


1.Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Today, in most of the theatres in Britain, the stages are situated behind a sort of arch (拱门), called the proscenium (幕布前的舞台部分)arch. The arch runs across the building with the stage on one side of it and the auditorium, housing the audience, on the other. The audience is kept to the area from which it can get a clear view of the stage. This type of theatre has been is use for three hundred years. ________ The actor can ignore them until the end, when they applaud the performance. If an actor wants to speak to the audience he tends to step out of the picture, as it were—down to the edge of the stage.

________ Stage furniture or properties—"props", as they are referred to in the business – are now as few as possible. Elaborate scenery is used only when it is going to last throughout the play, or when it is so constructed that it can be changed quickly. Modern theatres are built with the stage extending far in front of the proscenium arch, if indeed they have a proscenium arch at all, electricity, already long in use, has recently had a revolutionary effect. A change of lighting is as good as a change of scenery, and simpler and quicker; it can light one part of the stage in place of another. Footlights have been found unnecessary. Curtains also are hardly necessary, since the stage can be darkened to signify the end of a scene.

The modern idea of having the stage in front of the proscenium arch is not really modern, of course. It makes our stages much like Shakespeare's. ________ The famous speeches of Hamlet, for instance, can be delivered more quietly and naturally than they were in the las century. The actors no longer have to worry much about not being heard, or about turning their backs to the auditorium. They can get closer to the audience, while a larger audience can see them at work.

Moreover, nowadays, people are finding that modern theatres are built to sit in comfortably for two or three hours at a stretch. ________ The result of these improvements is that, in spite of the high price of seats, perhaps more people than ever before are keen on theatre-going.

A. Over the last few decades, since the Second World War, theatrical customs have altered.

B. It makes people feel, as they watch a play or a show, that they are seeing a living and moving picture.

C. All these innovations have quickened up the pace of the drama.

D. This is an advantage both for actors and audience.

E. Today the theatres are much more comfortable because of the many improvements.

F. Often they can meet and eat in the restaurants attached to the theatres.

【答案】 B;D;A;E


(1)根据本空前的“The arch runs across the building with the stage on one side of it and the auditorium, housing the audience, on the other. The audience is kept to the area from which it can get a clear view of the stage”可知,拱门穿过整个建筑,一边是舞台,另一边是容纳观众的礼堂,观众被限制在能清楚地看到舞台的地方,此处是说这样布局的原因,B项(它让



(3)根据本空后的“The famous speeches of Hamlet, for instance, can be delivered more quietly and naturally than they we re in the last century.”可知,例如,哈姆雷特的著名演讲可以比上个世纪更安静、更自然地进行,这说明戏剧习俗发生了变化,A项(在过去的几十年里,自第二次世界大战以来,戏剧习俗已经发生了变化)符合语境。故答案为A。

(4)根据本空后的“The result of these improvements is that, in spite of the high price of seats, perhaps more people than ever before are keen on theatre-going.”可知,这些改进的结果是,尽管票价很高,但可能比以往任何时候都有更多的人热衷于看戏,E项(由于许多改进,现在的剧院舒服多了)符合语境。故答案为E。



The Bigger Sleep

School starting times in America vary from an average of 7:48 am in go-getting Mississippi to 8:31am in late-rising Connecticut. According to a survey by the National Centre for Education Statistics in 2017-18, only in two states - Alaska and Connecticut---do schools start after 8:30 am, the earliest recommended time by a number of medical organisations.

On October 13th Gavin Newsom, California's governor, signed legislation setting a limit on starting times of half past eight for high-schoolers , in the hope that they will benefit from the extra time in bed.

There is plenty of reason to think they will. Adolescents require more sleep in the morning which will keep them energetic the whole day. A research review by scientists at the Centres for Disease Control finds that later school starting times correspond with improved attendance, less falling asleep in class, and better grades. The Rand Corporation estimates that moving to a half-past-eight start across the country would boost the economy by more than $80bn within a decade.

In response to the evidence, school districts across the country have begun to move starting times back, but California is the first state to take the leap. Parents and unions are often bitterly opposed. The California Teachers Association resisted the change, citing the financial burden on schools as they adjust to the new hours, as well as the burden on parents who work as laborers or in the service industry, and cannot start work later. Last year Mr Newsom's predecessor, Jerry Brown, vetoed similar legislation, saying the decision should be left to school districts. Supporters argue that it is appropriate for the state to set a minimum health-and-welfare standard, as it does in other areas. It will be up to school districts to decide whether to end the day later, or cut its length. Anthony Portantino, the democratic state senator who introduced the legislation, believes evidence of the change's benefits will soon win over opponents in rural areas.

"There really is no significant reason not to do this," he says, "other than an overwhelming resistance to change from adults."



