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I.Choose the best answer(30’)

1. This room is ____ that one. A. as large three times as B. three times as large as C. three times as larger as D. three times large as

2.To finish the project well, ______ we need is time and money.


B. what

C. which

D. the one

3. No longer ____ to waste our time.

A. we can afford

B. can we afford

C. do we can afford

D. we could afford

4. I am very angry because they often look down upon _____.

A. Jenny and I

B. Jenny and me

C. I and Jenny

D. me and Jenny

5. Tony, together with his brothers and sisters _____ from America.

A. are

B. is C were D have been

6. I _____ milk and bread for breakfast every morning.

A. used to having

B. used to have

C. am used to having

D. am used to have

7. Could they carry all these boxes upstairs? Yes, they are _____ than they look.

A. more light

B. more lighter

C. most lighter

D. much lighter

8. I am in ____ school _____ Mary and Tom.

A. same… as

B. same… of

C. the same… as

D. the same… like

9. People can get ______ necessary form the Internet.

A. all of the informations

B. all pieces of informations

C. all the information

D. all the informations

10. _____, he knows quite a lot.

A. Though he is a child

B. A child as he is

C. Child as he is

D. Young as is he

11. _____ is known to all, English is vital important in international communication.

A. That

B. Which

C. As

D. Who

12. Don’t tie you rself to your study all day. You should _____ half an hour for sports

every day. A. set off B. set out C. set aside D. set down

13. _____ I read the book, _____ I like it.

A. More… more

B. The more… the most

C. The more… the less

D. The more… the least

14. I, who ____ warm-hearted, will be your true friend.

A. is

B. am C are D. has been

15. How much did you ____ on this new car?

A. cost

B. pay

C. spend

D. take

II. Cloze.(15’)

Wholesaling is part 1 the marketing system 2 provided channels of distribution that are used to 3 goods to market. Most manufactured consumer goods are marketed through 4 indirect channel. This might be from the manufacturer to the wholesaler to the retailer to the consumer, or through more complicated 5 . However, in general, wholesalers deal in products that are to be resold 6 retailers to consumers.

A direct channel moves goods from the manufacturer or producer 7 the consumer.

Wholesaling is mostly a field of small business, 8 there is a growing chain movement in the United States. About a quarter of wholesaling units account 9 one third of total sales.

10 of the wholesaling middlemen are merchant wholesalers who take title to the goods they deal in. There are 11 agent middlemen who negotiate purchases or sales or 12 , but they don’t take title to the goods they deal in. they sometimes take possession, though. These agents don’t 13 salaries. They receive commissions; this is

a percentage of the 14 of the goods they 15 .

1. a. of b. on c. in d. at

2. a. what b. when c. which d. where

3. a. bring b. bringing c. take d. taking

4. a. a b. the c./ d. an

5. a. markets b. channels c. shops d. store

6. a. as b. in c. from d. by

7. a. at b. to c. between d. on

8. a. so b. such c. although d. in spite of

9. a. on b. onto c. for d. to

10. a. twos-third b. twos-thirds c. two-thirds d. two-third

11. a. too b. also c. again d. still

12. a. two b. all c. both d. each

13. a. require b. regain c. demand d. earn

14. a. price b. value c. prize d. award

15. a. buy b. bought c. sold d. sell

III. Comprehension(30’)Task1

Shopping from a catalogue (目录) is much more comfortable than shopping in person. Relaxing at home, catalogue customers can forget the pressures of traditional shopping. For one thing, a catalogue rids of the need for transportation to a department store and the problem of finding a parking space. More importantly, there is no shop assistant to press the catalogue shoppers into buying something they do not want. Best of all, if the customers do not find exactly what they have been looking for in the catalogue, they will not feel that they have wasted their time on a pointless journey; they will have spent perhaps fifteen minutes instead of a few hours, and their feet and legs will not be aching either. It is no wonder, therefore, that many people do their shopping at home.

1. This passage is mainly about ____________.

A) shopping at home B) relaxing at home C) shopping at a store

D) pressures of shopping
