

7A Chapter1-3

1. _______________ is not common in this area. (rob)

2. The _______________ were put into prison at last. (thief)

3. You should tell me the _______________. (true)

4. He is an _______________ boy. (energy)

5. Your answers are _______________. You must correct them at once. (correct)

6. His _______________ was only on the surface. (polite)

7. Peter’s pet snake is over three feet in _______________. (long)

8. The tree grew to a _______________ of 20 feet. (high)

9. There is an _______________ of happiness on every face. (express)

10. I felt a great sense of _______________ when I reached the top of the mountain. (achieve)

11. He is interested in the _______________ of insects. (collect)

12. Our _______________ is very strict with us. (manage)

13. New scientific __________ are being made everyday. (discovery)

14. He has some trouble in _______________ friends. (make)

15. I noticed her _______________ on the light just now when I went into the room. (switch)

16. He gave us his _______________,but we don’t believe him. (explain)

17. We enjoy _______________ at our school. (study)

18. He often asks me _______________him. (assist)

19. I finish _______________ my homework before dinner every day. (do)

20. He is very active in this _______________. (discuss)

7A Chapter4-6

1. We’re faced with a difficult _______________. (decide)

2. His _______________ death upset everybody. (suddenly)

3. The singer made her first _______________ in a concert in Boston. (appear)

4. I _______________going for a walk. (suggestion)

5. I will accept his _______________. (invite)

6. Modern electronic _______________ can do a lot of work. (calculate)

7. The _______________ of telephone helped people a lot. (invent)

8. Peter was _______________ when he saw the tiger. (frighten)

9. Tell me your _______________ for hike on 15 October. (arrange)

10. Allow me first to apologize for this _______________. (interrupt)

11. You should know the _______________ of learning English. (important)

12. It took me three hours _______________ the book. (read)

13. I find his argument very _______________. (power)

14. This blue skirt is _______________ for me. (suit)

15. You’d better _______________ there with me. (go)

7B Chapter1-3

1. Robots can do a lot of things. They are very __________ to us. (help)

2. I find the story very __________. (interest)

3. We feel __________ when we listen to music. (relax)

4. His mother has been __________ for two years. (die)

5. His __________ made us very sad. (die)

6. __________________ between old and young people is not so difficult as you think. (communicate)

7. When he walked out of the room, he drew a deep __________. (breathe)

8. This medicine is __________ to human beings. You can take it. (harm)

9. We live in a __________ environment. (pollute)

10. Finally we reached an __________. (agree)

11. The ________________ attracts a lot of people’s attention. (advertise)

12. The film is __________ on a true story. (base)

13. We will go to an __________ park this Sunday. (amuse)

14. There are some __________ differences between the two countries. (culture)

15. There is a __________ road along the lake. (scenery)

7B Chapter4-6

1. His hat and gloves were __________ on the table. (lie)

2. He __________down for a rest just now. (lie)

3. The wires are __________to the cables under the street. (connect)

4. His speeches are__________. (bored)

5. What’s the secret of your __________? (successful)

6. His __________ caused much sorrow to them. (die)

7. The city offers every modern __________. (convenient)

8. Don’t try to __________ me again. (foolish)

9. His __________ sounds all right. (explain)

10. The left-hand __________ doesn’t seem to be working. (speak)

11. No one likes the__________ person. (polite)

12. She works as a __________. (waiter)

13. Could you please give me some __________? (suggest)

14. The hostess welcomed us with a __________ greeting. (cheer)

15. You should have __________ with children. (patient)

8A Chapter1-4

1. “Stop talking!” He said to me __________. (angry)