(1)考查形容词。根据第一段中的“School starting times in America vary from an average of 7:48 am in go-getting Mississippi to 8:31am in late-rising Connecticut.” 可知,在美国上学时间从早上7:48到早上8:31不等,美国学校有不同的上学时间,故填various/different/diverse。

(2)考查动词。根据第一段中的“only in two states - Alaska and Connecticut 一do schools start after 8:30 am, the earliest recommended time by a number of medical organisations.”可知,只有两个州,阿拉斯加州和康涅狄格州的学校在早上8:30之后上学,这是很多医疗机构建议的最早上学时间,只有阿拉斯加州和康涅狄格州的学校遵守了建议的上学时间,故填obey/follow/observe。

(3)考查形容词。根据第二段中的“signed legislation setting a limit o n starting times of half past eight for high-schoolers , in the hope that they will benefit from the extra time in bed.”可知,立法规定中学生八点半上学,希望他们早上能多睡一会,可推断中生上学时间不应早于8:30,故填earlier。

(4)考查形容词。根据第三段中的“Adolescents require more sleep in the morning which will

kee p them energetic the whole day.”可知,青少年早上需要更多的睡眠,这将使他们一整天都精力充沛,energetic是形容词精力旺盛的,故填energetic。

(5)考查名词。根据第三段中的“ter school starting times correspond with improved attendance, less falling asleep in class, and better grades.”可知,早上晚些去上学与缺勤率下降、课堂睡眠减少和成绩提高有关,故填absence。

(6)考查语态。根据第三段中的“The Rand Corporation estimates that moving to a half-past-eight start across the country would boost the economy...”可知,The Rand Corporation预测,如果在全国范围八点半上学,可以给经济带来增长,填空的句子用的是表语从句“It+be+过去分词+that 从句”,所以用estimate的过去分词形式,故填estimated。

(7)考查名词。根据第四段中的“Parents and unions are often bitterly opposed.”和第三句“The California Teachers Association resisted the change, citing the financial burden on schools as they adjust to the new hours,”可知,父母和工会经常强烈反对,加州教师协会抵制这种变化,理由是学校在适应新的工作时间时承受着沉重的经济负担,这也呼应了第8空的句意“Schools may bear the burden of ___8___when they adjust to the new hours.” 学校在适应新的工作时间时承受着负担,这是反对者观点,故填opponents。

(8)考查名词。根据第四段中的“citing the financial burden on schools as they adjust to the new hours”可知,学校在适应新的工作时间时承受着沉重的经济负担,finance是financial 的名词在填空句中做宾语,故填finance。

(9)考查动词。根据第四段中的“...burden on parents who work as laborers or in the service industry, and cannot start work later.”可知,推迟早上上学时间对于从事劳动服务行业和不能推迟早上上班时间的家长是一个负担,会导致这些家长不能准时上班,fail to do sth.意为没能做成某事,故填fail。

(10)考查动词。根据倒数第一段最后一行“There really is no significant reason not to do this...other than an overwhelming resistance to change from adults”可知, 除了来自成年人对变革压倒性的抵制,真的没有什么重要的理由不这样做,也就是说,尽管在成年人中确实存在着压倒性的抵制,但做出改变是合理的,故填exist。




longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture.

①Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!

The theme park you are probably most ________ is Disneyland. ②It can be found in several parts of the world. It will bring you into a ________ world and make your dreams ________,

whether you are traveling through space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character. As you ________ around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a ________ or on the street. Of course, Disneyland also has many exciting rides, from giant ________ ships to ________ free-fall drops. With all these attractions, ________ tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.

(2)①Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!________

②It can be found in several parts of the world.________

【答案】(1)various;famous for;familiar with;magical;come true;wander;parade;swinging;terrifying;no wonder



(1)①考查形容词。句意:世界上有各种各样的主题公园。结合句意可知表示"各种各样的"短语为various kinds of。故填various。

②考查固定短语。句意:有些公园以拥有最大或最长的云霄飞车而闻名,另一些则以展示著名的景点和文化的声音而闻名。结合句意可知表示"以……而闻名"短语为be famous for。故填famous for。

③考查固定短语。句意:你可能最熟悉的主题公园是迪斯尼乐园。根据句意可知表示"对……熟悉"短语为be familiar with。故填familiar with。


⑤考查固定短语。句意:它将带你进入一个神奇的世界,让你的梦想成真,无论你是在太空旅行,参观海盗船或会见你最喜欢的童话或迪斯尼卡通人物。根据句意可知表示"梦想成真"短语为make dream come true。故填come true。



⑧考查形容词。句意:当然,迪斯尼乐园也有许多令人兴奋的游乐设施,从巨大的摇摆船到可怕的自由落体。修饰名词ships应用形容词,构成giant swinging ships"巨大的摇摆船",故填swinging。

⑨考查形容词。句意:当然,迪斯尼乐园也有许多令人兴奋的游乐设施,从巨大的摇摆船到可怕的自由落体。修饰名词短语free-fall drops应用形容词,表示"可怕的",故填terrifying。

⑩考查固定短语。句意:有了这些吸引人的东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会增长。根据句意可知表示"难怪"短语为no wonder。故填no wonder。





Directions:Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Most parents know that they need life insurance. But many would rather have a root canal than shop for the best life insurance policy.

