Brian Goldman在Ted英语演讲:医生们会犯错误,我们能否谈论他们所犯过的错误呢

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Brian Goldman: Doctors make mistakes. Can we talk about that


I think we have to do something about a piece of the culture of medicine that has to change. And I think it starts with one physician, and that's me. And maybe I've been around long enough that I can afford to give away some of my false prestige to be able to do that.


Before I actually begin the meat of my talk, let's begin with a bit of baseball. Hey, why not? We're near the end, we're getting close to the World Series. We all love baseball, don't we? (Laughter) Baseball is filled with some amazing statistics. And there's hundreds of them. "Moneyball" is about to come out, and it's all about statistics and using statistics to build a great baseball team.


I'm going to focus on one stat that I hope a lot of you have heard of. It's called batting average. So we talk about a 300, a batter who bats 300. That means that ballplayer batted safely, hit safely three times out of 10 at bats. That means hit the ball into the outfield, it dropped, it didn't get caught, and whoever tried to throw it to first base didn't get there in time and the runner was safe. 我想讲一个我希望大家都听说过的数据,叫做击球率。当我们说一名挥棒球员的击球率为三成的时候,我们是指这位球员的打击非常稳定,每十次种就会有三次安打。安打意味着球会被击中并被打入外野,而且并不会被立刻接杀,球也不会在跑者成功上到一垒之前被及时的传回。十次中有三次安打。各位知道棒球大联盟如何评论这些击球率上了三成的球员吗?很棒,非常棒,明星球员一般的棒。

Three times out of 10. Do you know what they call a 300 hitter in Major League Baseball? Good, really good, maybe an all-star. Do you know what they call a 400 baseball hitter? That's somebody who hit, by the way, four times safely out of every 10. Legendary -- as in Ted Williams legendary -- the last Major League Baseball player to hit over 400 during a regular season.

各位知道他们又是如何称呼一位击球率有着四成,也就是每十次打击就会打出四个安打的球员吗。是传奇-- 像泰德. 威廉斯那样的传奇-- 他是棒球大联盟里最后一个在常规赛中拥有超过四成击球率的球员。

Now let's take this back into my world of medicine where I'm a lot more comfortable, or perhaps a bit less comfortable after what I'm going to talk to you about. Suppose you have appendicitis and you're referred to a surgeon who's batting 400 on appendectomies.

现在让我们回到我的世界- 医疗领域。这个领域我比较熟悉,但我接下来要说的却让我有些困扰。假设你得了阑尾炎,然后你被推荐给了一位在阑尾移除手术中有着四成“击球率”的外科医生。



Somehow this isn't working out, is it? Now suppose you live in a certain part of a certain remote place and you have a loved one who has blockages in two coronary arteries and your family doctor refers that loved one to a cardiologist who's batting 200 on angioplasties. But, but, you know what?