2. Good books are of great __________ to students. (valuable)

3. After careful ______________, he made a decision to go abroad for further study. (consider)

4. The fiction movie was __________. (frightened)

5. The teacher was angry because of his __________. (absent)

6. The doctor will have an __________ on him. (operate)

7. My brother enjoys __________ computer games. (play)

8. Don’t forget __________ off the light when you leave. (turn)

9. I hope __________ from you soon. (hear)

10. I decided __________ alone. (travel)

11. I suggest __________ the children to the space museum. (take)

12. I remember __________ the e-mail to him, but he said he hasn’t received it. (send)

13. Stop __________! It’s time for class. (talk)

14. I plan __________ a birthday party for my father. (have)

15. I want ______ a meal for you tonight. (cook)

8A Chapter5-7

1. We will do our best to help those _________ people. (fortunate)

2. I think she is a very _______ girl. (attract)

3. Detective novels used to hold a special _______ for me. (attract)

4. That answer won’t _______ her. (satisfied)

5. We’ll attend a birthday _________ tomorrow. (celebrate)

6. I _______ for my mistake. (apology)

7. Candidates who fail to meet these ____________ will not be admitted to the University. (require)

8. He agreed to the _______ of the flags. (remove)

9. I was _______ moved by his action. (deep)

10. The drink is a __________ of some fruit juice. (mix)

11. There are still many other theories explaining the _________

of dinosaurs. (appear)

12. The bike required _______. (repair)

13. They pretended _______ their homework. (do)

14. He _______ down to have a rest. (lie)

15. The hen _______ several eggs yesterday. (lay)

8B Chapter1-4

1. His job is __________ the class into four groups. (organize)

2. If you go abroad, you go to a ________ country. (difference)

3. How do you say this in ________(France)?

4. Do you know how ________ an animated cartoon. (make)

5. She is a _________ girl. (please)

6. His __________ is very creative. (think)

7. Ask your father ________ with you. (go)

8. One of them prefers _______________ magazines. (read)

9. There is ________noise in this classroom than that in that one. (little)

10. Take more exercise and keep ______(health).

11. I’m looking forward to ___________ the famous film Hero. (watch)

12. He lost his book so he looks _________(happy).

13. I spent 2 days _________ the passage. (write)

14. I think it _________ to read the story. (frighten)

15. There are many ____________ on show in the science museum. (invent)

16. It’s _________ to get off the bus when it doesn’t stop. (danger)

17. CO is a kind of _________ gas. (harm)

18. I like films ________ than TV. (well)

19. Look! The desk is very ______. (dirt)

20. His story is a _________ story. (really)

8B Chapter5-7

1. When I was walking _______ the street, I met Tom. (cross)

2. There are 2 ______________ people on the playground. (thousand)

3.Shall we go ___________ in the lake? (boat)