“People don't think about, What will my family do if I am gone and not earning a living?'” says Peter Katt, a fee-only life insurance adviser.“ The whole p oint of this kind of planning is to provide the family with maximum flexibility so they're not stuck.”

Planning for your death is not a cheerful topic. Too often, parents make a quick decision, ignoring important considerations. Among their mistakes one is that they do not buy enough life insurance. ________“They don't think that the person who is not bringing in an income needs life insurance,” says Greg Daugherty, executive editor of Consumers Union. But if that person dies, the other parent can't stop working and usually has to pay someone to help care for the family.

________ Katt recommended that one young couple should buy $3 million for the husband who earns $100,000 a year and $1 million for the stay-at-home wife.

At the same time, many families rely on employer-provided life insurance, but employer-provided coverage is rarely sufficient to support your family. Many employer-provided policies provide a death benefit of $10,000 to $25,000—barely enough to cover your funeral expense. Some employers provide a year's salary, but that may also fall well short of the amount your family would need to maintain its standard of living.

Some employers let workers buy group life insurance through payroll deductions. They may be a good deal for workers who have health problems that would disqualify them for an individual policy. But if you're young and healthy, you may be able to get a better rate on your own.

Another drawback is that if you leave your job, you may not be able to take your insura nce.“ Given the job market, most of us are not absolutely certain that our jobs are secure,” Daugherty says.“________”

On the other hand, some families buy too much insurance. Not everyone needs life insurance. Some people buy life insurance for babies, which is unnecessary, unless the baby is a child model who is supporting the family, Daugherty says: The purpose of insurance is to replace the income that a family has been relying on. Single people and those who have no children to care for usually don't need life insurance.

Katt says a man with substantial savings in stocks and bonds and other sources of income recently asked him how much life insurance he needs.“ I said none,” Katt says. “________”

A. There are people who don't need life insurance but have it and many more people who need it but are woefully uninsured.

B. Families don't always insure a parent who is staying home to care for the children.

C. Most people put off buying life insurance for any number of reasons if they even understand it.

D. Even if you have a lot of insurance at work, it makes sense to have some more insurance on your own.

E. If you fall seriously ill of suffer significant injury later, it will make it tougher to get that kind of policy, if any at all.

F. To make insurance more affordable, you may not need to buy the same amount of insurance for both parents.

【答案】 B;F;D;A


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“ They don't think that the person who is not bringing in an income needs life insurance ”因为他们不认为没有收入的人需要人身保险。可知前面说的是人们不会为在家照顾孩子的一个家长买保险。故选B。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“ Katt recommended that one young couple should buy $3 million for the husband who earns $100,000 a year and $1 million for the stay-at-home wife. ”凯特建议一对年轻夫妇给每年收入10万美元的丈夫买300万美元保险,给当家庭主妇的妻子买1百万。可以得知夫妻双方购买的保险数目不用相同。故选F。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ Given the job market, most of us are not absolutely certain that our jobs are secure ”考虑到务工市场,多数人不能确定自己工作的保障性。因此即使你有工作保险,拥有一些保障自己的保险仍然是重要的。故选D。(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ Katt says a man with substantial savings in stocks and bonds and other sources of income recently asked him how much life insurance he needs. ”卡特说,一个在股票、债券和其他来源上有大量储蓄的人咨询自己要买多少人寿保险,说明卡特想要指出有些人不需要保险却持有着保险,而许多需要保险的人不幸的是,没有保险。故选A。


5.Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Sustainable Cities Need More Than Parks, Cafes and a Riverwalk

There are many standards that aim to rank how green cities are. But what does it actually mean

for a city to be green or sustainable?

We've written about what we call the "parks, cafes and a riverwalk" model of sustainability, which focuses on providing new green spaces, mainly for high-income people. This vision of shiny residential towers and waterfront parks has become a widely-shared conception of what green cities should look like. ________

Gentrification(住宅高档化) has become a catch-all term used to describe neighborhood change, and is often misunderstood as the only path to neighborhood improvement. In fact, its defining feature is displacement. Typically, people who move into these changing neighborhoods are wealthier and more educated than residents who are displaced.

A recent flood of new research has focused on the displacement effects of environmental cleanup and green space initiatives. ________

Land for new development and resources to fund extensive cleanup of poisonous sites are scarce in many cities. ________ And in neighborhoods where gentrification has already begun, a new park or farmers market can worsen the problem by making the area even more attractive to potential high-income people and pricing out long-term residents. In some cases, developers even create temporary community gardens or farmers markets or promise more green space than they eventually deliver, in order to market a neighborhood to buyers looking for green pleasantness.

________ It makes deindustrialization seem both inevitable and desirable, often by quite literally replacing industry with more natural-looking landscapes. When these neighborhoods are finally cleaned up, after years of activism by longtime residents, those advocates often are unable to stay and enjoy the benefits of their efforts.

