超级实用 雅思口语 Part 3 答题技巧

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雅思口语 Part 3
第三部分概况 问题类型 回答策略
• Describe a trip you went on in your childhood. • You should say: • How you traveled • Why you went there(or, what you did there) • Who you went with • And explain why you remember this trip or how
• How does transportation in the countryside compare with that in the city?
• Do you think the cities have better transportation facilities than the rural areas? (Why?)
• A: Generally speaking, I would love A. Because I can ..., but it really depends. It depends on ..., you know ....
Should women stay at home or go out to look for jobs?
• How does transportation in the countryside compare with that in the city?
• Do you think the cities have better transportation facilities than the rural areas? (Why?)
• What kinds of transport do people use to travel around your hometown?
• What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in the city?
• 1. 只选一个(A或B中,只喜欢一个) • Q: Which one would you prefer, A or B? Why? • A: It seems to me that A is surely more
preferable than B. • The reasons are pretty obvious. The first reason
jumps into my mind is ..., • Another reason I can think of is ..., • One more reason pops into my head is ..., I
think doing ... is the very last thing I want to do.
• Women deserve as much rights to work as men. Given growing financial burden on an ordinary family and tough competition among job seekers, an extra source of income in the family would definitely mean a lot. However, contrary to what we may expect, many women now are actually pursuing the kind of life as a full-time housewife which only has been re-interpreted by modern women to mean relaxing, hassle-free and enjoyable life without lots of work in hand.
• 2. 两个都选
• Q: Which one would you prefer, A or B? Why?
• A: Honestly speaking, I love them both.
• First, A can offer us ...,
but I am not
saying B is not cool.
• I mean B has its own edge as well. B can ...
• I think this is why people are always saying "Everything exists for a reason!"
• 3. 有条件的选择
• Q: Which one would you prefer, A or B? Why?
原因 预测
问题 措施
(一) 选择型
• 适合类型:
• 媒体类:中国电影和西片,文艺片和动作片,流 行音乐和古典音乐,读书和看电影。
• 地点类:住在城市或者住在农村,东方建筑或者 西方建筑…
• 人物类:男性朋友或者女性朋友,老年朋友或者 年轻朋友…
• 事件类:中国节日和西洋节日, 在家里休息和 出去玩…
you felt on this trip.
• Part 3
• What kinds of transport do people use to travel around your hometown?
• What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in the city?
1) 第三部分概况
时间:4~5分钟 形式:一问一答(与part one形式一样) 话题:大部分与第二部分相关
Part One: 基本话题: Basic questions 熟悉话题: familiar topics
Part Three: 一般话题: General questions 社会话题: social issues
Part Two
Describe a famous person
Part Three 1)What’s the advantage
and disadvantage of being famous?
2) How can people get famous these days?
2) 问题类型
• Part 3