4. The glass is ________ with water. (fill)

5. Please remember _____________ your homework on time. (finish)

6. What about ____________ with us? (swim)

7. Tony spent 2 hours ____________the flowers yesterday. (water)

8. I’m enjoying _________ at the party. (I)

9. Mr. Black came in, with a _________ look on his face. (worry)

10. Why is this place so _________?(noise)

11. I need ________ the room now. (clean)

12. I’ll try ____________English well. (learn)

13. The man was ______free at last. (set)

14. It looked like a ___________waterfall. (freeze)

15. Have you read any books _________by Mark Twain? (write)

16. My teacher told us that the earth ________around the sun. (go)

17. I suggest _________ to the park tomorrow. (go)

18. Before you answer a question, you’d better give ________ some time to think. (you)

19. It is difficult ___________English well. (learn)

20. Do you think it ________ tomorrow? If it ________, we won’t go to the park. (rain) 9 Chapters 1~3

1. Her speech made a good _______________ on the class. (impress)

2. What you have told me is very _______________. (impress)

3. Her _______________ always makes me excited. (appear)

4. We should _______________ our environment. (beauty)

5. Please give him my ____________ when you see him. (congratulate)

6. This note is only a _______________. (remind)

7. His mother was angry with him because he made a ______________mistake. (careful)

8. He was just not _______________ for the job. (suit)

9. There is a page _______________ from this book. (miss)

10. Would you mind _______________ down the television? (turn)

11. You cannot imagine how _______________he was. (regret)

12. Please lay the box down _______________.(gentle)

13. Peter showed his _______________ for my help. (appreciate)

14. They took the _______________ route back to the hotel. (scenery)

15. I know something about _______________.(paint)

16. This kind of _______________ is also wrong. (state)

17. They are not _______________ affected. (direct)

18. Your clothes are often a _______________ of your personality. (reflect)

19. I suspect that he was _______________.(lie)

20. He _______________ in bed the whole morning yesterday. (lie)

9 Chapters 4~6

1. Be careful, boy! You might get __________.( hurt)

2. Many families move to big cities for their children’s better __________.(educate)

3. Follow my __________ on diet, and you’ll be healthy and fit. (advise)

4. You have worked for hours. Why not stop and have a __________( break)?

5. We’ll go to senior high school for __________ education when we finish middle school. (far)

6. He was so angry that even the soft music couldn’t __________ him down. (calm)

7. Please wait for a few minutes. I’m still __________. (prepare)

8. We were all shocked at the boy’s sudden __________. (dead)

9. It is __________ that the little girl can play the violin so well. (surprise)

10. Jack’s violent ___________ made his friends quite disappointed. (behave)

11. The bus drives is always __________. All the passengers don’t like him. (help)

12. We can draw a _______________ now. (conclude)

13. He persuaded me _______________ a trip with him. (have)

14. I have pressed the button. Could you tell me what ______ next. (do)

15. Keep _______________, and you will work it out. (think)

16. There are no __________ on the Mars. (life)

17. It is time _______________ class. (have)

18. She is the _______________ of the TV show. (host)

19. You will never make me ______________ my appetite for meat. (lose)

20. Don’t be ______________. I will be with you. (frighten)

9 Chapters 7~9

1. The news is __________.(shocked)

2. Children are __________ about the outside world. (curiosity)

3. He didn’t __________the news in time. (receptionist)

4. There is no enough time for __________. (introduce)

5. Modern ways of life do__________ to people’s health. (harmless)

6. Close your eyes and __________ what will happen. (imaginary)

7. A __________ is a person who grows crops and plants. (cultivate)

8. Peter suggested __________ for a snack somewhere. (go)

9. You’d better __________ the medicine three times a day. (take)

10. They tried to persuade him__________ his idea, but he didn’t listen t o them. (change)

11. The whole class were sitting quietly, __________for the teacher to come. (wait)

12. Let’s play games instead of __________in the classroom. (sit)

13.She always feel shy __________ to other people. (speak)