A. This phenomenon is often missing from development projects promoted as green or sustainable.

B. This phenomenon has variously been called environmental, eco-or green gentrification.

C. Greening and environmental cleanup do not automatically or necessarily lead to gentrification.

D. This creates pressure to rezone industrial land for residential towers or profitable commercial space, in exchange for developer-funded cleanup.

E. But it can drive up real estate prices and displace low- and middle-income residents.

F. Environmental gentrification naturalizes the disappearance of manufacturing and the working class.

【答案】 E;B;D;F

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,可持续发展城市需要的不仅仅是公园、咖啡馆和河边人行道。有许多标准旨在对绿色城市进行排名。但是一个城市的绿色和可持续发展究竟意味着什么呢?意味着住宅高档化,生态环境更中产化,用更自然的景观取代工业的痕迹。(1)考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据空前“ We've written about what we call the ‘parks, cafes and a riverwalk’model of sustainability, which focuses on providing new green spaces, mainly for high-income people.”我们称之为“公园、咖啡馆和河边漫步'的可持续发展模式,其重点是为高收入人群提供新的绿色空间",及空后“ Gentrification(住宅高档化) has become a catch-all term used to describe neighborhood change, and is often misunderstood as the only path to neighborhood improvement.”住宅高档化'已成为描述


(2)考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据空前"A recent flood of new research has focused on the displacement effects of environmental cleanup and green space initiatives."可知,"最近大量的新研究集中在环境清理和倡议绿色空间的效应上。"由此可知,清理环境,倡议绿色空间,意味着让环境,绿化生态有了很大的改善,适合于中产阶级(即住宅高档化),可知B项符合题意,故选B。

(3)考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据空前“ Land for new development and resources to fund extensive cleanup of poisonous sites are scarce in many cities.”在许多城市,用于新开发的土地和用于大规模清理有毒场所的资源都很稀缺;及空后“In some cases, developers even create temporary community gardens or farmers markets or promise more green space than they eventually deliver, in order to market a neighborhood to buyers looking for green pleasantness.”开发商不得不创造及承诺更多最终会有更多的绿化。由此可知,为了让开发商资助清理这些有毒的场所,这就造成了将工业用地重新规划为住宅楼或有利可图的商业用地的压力。故选D。

(4)考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据空后“ It makes deindustrialization seem both inevitable and desirable, often by quite literally replacing industry with more natural-looking landscapes.”这使得去工业化看起来既不可避免又令人向往,通常是通过用更自然的景观代替工业……当这些社区最终被清理干净时,这些倡导者往往无法留下来享受他们的努力带来的好处。",再快速阅读本段得出大意,F项意义与本小题一致。其中的F项中的"disappearance of manufacturing"与文中的"disappearance of manufacturing"是同义词组。其中的F项中的"the disappearance of the working class"即是文中所说的"清理干净社区,这些人无法留下来享受他们带来的好处的"工人阶级的消失。分析选项可知F项符合题意,故选F。



Old-fashioned carpooling (拼车) where a group of people take turns driving each other to work has always faced a resistance. In a study by ABC News, 84%of those who drive to work say that they still do it alone.________ For example, sometimes they simply cannot find anyone to share a ride with.

________ NuRide, a company providing online carpooling service, offers daily travelers not just a web-based list of would-be carpoolers but also a way to arrange a trip online. Here's how it works: rider seekers enter the positions where their trip will begin and end, the time they want to leave and if they're willing to drive or just ride in someone else's car. The website's search engine then looks for matches and makes lists of the names of traveling companions, along with the car model and the exact time and place to meet for each trip.________ Then they meet their car mates when it's time to go.

________ They are required to provide the name of their employer and a work e-mail address. Both need to be checked before being listed on the website.

So far, NuRide has arranged more man 50,000 rides on the website.________

A. NuRide users aren't riding with total strangers.

B. It has resulted in 1.4 million fewer miles driven.

C. They insisted that carpooling is just too inconvenient.

D. Now technology makes carpooling easier and more fun.

E. It is an environmentally friendly and economical way to travel.

F. Carpooling reduces travel cost, such as fuel cost and stress of driving.

G. People who want to share the ride can show their interest in joining in online.


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了现在的网络技术使得拼车更容易和更有趣。NuRide公司,提供网上拼车服务,在线安排,满足所需,并且是实名制,安全放心。(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上文”In a study by ABC N ews, 84%of those who drive to work say that they still do it alone.“ 84%的开车上班的人说他们仍然独自开车;以及下文”For example, sometimes they simply cannot find anyone to share a ride with.“比如有时他们根本找不到人拼车。再分析七个选项可以推断出拼车因为不方面,故C项符合。(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据第二段的内容可知,NuRide的公司,提供网上拼车服务,在线安排,方便拼车又有趣。分析七个选项可推断现代的技术让拼车很方便,故D符合题意。


(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据下文“They are required to provide the name of their employer and a work e-mail address, Both need to be checked before being listed on the website.”可知要求提供雇主的名字和工作电子邮件地址并接受检查,可知都是经过登记检查的,而不能让陌生人搭乘,故A符合本空。故选A。

(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上文”So far, NuRide has arranged more man 50,000 rides on the website.“到目前为止,NuRide users已经有更多的人搭乘超过50.000次。通过分析剩下的三个选项,可知B. It has resulted in 1.4 million fewer miles driven”减少了140万英里的行驶。“更为合适。故选B。



Observational Learning: To See Is to Know

A group of psychologists, led by Albert Bandura, developed social learning theory, which emphasizes the fact that much learning occurs in a social context. This kind of learning, which results simply from observing and imitating the behavior of others, is called observational learning. Observational learning helps people acquire proper behavior in their families and cultures. By watching others, we learn how to greet people, eat, laugh and tell jokes. Do you still

remember your first few days in senior grade one? By watching others, you learned how people talked to each other, what clothes were "fashionable," and how to interact with instructors.

