


Unit One Establishing Business Relations


Complete the following dialog.

A: I haven’t seen you for quite a long time, Mr. Hong. How are you?


B: Fine, thank you. Welcome to the Fair.Did you find anything interesing ?


A: Of course, I’m interested in your electrical appliances . .


B: Thank you. Compared with competing products , ours is smaller and lighter.

Take this walkman for example.


A: Yes, I can feel that . Well, I also notice the look of the walkman is different from the other products.


B: Yes. We believe the excellent quality will keep the customers happy, and the new look will make them notice them more.



A: So you are very confident about the quality of your products ?


B: You are right. We always pay attention to improving our quality. I can assure you that these products stand competition well .



Complete the following dialog.

A: I haven’t seen you for quite a long time, Mr. Hong. How are you?

B: Fine, thank you. Welcome to the Fair. Anything particular you are interested in or Did you find anything interesting?

A: Of course, I’m interested in your electrical appliances.

B: Thank you. Compared with competing products, ours is smaller and lighter.

Take this walkman for example.

A: Yes, I can feel that . Well, I also notice the look of the walkman is different

from the other products.

B: Yes. We believe the high (excellent, superior)quality will keep the customers

happy, and the new look will make them notice them more.

A: So you are very confident about the quality of your products?

B: You are right. We always pay attention to improving our quality. I can assure you that these products stand competition well.


What’s the English for the following products? Write them down.

1. 视听产品

2. 电子玩具

3. 服装

4. 苏绣

5. 医疗设备

6. 化妆品

7. 电器设备8. 瓷器


What’s the English for the following products? Write them down.

1. audio-visual products

2. electronic toys

3. garments

4. Suzhou embroidery

5. medical instruments

6. cosmetics

7.electrical appliances

8. ceramics


Translate the following dialog.

A: 多么漂亮的纺织品展览啊!(display textiles)

B: 谢谢。本省的丝绸工业有很长的历史了。其湘绣产品在世界上享有了好的声誉。

(embroidery, well established)

A: 我知道。我从事湘绣的进口业务已有十几年了。(specializing in, embroidery)

B: 哦!我们有许多品种供您选择。请看这边,这儿有些流行款式。(wide varieties, fashionable patterns)

A: 如果你们的价格有有竞争力,贸易条件优惠的话,我可以考虑向你们购买。

(competitive, favorable)

B: 太好了!我希望我们之间能做很多生意。(business, be conducted)


A: What a beautiful display of textiles!

B: Thank you. The silk industry in this province has a long history, and Hunan

embroidery has been well established in the world.

A: So I ‘ve heard. I have been specializing in exporting Hunan embroidery for more than ten years.

B: Oh! We have wide varieties for you to choose from. Look here, please, There are some fashionable patterns.

A: I could consider buying from you if your price is competitive and the trade terms are favorable.

B: That’s great. I hope a lot of business will be conducted through between us.


Part A Focus Listening

Directions: You will hear some Email addresses from the tape. Please write them down:










Part B Dialog

Directions: How many people are there in dialogue C FACE TO FACE? Who makes each of the following remarks? Please complete the following:

There are _____ people at the meeting. They are: ___, _______ and _____.


three Receptionist Charles Tom

Part C Passage

C1. Directions: Listen to the passage, and decide whether the following statements are true or false .

答案:1-T 2- F 3 -T 4 -T 5 - T

C2. Directions: Listen to the passage again, complete the following sentences.

1. It is the dealing between the seller and the buyer in order to reach agreement on

the ____, ____, ____, _____ and other terms or

1 2 3 4

conditions of a sale.

2. Business talks are also held at ___ where businessmen are allover the


world can __one another over __and ___ trading.

6 7 8

3. In order to come to an agreement during a business communication the following

terms are talked over, such as the description of the goods , their quality,

quantity, _____ , ______, _____ , ______ ,payment, inspection, claims disputes

9 10 11 12

and arbitration.


1. the price

2. quantity

3. quality

4. payment

5.international fairs

6. negotiate with


8. import

9.packing 10.price

11.shipment 12.insurance

Unit Two Inquiry


Complete the following dialog:

A: We’re quite__________ your Drawn Works. How about the supply position?


B: For most of the articles in the catalogue, we have good ____________.


A: Here’s our _____________. You’ll find the required_____________________

____________ all here.


B: Thanks. I’ll ____________ it and let you have our_____________ tomorrow.