14. The children prefer to surf the Internet rather than __________TV. (watch)

15. I prefer dancing to__________. (sing)

16. He allowed his son__________ the holiday in the country. (spend)

17. I hope I can have a chance of__________ dream come true. (make)

18. When I came in, I saw him__________ cards with some friends. (play)

19. Look! There is a horse__________ along the river. (run)

20. It is very ____________ to see this kind of flower. (commonly)

9 Chapters 10~12

1. He was swimming in the river All of a _______________ he felt sick. (suddenly)

2. When spring comes, the spiders appear healthy and ______________(hunger).

3. These methods are very _______________ to us. (use)

4. Junk food is very _______________ to people. It makes people fat. (harm)

5. The spiders’ stomachs are _______________ with insects. (fill)

6. Scientists are doing _______________ of experiments. (lot)

7. They are useful for _______________ study. (science)

8. The _______________ enjoy the beautiful scenery here. (travel)

9. The TV _______________ are so interesting. (advertise)

10. I think it’s wrong. This is my point of_______________ (viewer).

11. It is _______________ for children to work in the factory. (legal)

12. These people are big _______________(spend).

13. He is not _______________, but he is always happy. (wealth)

14. The most _______________ way to improve your English is to study hard. (effect)

15. How can you _______________ that you are active? (proof)

16. He _______________ the customers in the shop. (service)

17. What is your _______________? (nation)

18. We will be on time at all _______________.(cost)

19. It’s all rather _______________, and we don’t know what to do. (confuse)

20. We need to know the_______________ time of the interview. (exactly)


中考词性转换 AAA 1.able adj. 有能力的 enable v. 使能够 ability n. have the ability to finish the work. 2.absence n. 不在 absent. adj. 不在的 3.across prep ,横越,穿过swim across the river= walk across the road through. Prep. Through a tunnel cross v 横过,横渡 crossroad n 交叉路十字路 crossing 交叉;交叉点,十字路口 两个都有十字路口、交叉路口的意思 都crossroad还有转折点、重大重大的抉择关头, 例句:It was a crossroads in my life. 3. act v 扮演 action n. activity n 活动 active a 积极的take an active part in actor n 男演员 actress n 女演员 4.add v 加上增加 addition n 加增加加法 in addition 另外 They eat a great deal of fruit in addition. Additional adj. 添加的;附加的;额外的 We needed additional money for our trip. 5.age n 年龄时代 aged a 有……之年岁的,年老的 teenage adj. 十几岁的 teenager ['tin,ed??] 5.alive a 活着的she is still alive. The biggest animals alive. live v生活活着居住 life n 生命一生生活 lively She may be 80, but she's still lively. 她也许有八十岁了,但仍精力充 沛。 6.被逗乐的amused adj. The audience was amused by the performance. amusing a 引人发笑的娱人的He told amusing jokes after dinner 使欢乐,逗...高兴;使发笑 Amuse. V.A clown's job is to amuse the spectators amusement n 娱乐消遣娱乐活动7.angry adj 生气的愤怒的 angrily adv生气地,愤怒地 anger. N. Tom shouted in anger. 汤姆气忿地叫喊着。 8. air n 空气大气 airline n 航线 airport n 机场 9. appear v 出现 disappear v 消失 appearance. n . 出现,外观 10. America n 美国美洲 American adj 美国的美洲的 n美国人 United States of American(USA) 11. attract v 吸引 attractive adj 吸引的 attraction n. 12. Australia n 澳大利亚 Australian adj澳大利亚的澳大利亚人13. art n 艺术 artist n 艺术家画家 article n. 文章 14. attend v 出席参加 attentively adv 聚精会神地注意地 出勤率(Attendence 15. accept v. 接受,认可 acceptable adj. 可以接受的16.accurate adj. 精确的 accurately adv.


中考英语常用词性转换 1.able a. 能够,有能力的ability n..能力,才能 2. act v. 扮演 n..表演active a.积极地,主动地 activity n. 活动 actor n.男 演actress n. 女演员 3.add a. 加上addition n. 加 4.age n.时代,年龄aged a.有…….之年岁的 5.America n.美国American a.美国的,美国人 6.air n.空气air-conditioner n.空调 airline n.航线 7.angry a.生气的angrily adv.生气地 8.any a..一些,什么,任何的,任意的anybody/anyone pron.任何人 anything pron.任何事anywhere adv.任何地方 9.art n,艺术article n.文章 artist n,艺术家 10.attract v. 吸引attraction n.吸引,吸引力,吸引物attractive a..有吸引力的 11.Austraila n.澳大利亚Australian a.澳大利亚的 n.澳大利亚人 12.beautiful a.美丽的beautifully adv.优美的 13.begin(began-begun) v.开始beginning n.开始 14.bright a.明亮的brightly adv.明亮地 15.Britain n.不列颠British n.英国人 a.英国的 16. build(built-built) v.建造building n.建筑物 17.busy a.忙碌的business n.商业 businessman n..商人 businesswoman n.女商人 18.Cananda n.加拿大Canadian n.加拿大 a.加拿大的 19.care n& v. 小心careful a.小心的carefully adv.小心地 20.certain a..一定的certainly adv.一定 21.change n.变幻,找头,零钱 v.改变,更改,兑零钱changeable a.易变的 exchange v.交换 22.chemistry n.化学chemical a.化学的 n.化学物质 23.China n.中国Chinese a.中国的 n.中国人,汉语 24.choose(chose-chosen) v.选择choice n..选择 25.city n.城市citizen n.市民 26.class n.班级classmate n.同学 classroom n..教室 27.clean v.打扫 a. 干净的clear a.清晰的 v. 清除clearly adv.清晰地 28.cloud n.云cloudy a.多云 29.collect v.收集collection n.收集 pete v.比较competition n.竞赛 31.custom n.习惯,习俗customer n.顾客


