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高二必修5 第四单元Making the news的中心话题是“新闻”,具体内容涉及新闻工作者应该具备的素质和新闻采访的基本程序等。教科书前部分的usi -ng language和练习册中的writing的写作任务都是让学生通过讨论写出一篇新闻。此外,新课标在六、七级中对于写的要求中有“能(简单地)描述人物或事件,并进行简单的评论。”,七级中有“能用文字及图表提供的信息进行简单描述。”基于此,我参照练习册中的writing部分,结合学生实际情况,将新闻写作的任务设定为中文加图画的方式,通过引导学生分析写作格式及特点,读图表获取信息,并把信息加工整理来完成写的任务。




Step 1 Lead in

Ask Ss the following questions: Q1: what is the topic of this unit?

T: “yes, we’ve learnt about the qualiti es needed for a good journalist and how news report is produced.

Now tell me, Q2: can you write a piece of news?


Step 2 Pre-writing

I .Task-presenting Present the writing task to Ss on PPT

Task:你是学校English Corner 报社的记者,请根据下面的图片撰写一篇新闻报道,记录你校高二年级学生陈菲在周一早晨上学途中目击的一场交通事故。


1.新闻的标题已为你写好; 2. 词数不少于60。

标题:Impossible to Escape Being Punished

II. Learn the structure and the features of news reports.

T: do you know how to write a news report? Now let’s first read a mo del and look at the structure of a news report.


A Robbery(抢劫案)at a Jewellery Shop

At eight o’clock in the morning, a robbery happened in Li Gang’s J ewellery(珠宝) shop in Nan Jing Street. Li Gang was getting some more rings out of the back of his shop, suddenly, a stranger entered his sho p and stole three rings(戒指). “It all happened so quickly,” he said. Run ning after the man he tripped(跌倒) and fell over, pushing the thief to t he ground too. Eyewitnesses(目击者) said it was the best football tackle (橄榄球中的擒拿) they had ever seen!

The thief went to prison and Li Gang got his rings back. “He must p ay the price!”(他必须为此付出代价) said Li Gang.

III.Summary: a short piece of news often has four parts: the title, th e topic sentence, the main content and the ending or comments.


Step 3 While-writing

I. Write the topic sentence

T: Read the task again, underline the key words, fill in the chart (when, where, who, what happened) and then write the topic sentence

II. Write the main content (describe the four pictures)

Picture 1: a boy, ride a bike, along the street

Picture 2: knock down; knock off the bike; run into;

Picture 3: drive away fast; escape from the scene

Picture 4: remember the number, report sth. to sb., catch sb., punish III. Deal with the logic

Ask ss question: can we write a good report only by linking the fou r sentences together? Ask ss to observe the four pictures again and thin k of some link words.

IV. Write the comment

Comments: pay the price; be careful when we ride in the street;…V. write the report.





Step 4 Post-writing