With modeling, you observe others' behaviors, and then none, some, or all of these behaviors may be learned and repeated, or modified. In one of Bandura's classic studies, children were divided into three groups: One group watched an adult beating up a Bobo doll, one group watched an adult ignoring the Bobo doll, and the third didn't see an adult at all. After being mildly frustrated by being placed in a room with toys, but not being allowed to play with some of them, all of the children were then placed in another room with a variety of toys, including a Bobo doll. Children in the first group tended to imitate what they had seen, mistreating the doll (and inventing new ways to abuse it).

Researchers have discovered that several characteristics of models can make learning through observation more effective. Not surprisingly, the more you pay attention to the model, the more you learn. You are more likely to pay attention if the model is an expert, is good looking, has high status, or is socially powerful. Second, by watching others, we learn about what behaviors are appropriate for people like ourselves, so models who are seen as similar are more readily imitated. All students need to see successful, capable models who look and sound like them.

Then, as teachers, how can you apply observational learning? Here are a few guidelines. Above all, model the behaviors and attitudes you desire your students to learn. For example, show enthusiasm for the subject you teach. Be willing to demonstrate both the mental and the physical tasks you expect the students to perform. Second, use peers, especially class leaders, as models. For example, in group work, pair students who do well with those who are having difficulties. Third, you may seek the help of class leaders in modeling behaviors. Examples include letting high-status students lead an activity when you need class cooperation or when students are likely to be reluctant at first.

impacts;aggressive / violent / rude;likely;similar;teaching / education / instruction;desired / expected / target;Seeking


(1)考查信息归纳。根据右边的内容:Observational learning is learning that occurs through ________ and imitation of others.可知这是观察学习的定义,故填Definition / Concept / Meaning。

(2)考查词性转化。根据第一段中的“This kind of learning, which results simply from observing and imitating the behaviors of others, is called observational learnin g.”可知将observing 改成observation。

(3)考查词性转化。根据第一段中的“Observational learning helps people acquire proper behaviors in their families and cultures”可知将proper改成 properly / appropriately / well。(4)考查原词重现。根据第二段中的“Children in the first group tended to imitate what they had seen, mistreating the doll (and inventing new ways to abuse it)。”可知看见不好的行为的孩子自己也会学习,有虐待性,故填abusive。


(6)考查原词重现。根据第三段中的“You are more likely to pay attention if the model is an expert, is good looking, has hig h status, or is socially powerful.”可知填likely。

(7)考查句意理解。根据第三段中的“Second, by watching others, we learn about what behaviors are appropriate for people like ourselves,”可知和我们相像的人会促进观察学习。like=" similar" to,故填similar。

(8)考查词性转化。根据第四段中的“Then, as teachers, how c an you apply observational learning?”可知怎么将观察学习应用于教学中,故填 teaching / education / instruction。(9)考查词性转化。根据第四段中的“Above all, model the behaviors and attitudes you desire your students to learn. ”可知将desire改成desired / expected / targeted。

(10)考查词性转化。根据第四段中的“Th ird, you may seek the help of class leaders in modeling behaviors. ”可知将seek改成Seeking。



Parents often say that they don't mind what their children do in life just as long as they are happy. Happiness and pleasure are almost universally seen as among the most precious human goods.________Philosopher Jeremy Bentham believed that all sources of pleasure are of equal

quality, but John Stuart Mill disagreed. Mill argued for a difference between higher and lower pleasure.________Lower pleasure, in contrast, requires mere (仅仅的;纯粹的) senses.

The entire debate assumes a clear divide between the physical and the mental.________What will it mean for our ideas about pleasure?

________Food is usually considered to be the lower pleasure. All animals eat, using the senses of smell and taste. It doesn't require any complex cognition (认知) to conclude that something is delicious. However, these people failed to appreciate something that the French food writer Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin captured. That is, "Animals feed; man eats; only the man of intellect(才智) knows how to eat."

Eating shows that the difference between higher pleasure and lower pleasure is not what you enjoy but how you enjoy it.________Preparing it using the powers of reflection and attention turns it into a higher pleasure.