中考单词变形汇总-Riley 学习篇 第 1 页 AAA 1. able adj. 有能力的enable v. 使能够ability n. 能力 I think I have the ability to finish the work. 2. absence n. 不在absent. adj. 不在的3. across prep.横越,穿过swim across the river walk across the road=cross the road cross v. 横过,横渡 crossroad n. 交叉路十字路crossing n.交叉;交叉点,十字路口3. act v. 扮演 action n. 动作activity n. 活动 active adj. 积极的 take an active part in... 积极参加... actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员4.add v. 加上 增加 addition n. 加增加加法 in addition 另外additional adj. 附加的,额外的 We needed additional money for our trip. 5.age n 年龄时代 aged adj. 有……之年岁的,年老的5.alive adj. 活着的 she is still alive. The biggest animals alive. live v.生活活着居住life n. 生命一生 生活 lively adj. 有活力的;生机勃勃的She may be 80, but she's still lively. 她也许有八十岁了,但仍精力充沛。6. amused adj. 被逗乐的 The audience was amused by the performance. amusing adj. 引人发笑的, 娱人的 He told amusing jokes after dinner. amuse. vt.逗...高兴;使发笑 A clown's job is to amuse the audience(观众). amusement n. 娱乐消遣娱乐活动7.angry adj. 生气的 愤怒的 angrily adv.生气地,愤怒地anger n. 生气;愤怒 Tom shouted in anger. Tom 愤怒地喊着。8. air n. 空气大气 airline n. 航线airport n. 机场9. appear v. 出现disappear v. 消失 appearance n . 出现,外观10. America n. 美国美洲 American adj. 美国的;美洲的n.美国人 the United States of American (the USA )11. attract v. 吸引attractive adj. 吸引人的 attraction n. 吸引;有吸引力的人或物12. Australia n. 澳大利亚 Australian adj.澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人13. art n 艺术artist n 艺术家画家 article n. 文章14. attend v. 出席参加attentively adv. 聚精会神地 注意地 15. accept v. 接受,认可 acceptable adj. 可以接受的16.accurate adj. 精确的 accurately adv. 精确地17. advise v. 做广告advertisement. n 广告18. adopt v. 采用,采纳 adoption. n.采用,采纳19.advice n. 建议;意见 advise v. 建议;意见


常见上海中考词性转换汇总 注:供大家中考复习时参考,其中带*为2018新增词汇(汇总词汇中个别单词可能与2018考纲有差异,特此说明。) _________ v.使…能够,使… 有能 力的 _________ adj. 能够;有能力的 n. 能力;才能 ____________ prep. 穿过;横过 v. 穿越/ n. 十字,叉 ___________ n. 行动;扮演 _________ a. 积极的 _____________ n. 活动 ___________ n. 男演员 __________ n. 女演员 _________ v. 增加 _______________ n. 增加 _____________ n. 优点,优势,有利条件 _______________ n. 不利,劣势,短处 __________ n. 年龄 a. 年老的 __________ a. 活着的;活泼的

___________ v. 居住;生活 (lives复数)n. 生活;生命 ___________ v. 使消遣,娱乐 _____________ adj.引起乐趣的 n. 娱乐,消遣,娱乐活动____________ a. 生气的 ad. 生气地 _________ n. 艺术 n. 艺术家 _____________ n. 澳大利亚 a./n.澳大利亚的/人 ___________ v. 出现 v. 消失 ______________v. 吸引 _______________ n. 吸引,吸引力,吸引物______________a. 有吸引人的 __________ n. 根据地,基地,基础 _____________ adj. 基本的,基础的 _________________ a. 漂亮的 _________________ ad. 美丽地 ___________(began, begun) v. 开始 __________________ n. 开始,开端 ___________ adj. 感到乏味的,厌倦的