A: I don’t need to remind you that the market has become very___________.我不需要提醒你市场的竞争很剧烈。

B: You’ll find our prices very _____________.


A: That’s fine. By the way, __________________________ ?


B: Either can be done, though we usually quote _____________________.


A: Then would you please _________________________ ?


B: Certainly. We can ___________________.


答案:A: We’re quite interested in your Drawn Works. How about the supply position? B: For most of the articles in the catalogue, we have good supply.

A: Here’s our inquiry list. You’ll find the required items, specifications and quantities all here.

B: Thanks. I’ll look into it and let you have our firm offers tomorrow.

A: I don’t need to remind you that the market has become very competitive.

B: You’ll find our prices very favorable.

A: That’s fine. By the way, do you quote FOB or CIF?

B: Either can be done, though we usually quote on CIF basis.

A: Then would you please make your prices CIF5%?

B: Certainly. We can work them out.


Please write down the full name and it’s Chinese equivalent of each international trade term.















EXW: Ex Works 工厂交货

FCA: Free Carrier 货交承运人

FAS: Free Alongside Ship 船边交货

FOB: Free On Board 船上交货

CFR: Cost and Freight 成本加运费

CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight 成本、保险费加运费

CPT: Carriage Paid To 运费付至

CIP: Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费、保险费付至

DAF: Delivered At Frontier 边境交货

DES: Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货

DEQ: Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货

DDU: Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货

DDP: Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货


Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 这种商品型号很多,你们要哪一种?(particular product, model)

2. 如果需要的话,我们可以按你们的要求,接受特殊订货。(special orders)

3. 我对你们的化工产品很感兴趣,请你是否能就下列产品报给我纽约港的到岸价。(to

be interested in, quote)

4. 这是我们的报价单,单上详列了全部销售条件。(sales terms and conditions.)

5. 贵省所产的台布在我国市场上十分畅销。(have a ready market)


1. For this particular product, there are many different models. Which model do you


2. If you want / If necessary, we accept / take special orders according to your


3. I’m very interested in your chemical products. Could you quote us CIF Ne w York

on the following products?

4. Here is my quotation sheet with all the sales terms and conditions.

5. The tablecloths made in your province have a ready market in our country.


Part A: Focus Listening

Directions: You will hear 10 sentences. Please fill the missing parts in the blank spaces

in the following form according to what you hear. Listen to the part

again when it is necessary.

A list of countries and their ports, capitals and languages:

Part B Dialog

Directions: Listen to the dialog, and write down the exact sentences which are used to mean the following.

1. What do you prefer in your coffee?


2. How's that?


3. OK


4. They're obviously a good buy.


5. I think that the prices are a bit too much.


6. We're done this sort of thing for a long time.


7. You'll find that our equipment is very good.

___________________________________________ 8. That is certain.

_____________________________________________ 9. I want to think about it.

______________________________________________ 10. I need to consider the price.



1. How do you like your coffee?

2. What do you say?

3. Fine with me.

4. As you can see they’re quite competitive.

5. They look a little high.

6. We’ve been in this business many years.

7. You’ll be happy with our machine tools.

8. You can count on that.

9. Let me consider that.

10. I’ve got to think about your price.

Part C: Passage

C1 Directions: Listen to the passage and fill the number you get from the tape into the right column.


1. 80 km/h

2. 2 500cc

3. 80 mpg

4. 40 mpg

5. 10 850

6. 3 000cc

7. 12 500

C2.Directions: Listen to the passage again. Put check marks beside the characteristics of each new model according to the information you

hear on the tape.

Unit Three Offer and Counteroffer


Complete the following dialog:

A. _______________, it would be very difficult for us to_________your

product at the price offered.


B. Our price is ________________ the world market. It’s workable.


A. We have been approached by other _____________ with offers about

10% lower than yours.


B. 10% lower? It’s impossible. Have you compared our product with theirs?

Are they __________________ ?



A. But the ____________ shouldn’t be as big as 10%. We’ll have to

______________ other suppliers if you don’t make some reduction.



B. What would that be in your mind?


A. A reduction of 5% is only ________________.


B. I’m afraid you’re asking ______________ 5% reduction is out of the

question. We can never go _______________ that.


A. Then how much can you _______________ ?


B. To help you sell our product, we’ll __________________ and reduce

the price by 2%.


A. I sincerely hope a transaction can be ______________. I’m ready to

move another step forward. Let’s __________________ and meet

each other halfway.