A. The dining table is a good place to start.

B. Wolfing down your food is a lower kind of pleasure.

C. What's the real difference between high and low pleasure?

D. What happens if the physical and the mental cannot be separated?

E. All philosophers believed that cookery could never be a form of art.

F. Higher pleasure depends on human abilities such as self-awareness or language use.

G. However, disagreements will be caused about whether some forms of pleasure are better than others.

【答案】 G;F;D;A;B

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,幸福和快乐几乎被普遍认为是人类最宝贵的财富之一。然而,关于某些形式的快乐是否比其他形式的好,会产生分歧。John Stuart Mill认为快乐的高低是有区别的。且以就餐为例,指出吃表明高快乐和低快乐的区别不是你喜欢什么,而是你如何享受它。狼吞虎咽是一种低级乐趣,但是用心准备它就能将低级乐趣转变为高级乐趣。

(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Philosopher Jeremy Bentham believed that all sources of pleasure are of equal quality, but John Stuart Mill disagreed.”可知Jeremy Bentham认为所有快乐的来源都是平等的,但是John Stuart Mill不同意。可知关于某些形式的快乐是否比其他形式的好,存在分歧。故选G。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Mill argued for a difference between higher and lower pleasure.”密尔认为快乐的高低是有区别的。与下文提到了lower pleasure,即可知本句应是说明了higher pleasure。故F. Higher pleasure depends on human abilities such as self-awa reness or language use.“更高的快乐取决于人类的能力,如自我意识或语言使用”。惩戒上下文符合语境,故选F。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“The entire debate assumes a clear divide between the physical and the mental.”整个辩论在生理和心理上有明显的分歧。其中physical and the mental可对应到D选项中the physical and the mental,意思为:如果身体和精神不能分开会发生什么?故选D。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Food is usually considered to be the

lower pleasure.”可知提到了food,故A. The dining table is a good place to start.“餐桌就是一个分歧很明显的地方。”符合语境,故选A。

(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Preparing it using the powers of reflection and at tention turns it into a higher pleasure.”用反思和专注的力量来准备它,会把它变成一种更高的乐趣。根据上文可知:狼吞虎咽是一种低级趣味。故选B。



Asthma(哮喘) is a long-lasting breathing disease that affects millions of Americans, many of whom are children. People who get asthma will suffer from lack of breath, difficulty in breathing or coughing--which are caused by the tightening of the muscles in airways. Untreated asthma can lead to poor lung function and death, but asthma can also be effectively controlled with proper treatments.

Research is discovering genes that contribute to the development of asthma. This development has pointed researchers to the role of indoor and outdoor pollution as environmental factors that contribute to the increased occurrence of asthma.

The Indoor Pollution

Indoor pollution has increased with the developments in building materials and in heating and air conditioning systems. In addition to poisonous gases that come from paint, other materials like dust and perfumes used in household products such as washing powder are recycled continuously through the house, winter and summer.

Unlike the days before central heating or before whole-house air conditioning, these materials and chemicals cannot get out of modern homes. Most often, they cause breathing problems in the members of the family with the least-developed autoimmune(自身免疫的) systems. Proper venting (通风) and use of environmentally-friendly building materials and carpeting can help reduce the presence of these chemicals.

The Outdoor pollution

Researchers have also established outdoor pollution's role as a probable cause of asthma. Asthma has been proven to result from some fuel products. Smog and the small matters carried by it have been recognized as a factor which leads to asthma since the 19th century when London saw more and more diseases in the industrial population. Industrial pollutants and other chemicals which are produced in water treatment and open treated water like that found in the swimming pools also contribute to increased cases of asthma as well as other illnesses.

Those most affected by the increase of industrial and environmental pollution are children. Although much has been done to control the levels of pollution in the US, there still remains much to do as it is a worldwide phenomenon. Until an international effort can be made to limit carbon emissions, the occurrence of environmental asthma will probably continue to increase.

/results/effects;Factors;caused/ increased;Besides;remain/ stay;increased/ increasing;harmful;prevented/stopped/ kept/ away/ free/ freed




(3)考查信息归纳的能力。由文中的“Untreated asthma can lead to poor lung function and death,”可知,这里是指“结果”。故填consequences/results/effects。

(4)考查信息归纳的能力。根据原文第二段“This development has pointed researchers to the role of indoor and outdoor pollution as environmental factors that contribute to the increased occurrence of asthma.,”结合题目后面indoor pollution 和outdoor pollution得知,这里是讲导致哮喘病增加的因素。故填Factors 。

(5)考查信息归纳的能力。原文用的是“indoor pollution has increased with”结构,其实就是因果关系,所以这里是被动结构。故填caused/ increased。

(6)考查信息归纳的能力。对原文in addition to进行替换,表示“除了,还包括”的意思。故填Besides。

(7)考查信息归纳的能力。原文“these materials and chemicals cannot get out of modern homes”指的是这些材料并没有随时间消失,一直存在。故填remain/ stay。(8)考查信息归纳的能力。根据原文倒数第二段中的“saw more and more diseases in the

industrial population. Industrial pollutants and other chemicals which are produced in water treatment and open treated water like that found in the swimming pools also contribute to increased cases of asthma as well as other illnesses.,”可知是越来越多的疾病。故填increased/ increasing。

