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I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’)

Multiple choice

Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

1. Blue jeans, the ________ denim work pants invented by Levi Strauss during the California Gold rush, were worn everywhere by French teenagers.

A. sturdy

B. flabby

C. desirable

D. subtle


【解析】句意:牛仔裤是加利福尼亚淘金热时李维·斯特劳斯发明的一种结实耐磨的、用粗斜纹布制作的工装裤,当时在法国到处都有青少年穿着牛仔裤。sturdy坚固的,耐用的。flabby(肌肉)松弛的;肥胖的。desirable吸引人的;合意的。subtle 微妙的。

2. Tom: What would you wish to do if you were a college student again? Jerry: That is very hard to say, but I wish I ________.

A. have not studied psychology

B. did study psychology

C. had studied psychology

D. studied psychology


【解析】句意:汤姆问:“如果回到大学时代,你希望做什么?”杰瑞:“这很难说,但我要是学心理学就好了。”wish后面表示与过去事实相反的愿望,用过去完成时had done。

3. In Orphanages, increasing emphasis is given to securing qualified _____ personnel with medical, psychiatric, dietary, and social work training.

A. supernatural

B. supervisory

C. muscular

D. egotistical


【解析】句意:在孤儿院,越来越强调的是确保对合格的监护人员进行医疗、精神、饮食和社会工作等方面的培训。supervisory监督的,管理的。孤儿院需要的应该是监督、管理孩子们的工作人员,用supervisory最恰当。supernatural超自然的;神奇的。muscular 肌肉的。egotistical自我的。

4. But the pair, openly _________ by the end of last year, will patch up their mutual differences.

A. hostile

B. mortal

C. boisterous

D. turbulent


【解析】句意:直到去年年底他们两个人一直都公开对对方表示敌意,不过他们最终还是会弥合之间的分歧。hostile怀有敌意的。mortal终有一死的。boisterous喧闹的;活泼的。turbulent 骚乱的,动荡不安的。

5. Form the outset, it was doubtful whether Israel could be persuaded to ________ its gains.

A. exit

B. relegate

C. relinquish

D. toss



6. The population of many Alaskan cities has ________ in the past three years.

A. more than doubled

B. more doubled than

C. much than doubled

D. much doubled than


【解析】句意:阿拉斯加州很多城市的人比过去的三年增加了不只一倍。more than 不只是,比……多。在此处做副词,修饰double。

7. Disruption of our normal routine, loss of sleep, waiting for the flight to be called, and the _________ associated with flying will all take toll.

A. awe

B. urgency

C. apprehension

D. procedure



8. _________ my love of landscape, nothing could persuade me to spend another day in the Highlands~

A. But for

B. For all

C. Above

D. Except for


【解析】句意:尽管我喜欢自然风光,但没有什么能说服我继续在高地再呆一天。for all
