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摘要 (2)

Abstract (3)

引言 (4)

一、................................................................ 公司概况

4 (一)............................................................. 公司简介4 (二)......................................................... 组织机构设置4

二、公司固定资产管理上存在的问题及原因 (4)

(一)固定资产管理制度不健全4 1......................................................................................................................................... 固定资产申请批准等程序存在漏洞. (4)

2•固定资产的处置违规 (5)


1•固定资产未及时入账 (5)

2•固定资产账务处理不当 (5)

3•核算上出现偏差 (5)


1•岗位设置有漏洞,没有配备专门的固定资产管理人员 (5)

2•部门管理人员缺乏责任心 (6)

3.具体使用人员的不当使用造成非常损耗 (6)

三、................................................................... 对金鼎公司固定资产存在问题的一些建议.. (6)

(一)............................................. 完善固定资产管理岗位设置6 1.......................................................................................................................................... 调整岗位人员.. (6)

2•明确各相关部门和人员职责 (6)

(二)............................................................... 完善企业固定资产管理体系,健全固定资产管理制度 .. (7)

1•固定资产取得环节的管理 (7)

2•固定资产领用环节的管理 (7)

3•固定资产保管环节的管理 (7)

4•固定资产维修环节的管理 (7)

5•固定资产报废处理的管理 (7)

6•固定资产的抵押质的管理 (8)

7•固定资产盘点 (8)

(三)............................................................... 加强宣传教育力度,对员工进行培训,提高人员素质和专业 .. (8)

(四)................................................................ 运用先进科技对固定资产进行系统管理. (8)

(五).................................................................. 制定奖惩制度 (8)

1•表彰和奖励 (8)

2.......................................................................................................................................... 处罚.. (9)

结论 (9)

参考文献........................................................... 1.0....

浅析固定资产管理中的问题及建议--- 以金鼎公司为例


本文以金鼎公司为例,分析固定资产管理中存在的问题,如制度不健全;账务核算有问题, 日常管理存在疏忽等。针对这些问题提出一些建议,如完善管理制度;规范核算;对相关人员进行培训,提高责任心等。


Problems and suggesti ons on man ageme nt of the fixed assets -- Taking the Jinding compa ny as an example

Abstract: The fixed assets in whatever the n ature of the un it, occupy a

large proportio n in total assets, fixed assets is the material basis for the compa ny or en terprise achieve the bus in ess objective. One of the most importa nt eleme nts of en terprise is fixed assets. An en terprise owned fixed assets is usually represe nts the product ion capacity of the en terprise. If the fixed asset man ageme nt is not in place, could lead to the use of waste, non no rmal wear and tear, not only the safety in tegrity can not be guara nteed, but also reduce the product ion efficie ncy. Therefore, the en terprise fixed asset man ageme nt is extremely importa nt. In this paper, Jinding company as an example, analyzes the existing problems in the man ageme nt of fixed assets, such as the system is not perfect; acco un ti ng problems, daily man ageme nt n eglige nee. In view of these problems and puts forward some suggesti ons, such as perfect ing the man ageme nt system; sta ndardizati on of acco un ti ng; con duct training to related people, enhance the sense of resp on sibility.

Keywords:fixed asset man ageme nt problems suggestio ns