(9)考查信息归纳的能力。根据“saw more and more diseases in the indust rial population. Industrial pollutants and other chemicals which are produced in water treatment and open treated water like that found in the swimming pools also contribute to increased cases of asthma as well as other illnesses.”可知,这类污染物对人体有害,会导致疾病。故填harmful。(10)考查信息归纳的能力。根据最后一段中的“Until an international effort can be made to limit carbon emissions, the occurrence of environmental asthma will probably continue to increase.,”可知是需要各个国家的通力合作才能阻止碳排放量,prevent/stop/ keep/be away/ be free/ free… from doing表示“阻止”固定搭配,表示否定含义。原题中有can be所以后面用过去分词表示被动,故填prevented/stopped/ kept/ away/ free/ freed。



Radar(雷达)is an electronic device that detects planes, ships, coastlines, landmarks, and even storm clouds. The name radar comes from the first letters of the words radio direction and ranging. As the human eye uses light waves to see, radar “sees” with radio waves. Without radar, planes could not land safely in bad weather and ships could not move safely in thick fog________ In the 1800s it was discovered that radio waves could be reflected from objects. But scientists did not make great advances in radar research until the 1930s, when the world was threatened by war________It has been used widely in almost every conflict since then.

Echoes make it possible for radar to work. When a beam of radio waves is sent out, it strikes on an object and returns an echo. This echo is picked up by radar and recorded on a screen similar to television screen. On the screen an observer sees a flash, or a blip, that shows the direction and distance of the object________

Airport control towers use radar to guide planes in for safe landings. Almost all large ships depend on radar to prevent collisions with icebergs or other ships________Weather forecasters “see” the size, direction, and speed of storms on radar screens. Astronomers can even use radar to measure accurately the distance to the moon. Thus, the device has generated major advancements.

________ Huge radar antennas have been installed all over the United States. They guard us against possible enemy attacks. We have ballistic—missiles (战略导弹)warning systems that can alert us to attacks when missiles are more than 1,000 miles away. Other radar systems warn us against enemy aircraft and even spying space satellites.

A. Police track speeders in radar-equipped cars.

B. These measurements are now highly accurate.

C. The device can be used in a wide range of fields.

D. During World War II many countries used radar effectively.

E. It is therefore especially valuable to shippers and travelers.

F. Today radar is used by commercial airliners and weather forecasters.

G. Strengthening national defense is one of radar's most important functions.



(1)根据前一句Without radar, planes could not land safely in bad weather and ships could not move safely in thick fog.可知,雷达在飞机和航海中起着巨大的作用,因此,雷达对运货商和旅行者特别有价值,选E。

(2)在上文内容But scientists did not make great advances in radar research until the 1930s, when the world was threatened by war.中捕捉到关键词war,所以空格处的内容会涉及到war,故D项“在第二次世界大战期间,许多国家有效地使用雷达”符合本段内容,选D。(3)根据前一句On the screen an observer sees a flash, or a blip, that shows the direction and distance of the object.可知,在屏幕上,观察者看到显示物体的方向和距离的闪光或光点,而现在这些测量值已经高度精确了。故选B。

(4)根据全段Almost all large ships depend on radar to prevent collisions with icebergs or other ships. ___4___Weather forecasters “see” the size, direction, and speed of storms on radar screens. Astronomers can even use radar to measure accurately the distance to the moon.可知,这一段主要讲了雷达在各个领域的用途,故选A。

(5)根据后文Huge radar antennas have been installed all over the United States. They guard us against possible enemy attacks. We have ballistic—missiles (战略导弹)warning systems that can alert us to attacks when missiles are more than 1,000 miles away. Other radar systems warn us against enemy aircraft and even spying space satellites.可知,这一段主要讲了雷达在国防领域的重要作用,故选G。



Many people think only professionals—engineers, accountants, teachers, etc.—have careers.________ Even if you've never had a paid job, you still have a career. Your career is the sum of your life and work. It includes all your activities and experiences. Your schooling, your volunteer work, and even your relationships with your family are all big parts of your career.________

During your career, you will have a variety of jobs, occupations and roles. People used to think of a job as full-time, permanent, paid work done for an employer at a work site. But in our changing world, a job is a set of duties or tasks. It can be paid or unpaid________ Even someone who is self-employed has a job.

An occupation is a group of jobs with similar responsibilities that require a common set of

skills.________ Programmers may have permanent or temporary jobs working for specific employers, be self-employed, work full-time or part-time, be paid for their work or volunteer their services. They may change jobs or hold several jobs at one time but, until they change the type of duties or tasks they perform, they are still computer programmers.

________ We all play a number of roles in our lives and our roles often change over time. For example, Kris works four days a week as a receptionist in a clinic and takes evening courses in social work. She also sews gymnastic wear for her neighbor who sells it at summer markets. Now Kris has at least three roles.