AAA 1.able adj. 有能力的 enable v. 使能够 ability n. 能力 I think I have the ability to finish the work. 2.absence n. 不在 absent. adj. 不在的 3.across prep.横越,穿过 swim across the river walk across the road=cross the road cross v. 横过,横渡 crossroad n. 交叉路十字路 crossing n.交叉;交叉点,十字路口 3. act v. 扮演 action n. 动作 activity n. 活动 active adj. 积极的 take an active part in... 积极参加... actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员 4.add v. 加上增加 addition n. 加增加加法 in addition 另外 additional adj. 附加的,额外的 We needed additional money for our trip. 5.age n 年龄时代 aged adj. 有……之年岁的,年老的5.alive adj. 活着的 she is still alive. The biggest animals alive. live v.生活活着居住 life n. 生命一生生活 lively adj. 有活力的;生机勃勃的 She may be 80, but she's still lively. 她也 许有八十岁了,但仍精力充沛。 6. amused adj. 被逗乐的 The audience was amused by the performance. amusing adj. 引人发笑的, 娱人的 He told amusing jokes after dinner. amuse. vt.逗...高兴;使发笑 A clown's job is to amuse the audience(观 众). amusement n. 娱乐消遣娱乐活动7.angry adj. 生气的愤怒的 angrily adv.生气地,愤怒地 anger n. 生气;愤怒 Tom shouted in anger. Tom愤怒地喊着。 8. air n. 空气大气 airline n. 航线 airport n. 机场 9. appear v. 出现 disappear v. 消失 appearance n . 出现,外观 10. America n. 美国美洲 American adj. 美国的;美洲的n.美国人 the United States of American(the USA)11. attract v. 吸引 attractive adj. 吸引人的 attraction n. 吸引;有吸引力的人或物12. Australia n. 澳大利亚 Australian adj.澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人13. art n 艺术 artist n 艺术家画家 article n. 文章 14. attend v. 出席参加 attentively adv. 聚精会神地注意地15. accept v. 接受,认可 acceptable adj. 可以接受的16.accurate adj. 精确的 accurately adv. 精确地 17. advise v. 做广告 advertisement. n 广告 18. adopt v. 采用,采纳 adoption. n.采用,采纳 19.advice n. 建议;意见 advise v. 建议;意见 20. Africa n. 非洲 African adj. 非洲的


中考英语词性转换大汇总 一,动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve ——achievement 成就advertise ——advertisement 广告agree ——agreement 同意amuse——amusement 娱乐 commit ——commitment 承诺,奉献develop ——development 发展disagree —disagreement 不赞同equip 装备—equipment 装备,器材govern 统治——government 政府manage——management 经营,管理argue ——argument 争吵 2.V+ ion 结尾 attract ——attraction 吸引discuss ——discussion 讨论 express ——-expression 词语;表达instruct ——instruction 用法说明invent——invention 发明predict ——prediction 预言 impress ——impression 印象suggest ——suggestion 建议,暗示educate ——education 教育graduate ——graduation 毕业 operate ——operation 操作,动手术explain —explanation 解释pollute ——pollution 污染introduce ——introduction 介绍 organize ——organization组织imagine ——imagination 想象力解释inspire——inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的事invite ——invitation 邀请compete —competition 竞争,比赛pronounce ——pronunciation发音admit ——admission 承认permit ——permission 允许 conclude ——conclusion 结论solve ——solution 解决方法 describe ——description描写,描绘resolve ——resolution 决心


中考英语词性转化300题—提高篇讲义 I. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式完成句子): 1.Would you mind making a little less _____? They are having a meeting at the moment. (noisy) 2.The Smiths live on the __________ floor of the highrise. (nine) 3.All the great __________ are respected(尊敬)by the world. (invent) 4.I’ll do my homework more __________ next time. (care) 5.When you study a foreign language, it’s im portant to make a good _________. (begin) 6.Everyone knows such kind of books is ___________ to children. They shouldn’t be sold at any bookstore. (harm) 7.In the past punishment(惩罚)was decided by the university. The student had no ___________ but to accept it. (choose) 8.Our teacher told us the ___________ story I had ever heard at yesterday’s cla ss meeting. (sad) 9.The __________ Lesson is very difficult but very important. You must learn it by heart.(twelve) 10.They looked very _____ in the idea. (interest) 11.After they got on the bus, they found two _______. (sit) 12.Help __________ to the fish, everyone. (you) 13.What we have had is just part of the truth. We should try to get __________ information about it. (far) 14.A ___________ sight stopped them from going forward. (frighten) 15.He seemed very _________. He got a D in the English test. (happy) 16.Before you start this work, you should try to realize its _________. (important) 17.March 8 is _________ Day. (woman) 18.The visitors are ________ students. (main) 19.Do you know about the ___ of the book? (write) 20.Can you show me your ___ of coins? (collect) 21.To my ________, I got full marks for maths last week. (surprised) 22.In this new housing estate there stand a lot of high and magnificent _________. (build) 23.In winter, most of the rivers and lakes are _________. It becomes a world of ice. (freeze) 24.Then he slowly walked _____ the house. (pass) 25.Do you know who is the __________ of the English contest? (win) 26.Peter is very ______. I’m sure he will come to take care of your baby when he’s asked to. (help) 27.The Yangtze River is the _________ longest river in the world. (three) 28.__________ to meet all of you here. (please) 29.Now more and more gardens are being built in our __________. (neighbour) 30.It’s very important for us to learn English __________. (good) 31.Both our teacher and my mother are satisfied with my ___________. (honest) 32.Oliver Twist ate the cake ___________. (hungry) 33.Of all the boys, Li Ming studies ______. (hard) 34.We are all pleased to hear that the _________ went on very well. ( operate) 35.The children in this kindergarten have been trained to take care of ___________ though they


