Conditions, Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions, Forms of Letter of Tender, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement; which may be suitable for the provision on a turnkey basis of a process or power plant, of a factory or similar facility, or of an infrastructure project or other type of development.(generally for the final contact value and duration of project with high degree of certainty, and designed and constructed by the Contractor) 生产设备和设计—施工合同条件 生产设备和设计 施工合同条件: 施工合同条件 内容:通用条件、专业条件编写指南、投标函、合同协议书和争端 内容 裁决协议书格式;推荐用于 推荐用于电气和(或)机械设备供货和建筑或工 推荐用于 程的设计与施工 Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build: General Conditions, Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions, Forms of Letter of Tender, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement; which are recommended for the provision of electrical and/or mechanical plant, and for the design and execution of building or engineering works
江玉生 Yusheng Jiang
课程主要内容 Main Co件的历史、主要组成部分及其主要应用 绪论: 范围;(4 学时) • Introduction: FIDIC History, Main Components of FIDIC Contract Conditions and Its Application Scopes; • 施工合同条件 (28学时) 施工合同条件;( 学时 学时) • Conditions of Contract for Constructions; • 简明合同格式;( 学时) 简明合同格式;( 学时) ;(4学时 • Short Form of Contract;
经过90多年的发展壮大,世界上已有超过60个国家的咨询工程师协会 或学会加入到菲迪克这个大家庭中来;中国工程咨询协会也是其中的 一员 More than 60 members have been included in this association through 90 years development;China National Association of Engineering Consult is one member of FIDIC family 0.1.3 已有的4个菲迪克合同条件版本 / The past four generations of FIDIC Conditions of Contract 第一版:1957年 Version I -- 1957 第二版:1963年 Version II --1963 第三版:1977年 Version III--1977 第四版:1987年/1988/92年修订 Version IV—1982/1988(92) (1988年修订版被称为红皮书,1992年修订版被称为紫皮书(小浪底) ,1988 edition-Red book, 1992 edition-Purple book) 0.1.4 1998年试用版 / Trial Version 1998 1998年菲迪克推出了试用版,在全球范围内征求意见和建议并局部试 点/FIDIC presented his trial version in 1998 and ask for recommendations.
简明合同格式: 简明合同格式: 内容: 推荐用于合同金 内容:协议书、通用条件、裁决规则和指南注释;推荐 推荐 额较小的建筑或工程项目,根据工程的类型和具体情况,这种格式 也可用于资本金额较大的合同,特别是对于简单或重复性工程或工 期较短的工程(一般适用于合同金额小于500万美圆的合同项目) Short Form of Contract: Agreement, General Conditions, Rules for Adjudication & Notes for Guidance; which is recommended for building or engineering works of relatively small capital value. Depending on the type of work and the circumstance, this form may also be suitable for contracts of greater value, particularly for relatively simple or repetitive work or work of short duration(generally for the contract value being less than 5 M US$) 设计采购施工(EPC)/交钥匙工程合同条件 交钥匙工程合同条件: 设计采购施工 交钥匙工程合同条件 内容:通用条件、专业条件编写指南、投标函、合同协议书和争端 内容 裁决协议书格式;可适用于 可适用于以交钥匙方式提供工厂或类似设施的加 可适用于 工或动力设备、基础设施项目或其它类型项目,一般情况是项目的 最终价格和工期具有更大程度的确定性,且由承包商负责设计和施 工。
第0章 绪论 章 Chapter 0: Introduction
0.1 菲迪克合同条件的历史简介 : Concise history of FIDIC Conditions of Contract: 0.1.1 菲迪克的定义 / Definition of FIDIC Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) –法文缩 写 FIDIC is the French acronym for the International Federation of Consulting Engineers 0.1.2 菲迪克的历史简介 / Short history of FIDIC 由欧洲三个国家的独立咨询工程师协会于1913年联合组建成立,目 的—维护协会成员的职业利益;互通有益信息 Founded in 1913 by three nations’ independent associations of consulting engineers within Europe, with the objectives of forming the federation being to promote in common the professional interests of the member associations and disseminating information of interest to members of it component national associations
中国矿业大学(北京校区) 中国矿业大学(北京校区)力学与建筑工程学院 College of Mechanics & Civil Engineering of CUMTB
岩土工程研究中心 Geotechnical Engineering Research Center
• 设计采购施工 设计采购施工(EPC)/交钥匙工程合同条件;(2 学时) 学时) /交钥匙工程合同条件; • Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects; • 生产设备和设计 施工合同条件 (2 学时) 生产设备和设计—施工合同条件 施工合同条件; 学时) • Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build; • 国际工程承包 (2 学时) 国际工程承包;( 学时) • International Engineering Contracting; • 简介菲迪克合同条件的实战技巧:埋钉子,索赔,延期及不利条 简介菲迪克合同条件的实战技巧:埋钉子,索赔, 件和障碍等;( 学时) ;(2 件和障碍等;( 学时) • Practical Skills under FIDIC Conditions; • 前景和展望 (2 学时) 前景和展望;( 学时) • Future of FIDIC Conditions and Its Development;