A. A role is a part you play.

B. Actually everyone has a career.

C. In other words, your career is your life story.

D. For example, computer programmer is an occupation.

E. As a matter of fact, a job is different from a role in some way.

F. It can be completed at a work site, at home, or somewhere else.

G. The following is about your work, your family, and your life story.



(1)根据后句Even if you've never had a paid job, you still have a career.可知,事实上,每个人都有一份职业。故答案选B。

(2)根据前句Your schooling, your volunteer work, and even your relationships with your family are all big parts of your career.可知,所有的一切都是你的职业。故答案选C。

(3)根据前句But in our changing world, a job is a set of duties or tasks. It can be paid or unpaid.和后句Even someone who is self-employed has a job.可知,它可以在工作地点、家里或其他地方完成。故答案选F。

(4)根据前句An occupation is a group of jobs with similar responsibilities that require a common set of skills.和后句Programmers may have permanent or temporary jobs working for specific employers, be self-employed, work full-time or part-time, be paid for their work or volunteer their services.可知,计算机程序员是一份职业。故答案选D。

(5)根据后句We all play a number of roles in our lives and our roles often change over time.可知,我们在生活中都扮演着许多角色,并且我们的角色随着时间而改变。故答案选A。【点评】1.理清句际间意义的关系:文章的内容是根据各层各段的大意有机地组合而成,各个层次,各个段落之间不管怎样错落有致,但它所表达的内容都是要围绕中心的,各句之间都有一定的语脉,从逻辑意义上来看,语段的句际关系可分为平列、顺序、层递、转折、总分、解释、因果等关系。构成语段的各个句子之间有时可以包含一种以上的句际关系。因此,理解阅读材料时一定要把握语脉,理清句际间的关系,进而理解语段或全文的内容。



Moving into a new home in a new neighborhood is an exciting experience. Of course, you want to make sure that you become an accepted and valuable part of your new neighborhood. The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should.________

Perhaps one of the most important things you can do as a good neighbor is to keep your property(房产) neat, clean, and in good repair. ________By choosing to keep the outside of the home in great shape, you will help to improve the look and feel of the area.

Second, take the overall appearance of the neighborhood seriously. When going for a walk. Take along a small garbage bag. ________This small act will let your neighbors know that you care about the area.

________ If a neighbor is going to be out of town, offer to collect mail and newspapers. If a neighbor suffers an illness, offer to do the grocery shopping. Let them know you are there to help in any way this acceptable, while still respecting the privacy of your neighbor.

________By following the basic rules of respecting others, taking care of what belongs to you, and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood in general, you will quickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciates.


⑴G 此处是承上启下的句子,即呼应上一句“确保你做一个好邻居应该做的事”,后概括下文“做一个好邻居应该注意那些技巧”,故答案为G。

⑵F 根据下文强调的outside of the home,联系到上文keep your property(房产) neat, clean, and in good repair,所以此处谈论如从外观上让邻居接受你,故答案为F。

⑶E 前文的small garbage bag是为了“pick up waste paper”准备的,后一句的This small act就是指捡废纸的这一举动,故答案为E。

⑷B 此处是本段的主题句,后一句中的offer to collect mail and newspapers正是帮助邻居做一些小事情的表现,所以答案为B。

⑸C 此处是本段的主题句,后一句中的respecting others, taking care of what belongs to you, and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood 均是considerate behaviors,故答案为C。



Perhaps at one point in time, it was acceptable to start any letter or e-mail with “To Whom It May Concern.”________ Starting your cover letter or e-mail for a job this way might give off the impression that you didn't do your research on who you're writing to________After all, people who address other people by their names when writing and speaking to them tend to be more pleasant.

________It can be used in letters of recommendation or reference, formal complaints(抱怨)made to a company, letters of introduction, and letters of interest.

Grammarly uses the example of needing to write a letter of recommendation, for a colleague who will have to make several copies to dist ribute to interviewers________“In most cases, though, try to narrow your focus rather than cast a broad net,” notes Grammarly.”Ask yourself. Who does this e-mail concern? If you can honestly answer 'Anyone, 'then feel free to use “To Whom It May Concern.” (These are the things you should never say in your cover letter.)

If you do happen to find that using “To Whom It May Concern” is appropriate, don't make grammar mistakes, for example, letters or punctuation.________

A. However, it maybe interesting.

B. Those times have changed, though.

C. Making mistakes in writing will surely get you low scores.

D. It's also very impersonal, which some employers might not appreciate.

E. In that circumstance, sending and receiving letters is more of a formal greeting.

F. You might want to take note of other common errors you might be committing, too.

G. But according to Grammarly, there are four times when it's OK to use this greeting.



(1)考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本句主要根据时态来判断。空前是一般过去时,讲的是写信用通用称呼,而不是具体称呼在过去是可接受的。空后是一般现在时,现在最好要称呼具体,否则会让人不喜欢。由此可推断出空前后是今昔对比,有所不同的。分析选项可知,B项(Those times have changed, though. 然而,那些时代已经改变了)。可知符合题意。过去的那种现象已不适合现在了,会留下不好的印象。故答案选B。

