lecture 1b 跨文化交际2

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Section 1 Definition of Culture: A Critical Perspective
Definition of culture „moves beyond hegemonic definition of culture as „shared and transmitted from generation to generation‟ that assume that we all experience a „common culture‟ and … is passed down from one generation to the next in a linear and seemingly static fashion… This is a dangerous myth… that suppress and erase marginalised voices and experiences. (Gust Yep, 2002:231)
Section 2 Culture: the Categorization
„High culture‟ (education, literature, geography, art and concert) and „popular culture‟ „Physical culture‟ (roads, buildings, and tools) and „subjective culture‟ (social norms, roles, beliefs, and values „Mainstream/dominant culture‟ and „subculture‟ (women, youth, gays, Chinese American, Han Chinese)
Section 2 Culture: the Categorization
„High culture‟ and „popular culture‟ (Gans, 1999) „Physical culture‟ and „subjective culture‟ (Triandis et.al,1980) „Mainstream/dominant culture‟ and „subculture‟ (Komarovsky & Sargent, 1949:143)
Section 1 Culture: the Definition
Activity: Please write down whatever comes to your mind when you hear or think of culture.
Section 1 Culture: the Definition
Activity: Can you summarise the characteristics of culture?
Culture is learnt Culture is shared Culture affects human behaviour
Section 1 Definition of Culture: Anthropology
Section 3 Culture, Race and Ethnicity

Section 3 Culture, Race and Ethnicity
Culture, race and ethnicity (sometimes nationality) are often used interchangeably. They are different, though related.
Activity: Below are metaphors people have used to refer to culture. What do the photos tell you?
Do you think the metaphors appropriate?
Section 1 Culture: the Definition
田美 西安交通大学外国语学院
Culture: the definition Culture: the categorization Culture, race and ethnicity
Section 2 Culture: the Categorization
„… a national level according to one‟s country (or countries for

people who migrated during their lifetime); a regional and/or ethnic and/or religious and/or linguistic affiliation, as most nations are composed of culturally different regions and/or ethnic and/or religious and/or language groups; a gender level, according to whether a person was born as a girl or as a boy; a generation level, which separates grandparents from parents from children; a role category, e.g. parent, son/daughter, teacher, student; a social class level, associated with educational opportunities and with a person‟s occupation or profession; for those who are employed, an organizational or corporate level according to the way employees have been socialized by their work organization‟. (Hofstede, 1991: 10)
Section 1 Culture: the Definition
Culture is what we perceive as distinguishing us from nature, from animals, from each other as members of a social group. It focuses on what is shared with some and what makes us different from others.
„(Culture is) an historically transmitted pattern of meaning embodied in symbols, a system of inherited conceptions expressed in symbolic forms by means of which men communicate, perpetuate and develop their knowledge about and attitudes towards life.‟ (Geertz,1973:89)
Section 2 Culture: the Categorization
Subculture: „cultural variants displayed by certain segments of the population… They are within the larger world of our national culture‟ (Komarovsky & Sargent, 1949:143)
Section 1 Culture: the Definition
„... There is no idea as important for understanding social life as the concept of culture.‟ (Baumann, 1996:204) „One of the two or three most complicated words in the English language‟ (Williams,1983:160)
Section 1 Culture: the Definition
‘Culture is not what some group has; it‟s what happens to you when you encounter differences’ (Agar, 1994)
Section 2 Culture: the Categorization
Kroeber & Kluckhohn in their book „Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions‟ alone identified 164 different meanings of the term from British and American sources along. (1952)
Culture can be classified according to the elements that all cultures shares.
Section 2 Culture: the Categorization
Activity: Seeing the photos below, what might be the elements all cultures have in common?
Section 1 Definition of Culture: Social Science
„Culture is the whole of the knowledge, ideas and habits of a society that are transmitted from one generation to the next.‟ (GCSE Sociology) „The term „culture‟ refers to the language, beliefs, values and norms, customs, roles, knowledge, and skills which combine to make up the „way of life‟ of any society.” (An Introduction to Sociology) Culture is “the way of life of a group of people, consisting of learned patterns of behaviour and thought passed on from one generation to the next. The notion includes the groups beliefs, values, language, political organisation, and economic activity, as well as its equipment, techniques and art forms.” (The Cambridge Encyclopaedia)