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中文摘要 (3)

Abstract (3)

前言 (4)

正文 (5)

1.临床资料 (5)

1.1病例选择 (5)

1.2一般资料 (5)

1.3方法 (5)

1.3.1A组 (5)

1.3.2B组 (6)

1.3.3观察指标及判定标准: (7)

2.治疗结果: (7)

3讨论 (8)

4结论 (10)

参考文献 (10)

综述 (11)

1.带状疱疹的中医治疗 (11)

1.1中医病因病机 (11)

1.2中医治方法 (12)

1.2.1中医内治 (12)

1.2.2中医外治法 (14)

1.2.3针灸治疗 (14)

2.带状疱疹西医治疗 (15)

参考文献 (17)

致谢 (18)





[Abstract] Objective: To observe the method of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, clinical observation of 40 cases of herpes zoster patients. Methods: 20 cases of control group were given nutritional nerve (vitamin B12+, methylcobalamin), immune regulation (glycyrrhizin), antiviral (valaciclovir), pain (gabapentin + butylamine Wei fellen) comprehensive treatment. 20 cases in the observation group were given oral administration of Chinese medicine on the basis of the control group (according to the Chinese medicine treatment was given different argument Fang Yao), coated (Yulu ointment, comfrey ointment), acupuncture treatment (Department of lesions around needle, shallow puncture needle

pricking, Ashi moxibustion, acupoint injection of vitamin B12). Results: the observation the total effective group The rate of 100%, 85% in the control group, the difference of A group and B group (P<0.01) has great significance. The course of disease, crusted lesions subsided time, time, time to stop the pain of observation group were shorter than the control group (P<0.01). Conclusion: the method of using traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment, the curative effect of visible herpes zoster, high cure rate. Fast acting, worthy of praise.

Herpes zoster; acupuncture and moxibustion; acupuncture moxibustion; jade dew ointment; shikonin ointment; syndrome differentiation and treatment


带状疱疹(Herpes Zoster,HZ):被认为病源体是水痘-带状疱疹病毒(Varicella- zoster virus,VZV)导致皮肤以及神经炎性感染性皮肤病,临床实验观察发现该病毒具有亲神经性和亲皮肤性。{1} 该病的发生常有明显的诱因,如患者过度劳累、月经期、并发肿瘤等消耗性疾病、并发感染等时,则易激活病毒,导致发病。{2}当机体免疫紊乱、低下、失调时,脊神经后跟、颅神经感觉神经细胞内潜在的的病毒被激活,从而引起炎症反应,于皮肤表面可见皮损,以及引起相应的症状如灼痛、刺痛或火燎样疼痛等多种剧痛,神经痛为本病的特征之一。以及肺炎、脑膜炎{3}、带状疱疹性运动瘫痪、病毒性角膜炎、失明等严重并发症,也可遗留长期顽固性神经痛。该病的并发症明显影响了患者生活质量、正常生活、舒适度、乃至生存能力,带状疱疹亦在皮肤科为多见病、常见病,且发病率较高,而临床对于控制并缓解并发症仍有欠缺。因而中西医结合治疗带状疱疹则为不二之法,对于增加疗效、减轻甚至消除疼痛、缩短病程均卓有成效。笔者现对40例带状疱疹患者分别采取中西医结合
