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摘要 .............................................................................................................................................. I Abstract............................................................................................................................................ II 绪论 .. (1)

一、设计课题及设计任务书 (2)

1.1 设计课题 (2)

1.2模具设计的基本作用 (2)

1.3模具设计的基本内容 (3)

1.4 设计任务书 (4)

二、工艺方案分析及确定 (5)

2.1 零件的工艺分析 (5)

2.2 工艺方案的确定 (5)

2.3 排样的确定 (6)

三、落料工艺设计与计算 (8)

3.1 冲压力与压力中心的计算 (8)

3.2压力机的选择 (9)

3.3压力机的主要参数为 (9)

3.4凸、凹模刃口尺寸的计算 (10)

3.5主要零部件的设计 (11)

四、主平面上的冲孔模设计与计算 (16)

4.1冲孔冲裁工艺性分析 (16)

4.2冲孔工艺方案的确定 (17)

4.3工件冲孔模结构形式的确定 (18)

4.4冲孔工艺参数计算 (18)

4.5凸、凹模刃口尺寸的计算 (19)

4.6冲孔零部件的设计 (20)

五、弯曲模的设计 (26)

5.1弯曲变形过程的特点 (26)

5.2弯曲冲压的工艺分析 (27)

5.3.弯曲工艺方案的确定 (27)

5.4弯曲工艺计算 (28)

5.5弯曲力的计算机压力机的选择 (28)

5.6凸、凹模工作部分的尺寸计算 (29)

5.7压力机参数校核 (31)

六、弯曲面的冲孔模具设计与计算 (32)

6.1冲孔冲裁工艺性分析 (32)

6.2冲孔工艺方案的确定 (33)

6.4冲孔工艺参数计算 (34)

6.5凸、凹模刃口尺寸的计算 (35)

6.6冲孔零部件的设计 (36)

七、致谢 (40)

八、参考文献 (40)




Mold is an important craft equipment in industrial production, is one of the important foundation of the development of national economic sectors.Single process model refers to only one station, only to complete the process of punching die, it can be divided into the blanking die, bending die, stretching mold, turn over the hole pattern and plastic mould etc. Single process model is a simple, precision stamping die, many advantages such as high precision and high service life, applicable to production of various kinds of stamping industry.Single process theories of stamping die, stamping technology and die design and manufacturing, and many key technologies in mould material. Therefore, from the aspects of technical comprehensive study of single process model is very meaningful.

Will support the connection plate is analyzed the design of single working procedure of mold design process, introduced the forming of the layout, single working procedure of mold parts design. Determined the reasonable forming steps and the process model of the structure, the design scheme is first blanking, punching, bending, after the last flush again punching.

Keywords:Singl e Die process design punching