Zhang Ming is my good friend. He is 1 Gansu. He was 2 in Lanzhou on March 26, 1990. He 3 painting, listening to music and 4 the violin. Zhang Ming 5 to Shanghai with his parents three years 6 . Now he’s studying in Huadong Middle School in Shanghai. He’s good 7 his lessons, and he’s in the school band. 2. School data My school 1 in the centre of Beijing. It has a 2 of nearly 100 years. There are more than 3,000 teachers and 3 . In my school, there are three 4 buildings, an office building and a lab building. There is 5 a library, a 6 playground and six computer rooms. All the teachers word very hard. They 7 their best to teach well. All the students study hard. I think this is a very good school. I like studying here. Welcome to our school. Yours sincerely, Wan Yan 3. School life Last Sunday my classmates and I 1 to Xiangshan Park. At 7:00 in the morning we 2 at the school gate. We 3 at the park at about 8:00. At the foot of the hill, we had a party and played games. 4 that, we 5 the hill. On the 6 of the hill we enjoyed the beautiful view of Beijing. We all feel 7 that we live here in Beijing. We are Beijing will become more and more beautiful. How are you now? I’m 1 . Spring Festival is 2 . As you know, it is the most important festival in China. My family are going to get together during the holiday season. My family and I want to 3 you to come. We are going to have a lot of food on Chinese New Year’s Eve. 4 , we are going to watch the Festival programmes on CCTV. Then as usual we are going to set off 5 . On the morning of New Year’s Day my classmates and I are going to 6 some old people in the


中考英语词性转换归纳 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree—(in )agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit奉献—commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization instruct—instruction 指导,介绍invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的--- pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾appear—appearance 外貌,出现perform----performance 演出


词缀变化中学归纳 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 agree—(in )agreement同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 compliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development发展disagree—disagreement 不同意department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education教育 decide----decision 决定describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业—graduation毕业 operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization 组织instruct—instruction 指导,介绍invent—inventor 发明者/ invention发明invite—invitation 邀请 inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的--- pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation 发音 resolve 决心-----resolution 决心 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾appear—appearance 外貌,出现 perform----performance 演出 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局 train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义 say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他 Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 behave 行为,举止----behavior know 知道---knowledge 知识 fly—flight 飞行 heat 加热---heat 热量 hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞 mix 混合-----mixture 混合物 press 按,压—pressure 压力 sit-----seat 座位 succeed—success成功 tour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出直接+地点 tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客 名词变形容词 1名词+y Anger 生气-----angry hunger---hungry fog—foggy有雾的 fur----furry 毛皮的 guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的 health---healthy luck---lucky cloud---cloudy wind—windy rain---rainy snow---snowy sun—sunny tourist------touristy 游客多的 business---busy salt 盐--- salty 咸的 shine---shiny 发亮的 silk 丝绸—silky 丝绸般的 sleep---sleepy 昏昏欲睡的 taste 口味,品味------tasty 甜的 2.名词+ ed balance –balanced 平衡的 talent-----talented 有天赋的 organized 有组织的 crowded 拥挤的 polluted 被污染的 pleased 高兴的 3.名词+ ful/less meaning—meaningful 有意义的 care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的 help---helpful / helpless home—homeless 无家可归的 colour---colourful pain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的 use---useless/ useful thank—thankful 充满感激的 peace 和平---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的 playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的 4.名词+ able adjustable 可调整的 comfort---comfortable knowledge---knowledgeable suit 一套-----suitable 合适的 5.名词+ ous enormous 巨大的 danger—dangerous mystery 神秘-----mysterious 神秘的 6.ce 变t confidence----confident自信的 difference---different不同的 importance---important 重要的 7. al 结尾 medicine 药----medical 医学的 music---musical nature---natural 自然的 person---personal私人的 nation—national 国家的 education---educational有教育意义的 tradition----traditional 传统的 origin起源---original 新颖的;独创的 8.名词+ ly friend—friendly live---lively 活跃的,有生气的 love—lovely 可爱的 9.+ en 结尾 wood—wooden 木制的 wool—woolen 羊毛的 10. 其他 energy精力---energetic


