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【Abstract】 Gastric cancer is the second most frequent cause of cancer-related death and is the fourth most common malignant neoplasms in the world. Unfortunately,China is one of the highest prevalent countries. Nevertheless,the curing rate of early stage gastric cancer is actually quite high,but not for the advanced stage or metastasis ones. The disease is often

diagnosed in advanced stages when treatment options are limited,leading to a poor prognosis. However,with the increase of general screening and the diagnosis of more early stage gastric cancer,mortality rates for gastric cancer have been declining worldwide in recent decades. To improve the wreak havoc of gastric cancer,just to count on early diagnosis is obviously inadequate. How to cure the advanced stage malignancy has become the medical research focus. This review summarized the etiologies,pathogenesis,diagnosis and treatments for gastric cancer from the view points of Chinese and Western medicines. Besides standard treatment and new drugs,diet therapy,immunotherapy and gene therapy were also discussed. Moreover,how to integrate Chinese medicine and acupuncture with modern medicine to treat this neoplasm was also elaborated in details.

【Key words】gastric cancer;traditional Chinese medicine;integrated Chinese and Western medicines;immunotherapy;gene therapy


1 病因病机(图1)

图1 胃癌的病因病机略

1.1 西医理论胃癌成因尚在研究中,至今仍未能完全明了,一般认为其致病因素有以下几个方面。

1.1.1 遗传家族内有血亲罹患胃癌,则其患此病的机会比一般人高2~3倍。

1.1.2 年龄年龄的变化扮演着相当角色,在50岁之后,胃癌的发病率急速增加,有研究发现,本病可能与萎缩性胃炎在老年人发生率较高有关;另一方面,已证实有些与胃癌相关基因的甲基化和年龄有关,如E-cadherin和APC等。

1.1.3 幽门螺杆菌部分胃癌的病变可能与幽门螺杆菌有密切关系[3]。

1.1.4 EB病毒近年流行病学研究指出,EB病毒可能与胃癌的发生有关[4]。

1.1.5 饮食习惯胃癌可能由经常进食高盐分、烟熏或含亚硝胺等致癌物质的食物诱发。这些化学物主要作用是防止食物变质以及保持食物的颜色,大部分的腌制及罐头食品均含亚硝胺等成分。

1.1.6 癌前疾病长期患有胃溃疡、慢性萎缩性胃炎或恶性贫血的人,患上胃癌的机会也较其他人高。

1.1.7 基因突变和甲基化致癌基因的激活、抑癌基因的缺失和错配修复基因的变异直接导致胃癌的发生[5,6]。涉及的致癌基因有K-ras、c-met、K-sam、c-erb B-2、bcl-2、Cyclin E、fos、myc 和TGF-βRⅡ等,抑癌基因有p53、APC、DCC、E-Cadherin、p16和Rb 等,而错配修复基因有hMSH-2和hMLH-1等,另外nm23和CD44则与转移有关。此外,不正常的基因甲基化也在胃癌的发生发展中扮演着重要角色,其中涉及的基因有MINT1、MINT2、MINT12、MINT25和MINT31等。