B. I appreciate what you said. As a gesture of our good will, we accept




A. To be frank, it would be very difficult for us to market your product at the price offered.

B. Our price is in line with the world market. It’s workable.

A. We have been approached by other suppliers with offers about 10% lower than yours.

B. 10% lower? It’s impossible. Have you compared our product with theirs? Are they in the same class?

A. But the price gap shouldn’t be as big as 10%. We’ll have to turn to other suppliers if you don’t make some reduction.

B. What would that be in your mind?

A. A reduction of 5% is only reasonable.

B. I’m afraid you’re asking too much. 5% reduction is out of the question. We can never go as far as that.

A. Then how much can you go down?

B. To help you sell our product, we’ll make an exception and reduce the price by 2%. A. I sincerely hope a transaction can be concluded. I’m ready to move another step forward. Let’s split the difference and meet each other halfway.

B. I appreciate what you said. As a gesture of our good will, we accept your bid.


Please write down the Chinese equivalents of the following expressions.

1. to put forward/make/send/give an offer

2. to accept an offer

3. to extend an offer

4. to modify an offer

5. to renew an offer

6. to cancel an offer

7. non-firm offer

8. an offer without engagement

9. subject to our confirmation

10. to conclude transaction


1. 提出报价(盘)

2. 接受报价(盘)

3. 延长发盘(延伸报价)

4. 修订报价(盘)

5. 更新报价(盘)

6. 取消发盘

7. 虚盘

8. 虚盘/ 没有约束力的报盘

9. 以我方确认为准

10. 达成交易


Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 我们的价格和国际市场上的同类产品的价格相比一直是偏低的. ( on the low side )

2.由于原材料涨价,我们也不得不调整产品价格。( price hike )

3.产品的质量不一样,价格当然不一样。你要的是我们今年顶尖的产品,价钱当然不一样。( be the top of the line )

4.我们双方若在价格问题上都坚持已见,那就很难谈下去了.( hang on to / insist on their own point of view )

5.你看这样行不行,你在发盘的基础上减百分之五,我在还盘的基础上加百分之五,怎么样?( add …on )

6.你同意多买200箱我们的产品,我们就可以按每箱$138新港离岸价成交.( conclude the deal )


1. Compared with the price of similar product on the international market, our

price has always been low / on the low side.

2. Because of the price hike in raw materials, we were forced to adjust our

prices, too.

3. Since the quality of the product is different, naturally the price is different.

What you’ve order is the top of the line of our product this year, so the price is

naturally different.

4. If each side hangs on to / insists on their own point of view, it will be very

difficult to continue / to proceed with the negotiations.

5. How about this? You take 5% off the original offer, and I add 5% on the

counter offer?

6. If you agree to buy 200 cases more of our product, we could conclude the

deal at the price of $138 per case FOB Xinggang.


Part A Focus Listening

Directions: Listen to the dialogue carefully. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.

1. Mr. Trevor and Peng have agreed on other terms except ___.

a. price

b. packaging

c. quality

d. quantity

2. To Mr. Trevor, price is ___ in their dealing.

a. the key

b. unimportant

c. important

d. the question

3. Mr. Peng's price is quoted __ per dozen ___ San Francisco.

a. $110...C.I.F c. $120 ....C&F

b. $110 ...C&F d. $120....C.I.F

4. For Mr. Trevor, ___ per dozen is acceptable.

a. $120

b. $110

c. $100

d. $90

5. Which is not the reason of the higher price of the silk shirts?

a. Labor cost is increasing.

b. The price of raw materials is increasing.

c. Their products are of high quality.

d. The supply of silk shirts exceeds the demand at present.

6. At last, they call it a deal at the price of ____ per dozen.

a. $100

b. $110

c. $120


答案:1. a 2. c 3.d 4. c 5. d 6.b

Part B Dialog

Directions: The following sentences are chosen from the dialogue. Listen carefully and fill

in the missing words or phrases.

1. If the price is _____, we're prepared to order ten of _____.

2. Like our ____ says, our machine tools are of _____ quality.

3. If you ___ the market, you will find that our prices ____ favorably.

4. Tom, you drive a _____.

5. Ok, this time we will accept your _____.

答案:1. right, each model 2. highest 3. look into, compare 4. hard bargain 5. counter-offer

Part C passage

C1Directions: Listen to the tape carefully and answer the following questions briefly.

1. What does "fair price" mean?

2. Why is the buyer asking for a "fair price" when actually the seller has already

given a fair price?

