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Congress library collection of about 130 million, of which 029 million were books, 012 million pictures, 058 million pieces of the manuscript, including many rare books, characteristic collection, the world's largest map, film and TV, etc., with more than 800 kilometers of the bookshelf there.
Library of Congress
The speaker: xxxx
The Library of Congress , is located in southeast Washington street, and Capitol hill not far away, is one of the four official national Library, is also one of the world's largest and one of the most important Library.
• 国会图书馆馆藏约1.3亿件,其中0.29亿为 书籍、0.12亿照片、0.58亿件手稿,这其中 包括很多稀有图书、特色收藏、世界上最 大的地图、电影胶片和电视片等,馆内的 书架总长超过800公里。
If you want to know more, you can search for it on the web site .
美国国会馆馆舍由三座以总统名字命名的建 筑物构成,分别为1897年落成的杰斐逊大厦 (Thomas Jefferson building)、1939年落成的 亚当斯大厦(John Adams building)和1983年 落成的麦迪逊(James Madison Memorial building)大厦,总面积为34.2万平方米。
美国国会图书馆(Library of Congress),座落在首府 华盛顿东南一街,与国会山庄相距不远,是美国的四个 官方国家图书馆之一,也是全球最大、最重要的图书馆 之一。
Birds Eye View
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu The history of library
The Library of Congress was established by an act of Congress in 1800 when President John Adams signed a bill providing for the transfer of the seat of government from Philadelphia to the new capital city of Washington.