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Title: Preparation of Fe scrap from waste

(NH4) 2SO4.FeSO4.6H2O

The purpose of the experiment

Learn the method used scrap iron preparation of ferrous ammonium sulfate.

Familiar with the water bath, filtered, and evaporated under reduced pressure and crystallization basic working.

The experimental principle, the iron and sulfuric acid to generate reactive ferrous sulfate, ferrous sulfate and ammonium sulfate in an aqueous solution of equal molar interaction, becomes less soluble blue generate ferrous ammonium sulfate.

Fe+H2SO4=FeSO4+H2 (gas)

FeSO4+ (NH4)2SO4+6H2O=(NH4)2SO4.FeSO4.6H2O Usually ferrous rocks are easily oxidized in air, but after the formation of relatively stable perfunctory, not to be oxidized.

Experiment to use instruments, scales, constant temperature water bath, pumps, basins, cups, 10ml graduated cylinder, asbestos mesh, glass, tripod, alcohol lamp, funnel.

Iron pieces to a solid pharmaceutical use, use of acid ammonium sulfate and 3mol / l of sulfuric acid, concentrated sulfuric acid.

The experiment was divided into four steps.

The first step Said iron powder 4g into a beaker and then 50ml 10ml, 3mol / L H2SO4 was added to the same beaker. The second step will be the beaker is heated to no more bubbles, and then filtered hot and the filtrate was then filled in 100ml beaker. The third step, called 4g (NH4)2SO4, and the resulting

ammonium sulfate and 5.3ml of water to form a saturated solution, and then add it to the ferrous sulfate solution, adjusted with concentrated sulfuric acid to PH = 1. A fourth step, the third step the solution was heated in a water bath to the surface until the film is crystallized, it was slowly cooled and

then filtered under reduced pressure to stand finally dried, weighed and the yield was calculated. The results obtained 8.1g bluish powdery

crystals. Have this result we can calculate yield, starting with the first step we tried to know the amount of iron, should this we can calculate the theoretical sulfate ferrous sulfate is 0.03mol, then ferrous sulfate obtained by the

0.03molFeSO4 theoretical value of ammonium. FeSO4+(NH4)2SO4+6H2O=FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O 0.03molX mol X=0.03mol


Yield = the actual value of the formula is divided by the theoretical value by 100%.it will be calculated into the data obtained in a yield of 68.9%.


The preparation of alkali type copper carbonate

The first:the experiment purpose

1.Master the methods of alkali type copper carbonate prepared and principle

2.Through the design experiment to cultivate independent design ability and chemical research thinking

The second:the experimental principle

The solubility of Cu(OH)2and CuCO3 are similar, With Cu2(OH)2CO3 solid precipitation in the solution.