1. valuable(adj.) (n.) (adj.) 2. chemical (adj./n.) (n.) (n.) 3. impatient (adj.) (ant.) (adj.) (n.) 4. obey (v.) (opp.) (v.) (adj.) (n.) 5. faint (adj.) (v./n.) 6. drop (n.) (v.) 7. comfortable (adj.) (ant.) (adj.) (adv.) 8. puzzled (adj.) (adj.) (v./n.) 9. treatment (n.) (v.) 10. pollute (v.) (n.) 11. able (adj.) (ant.) (adj.) (v.) (ant.) (v.) 12. salt (n.) (adj.) 13. drink (v./n.) (adj.) (v.) (adj.) 14. drip (v.) (adj.) 15. energy (n.) (adj.) 16. hot(adj. ) heat (n.) (adj.) (pt.) (pp.) (v.) (n.) 17. dangerous (adj.) (n.) 18. trick (v.) (n.) 19. electricity (n.) (adj.) (adj.) (n.) 20. measure (v.) (n.) (adj.) (n.) 21. explain (v.) (n.) 22. servant (n.) (v.) (n.) 23. careful (adj.) (ant.) (adj.) (v./n.) 24. invisible (adj.) (ant.) (adj.) (n.) 25. connect (v.) (n.) 26. produce (v.) (n.) (n.) (n.) 27. admit (v.) (n.) 28. imagine (v.) (adj.) (adj.) (n.) (adj.) (n.) 29. attraction (n.) (v.) (adj.) 30. influence (v./n.) (adj.) 31. organize (v.) (n.) 32.interview(n.)/ (v.) (n.) (n.) 33.collect (v.) (n.) 34.scientist (n.) (n.) (adj.) (adv.)


二模词性转换汇总 1.The golden fish said to the fisherman, “All your ______ will come true.” (wish) 长宁) 2.Thousands of________ were lost in the terrible earthquake happened in Japan .(life)(奉贤) 3.Nowadays many people share_________ with their friends on the Internet. (photo)(黄浦) 4.The children learned to put their ________ and forks down on the plates after eating. (knife) (杨浦) 5.You can see lots of _______ flying inside the dirty restaurant. (fly)(虹口)6.The book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone sold millions of ________. (copy). (闵行) 7.Jenney’s father has a collection of beautiful __________. (butterfly) 普陀)8.After ten ________, he found his lost boy with the help of the police. (month) (青浦) 9.Ivy missed her parents after she had spent a few ___________ abroad. (month) (闸北) 10.He had to wait for a few __________for the visa (签证) to come through. (month)(金山) 11.Real _____________ is more valuable (有价值的) than money. (friend) (宝山) 12.John told us that he had made friends with a few ________ on the Facebook. (Germany)(徐汇) 13.The students are doing experiments in the lab with some new ________. (chemistry)(长宁) 14.Your smile is the best way to show people your ___________. (kind)(奉贤)15.Premier (总理) Wen Jiabao asked the government to improve school bus__________ . (safe)(金山) 16.Though he is of average _________, he plays much better than the others in the team. (high)(静安) 17.Although Michael is only six, he has already shown his _______ to draw pictures. (able)(徐汇) 18.More and more people have realized the __________ of saving water. (important)(浦东) 19.Nobody at the lunch table believed the___________ of his story. (true) (普陀)20.Nobody can really tell the _________ of the accident that happened a week ago. (true)(静安) 21.It’s hard training not _______ that has helped Liu Xiang break the records again. (lucky)(徐汇) 22.Wu Liangyong is one of the __________to get China’s Top Science Award this
