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The Effects of The Internet on Our Lives

The Internet has positive effects on our lives

My name is Zhu Fei and I am speaking in favour of the Internet-I believe that the Internet has positive effects on our lives. There are two main points which must be included when we analyse the Internet. The first is its value for people Who are looking for information. The second is our ability to relate to others through the Internet.

When people need information, from the news and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research, the Internet is now the first source they turn to. With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, a student will find abundant information from the largest libraries and museums in the world as his or her command. Internet users can communicate with experts on all sorts of topics, and read articles written by people who are leaders of their fields.

Yet, some people are sceptical. They claim that surfing the Internet is a waste of time. They make the

assumption that children spend too much time chatting and playing games instead of focusing on their school work. However, a recent survey conducted in the USA shows that 80 percent of Internet users employ it mostly to search for answers to questions. The second most common use of the Internet, for 79 percent of Internet users. is to find out information about hobbies.These statistics prove that gathering information is the primary use for the Internet.

Another truly wonderful aspect of the Internet is the way people use it to build social bonds. One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is that they are based on common interests, rather than appearance or age. Young people from diverse backgrounds and different countries can form friendships that will last their entire lives. What is more, people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can correspond and communicate with others around the globe who has similar interests. Without the Internet, these people would have fewer avenues to meet people.

For these reasons, I believe the Internet is a positive tool that helps make our lives better.

The Internet has negative effects on our lives.

My name is Lin Lei and I will be speaking against the Internet. In my opinion, the Internet has negative effects on our lives. The main drawbacks of the Internet I will address today are that it has too much information that has not been evaluated for accuracy, and that it is transforming the way people spend their time. Of course, access to Up-to-date, accurate information is an important thing for anyone who is doing research.One great advantages of the Internet is that it provides this information. One great weakness of the Internet, though, is that it is difficult to know whether the information is true and accurate. The huge amount of false information on the Internet becomes more of a problem every day. This is very troublesome because we cannot always tell if the information is true or not. In 2003, eBay, the famous website where people buy and sell things, said that 70 percent of their problems were with people who sold things that did not exist, or who lied about the
