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7B Unit1重点知识点整理

Comic trip & Welcome to the unit


1 /ˈpæləs/ palace n. 皇宫/宫殿

2 /nekst tuː/ next to prep. 紧邻;在----近旁

3 /taʊn/ town n. 城镇

4 /ˈkænədə/ Canada n. 加拿大

5 /frɑːns/ France n. 法国

6 /dʒəˈpæn/Japan n. 日本

7 /ˈrʌʃə/ Russia adj. 俄罗斯的

8 /ˌjuːˈkeɪ/ UK abbr. 英国

9 /ˈlʌndən/ London n. 伦敦

10 /ˈkʌntrɪ/ country n. 国家

11 /ˈkæpɪt(ə)l/ capital n. 首都


1.dream homes梦想家园

2.which country哪个国家

3.be from/come from来自

4.next to / beside a restaurant 在饭馆隔壁

5.the capital of……的首都

6.would like to do sth/want to do sth想要做某事

7.live in a palace住在一个宫殿里

8.next to a restaurant靠近一家饭店

9.my favourite我的最爱10.in town 在镇上

11.the biggest one 最大的那家12. in Fifth Street在第五大街


1.Would you like to live in a palace,Eddie? 埃迪,你想住宫殿吗?

2.I’d like to like next to a restaurant. 我想住在一个餐馆附近。

3.There are twenty restaurants in town. 在镇上有二十家餐馆。

4. Which is your favourite? = Which do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个?

5.The biggest one in Fifth Street!在第五大街上最大的那一家。



French 法语Frenchman 法国人-Frenchmen(复数)

Germany 德国-German德国人-Germans (复数)

7.Which country is this photo from? 这张照片来自哪个国家?

8.--Is Tokyo the capital of Japan? --Yes,It is. -日本的首都是东京吗?-是的。四,知识点讲解

1、Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie? 埃迪, 你想住宫殿里吗?

Would like 想要,相当于want,没有人称和数的变化

Would like to do sth 想做某事would like sth 想要某物

①Would you like to do sth?你想做某事吗?

肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to. 否定回答:I’d like/love to, but…等

②Would you like sth? 肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thanks.

3.There are twenty restaurants in town. 镇上有二十家餐馆。

There are about 8,000,000 people living in London. 大约有八百万人住在伦敦。There be句型

①表示某地有..., 用there be 句型, 谓语动词遵循就近原则。

There is an art room, a music room and two computer rooms in our school.

②表示有事情要做, 用there be sth to do.

There are lots of homework to do 有很多作业要做.

③表示有某人正在做某事, 用there be sb. doing sth

4.Learn abou t homes in different countries.

①learn about学习有关…的知识,了解

I want to learn more about the world. 我想更多的了解世界

②learn from向…学习, 从…学到

We should help each other and learn from each other. 我们应该互相学习互相帮助

I learn a lot from that book.我从那本书中学到了很多


be different from不同于→be the same a s与...一样

in different class es在不同的班级in the same class在同一个班级

④be different from 不同于

Your pen is different from mine. 你的钢笔不同于我的

⑤different不同的(adj.形容词) →difference(n可数名词.)

There are many differences between A and B在A和B之间有很多不同点