3. "The higher the price, the better for the seller." Do you agree with that? Why?

4. What's the importance of "market price" during one's negotiations on price?

答案:1. What does “fair price” mean?

Not too high for the buyer and not too low for the seller, a price that allows both the buyer and seller a reasonable profit.

2. Why is the buyer asking for a “fair price” when actually the seller

has already given a fair price?

The lower the price, the better for the buyer. This means a high profit.

3. “The higher the price, the better for the seller.” Do you agree with that? Why?

It’s partially right. If the price is too high, he can’t get much busin ess, and then he may actually be losing money because of the little business.

4. What’s the importance of “Market Price” during one’s negotiations on price?

A fair price can be decided by the seller and the buyer according to the market

price, which will satisfy both the seller and the buyer.

C2Directions: The following statements are from the passage. Listen carefully again and write T in front of the statement if it is true and F if it is false.

( ) 1. The buyer will always ask the seller to reduce the price in business.

( ) 2. The lower the price, the better for the buyer. On the other hand, the higher the

price, the better for the seller.

( ) 3. When the buyer is asking for a "fair price", it means that the price is not fair.

( ) 4. The higher the price, the higher profits the seller will make.

( ) 5. The topic of market prices will surely come up during their negotiations on price.

( ) 6. According to the passage, "fair price" has nothing to do with market prices, it's up to the buyer and the seller.

答案:1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F

Unit Four Placing Orders


Complete the following dialog:

A. I’m ready to ________________ with you, but only one condition that the

goods are ____________ to Australia.


B. Well, I’d like to _______________ if it is acceptable to the factory before

making a ___________________ to you. Just let me ring them, will you?



A. Please go ahead. 请吧。

B. (several minutes later…) It’s settled. (几分钟后)解决了。

A. Good! And we need _____________________. They must arrive in Sydney

before the end of July.


B. You require them for the _____________________, is that right?


A. That’s right. 对。

B. The trouble is that the factory is fully ___________________. We can’t

manage it unless we send them by air.


A. I see. Ok, then. Send them by air.



A. I’m ready to place an order with you, but only one condition that the goods are

confined to Australia.

B. Well, I’d like to make sure if it is acceptable to the factory before making a

commitment to you. Just let me ring them, will you?

A. Please go ahead.

B. (several minutes later…) It’s settled.

A. Good! And we need advance samples. They must arrive in Sydney before the

end of July.

B. You require them for the advance sales, is that right?

A. That’s right.

B. The trouble is that the factory is fully engaged. We can’t manage it unless we

send them by air.

A. I see. Ok, then. Send them by air.


I. Please write down the Chinese equivalents of the following expressions.

1. initial order

2. verbal order

3. split order

4. to solicit an order

5. to modify an order

6. to duplicate an order

7. as per order

8. sales confirmation

9. contract terms

10. to perform / fulfill / carry out / honor a contract


1. 初次订购

2. 口头订购

3. 分批订单

4. 请求订货

5. 改变订购

6. 将订货增加一倍

7. 按照订单

8. 销售确认书

9. 合同条款

10. 执行合同


Translate the following sentences into English.

1.我们是不是先订购几台? 如果确实好销,我们再来。(place a small order)


3.如果你们同意分批交货的话,我们可以保证如数供应。(partial delivery)


( purchase order, the execution of the order )


( having a supply problem / demand has exceeded supply / our stock is getting

low )


1. Can we just place a small order first? Can we just order a few sets? If they do

sell well, we’ll come back for more orders.

2. If you can guarantee that we will be able to receive the goods within three

months, I can place the order right now / I can order from you right now.

3. If you agree to partial delivery, we could supply in full amount.

4. We’ll send you a purchase order in two days. We want to ask you to hurry on

the execution of the order.

5.No.301 oolong tea is a high grade tea. Because it’s beneficial to people’s health, it has become more and more popular. Especially in the recent several months,

orders from abroad keep coming in and we are having a supply problem /

demand has exceeded supply / our stock is getting low.


Part A Focus Listening

Directions: You are going to listen to 20 sentences. After listening to each sentence, derive your answer as soon as possible and then write down your

answers in the proper blank.

1. _____ 11. _____

2. _____ 12. _____

3. _____ 13. _____

4. _____ 14. _____

5. _____ 15. _____

6. _____ 16. _____

7. _____ 17. _____

8. _____ 18. _____

9. _____ 19. _____
