十二 情景交际

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1.社会交往(social communications)

1. 问候(greetings)

2. 介绍(introductions)

3. 告别(farewell)

4. 感谢(thanks)


6. 邀请(invitation)

7. 请求允许(asking for permission)

8. 表达祝愿和祝贺(expressing wishes and congratulations)

9. 提供帮助(offering help)10. 约会(making appointments)11. 打电话(making phone calls)12. 就餐(having meals)13. 看医生(seeing doctors)14. 购物(shopping)15. 问路(asking the way)16.谈论天气(talking about weather)17. 语言交际困难(language difficulties in communication)18. 提醒警告(reminding and warning)19. 劝告建议(advice and suggestions)


20. 同意和不同意(agreement and disagreement)21. 喜欢和不喜欢(likes and dislikes)22. 肯定和不肯定(certainty and uncertainty)23. 可能和不可能(possibility and impossibility)24. 偏爱和喜好(preference and hobbies)25. 意愿和打算(intentions and plans)26. 希望和愿望(hopes and wishes)27. 表扬和鼓励(praise and encouragement)28. 责备和抱怨(blame and complaint)


29. 高兴(happiness)30. 惊奇(surprise)31. 忧虑(worries)32. 安慰(reassurance)33. 满意(satisfaction)34. 遗憾(regret)35. 同情(sympathy)36. 恐惧(fear)37. 愤怒(anger)


1. 感谢(thanks)


Thank you very much. 非常感谢。

Thanks a lot./ Many thanks. 多谢。

Thank you for your help. /I appreciate your help./It’s very kind of you to help me. 谢谢你的帮助。

I don’t know what I would have done without your help.没有你的帮助我真不知道该怎么办。Thank you all the same. 仍然感谢。


Not at all./ That’s all right./You are welcome./It’s a pleasure./Don’t mention it./Think nothing of it.



1) A: I think it’s high time we got wrong./I would better be going.

B: So soon? Why don’t you stay a little longer?

A: I wish I could, but it’s already late. Thank you for a wonderful meal.

B: I’m glad you enjoyed it./ _______________________________我很高兴你喜欢。不用谢。2)Mr Woods : I would like a single room for tonight.

Clerk: Do you have a reservation?

Mr Woods: Yes .My name is George Woods.

Clerk: Wait a second please. Yes, Mr Woods, we have a room reserved for you. This way please.

Mr Woods: It’s very kind of you.

Clerk: ______________________________( 不用谢)。

2. 道歉(apology)


Sorry. 对不起

I beg your pardon.

Please forgive me for…请原谅我……

I’m sorry for your losing your book.. 对不起,把你的书弄丢了。

It’s me to blame. 这是我的错。

It was all my fault to have done. 这都是我的错,我不该做…….


That’s OK. 没事。

Never mind. 不要紧。

Forget it. 别挂在心上。

It doesn’t matter. 不要紧。

No problem at all. 没问题。、

That’s /It’s nothing. 没有什么。

Don’t worry about it. 不要为那事感到不安。

It really isn’t worth mentioning.那真是不值得一提。

It’s not as bad as that. There is no point in getting upset..没那么糟,不要为此难过。

That’s OK. Don’t let it bother you. 没事,别想得太多。


1) A: Excuse me. I just spilled my coffee on your carpet.

B: ______________________________________(别担心)。

A:Anyway I want to pay the cleaning

B:_______________________: ______________________没什么大不了的。/忘了它吧。

2) A: I’m sorry if I’ve caused any problem.

B: No,____________________________.没有,没问题。

3) A: I’m sorry I’m late. Have you been waiting long ?

B: No, I Just got here.

4) A: I’m sorry, but I can’t find the book you lent me.


A: I really feel bad about it. Let me buy you a new one.

B: No._______________________. I wouldn’t dream of letting you do that. 不,别傻了。我根本
