


ASIAN PACIFIC Version Questionnaire Mercedes-Benz Customer Satisfaction Index After-Sales Passenger Cars Version 6.0 Jan. 2008

访问员提示: 根据奔驰名单记录被访者资料/ Interviewer Instructions : Record information according to information on the Mercedez-Benz sample lists

Mercedes-Benz Service Questionnaire 介绍 / INTRODUCTION 早上/下午/晚上好! 请问您是(读出被访者姓名)先生/女士吗?我是(读出访问员姓名),是TNS 的访问员。TNS 是香港一间独立市场研究公司,现在受梅赛德斯-奔驰(中国)汽车销售有限公司 委托进行一项国内 [奔驰特许服务中心售后服务]的顾客满意调查。您的宝贵意见将会帮助梅赛德斯-奔驰改善售后服务水平。您在访问中提供的信息只会用于梅赛德斯-奔驰的顾客调查,并且会被严格保密。我们在访问过程中也不会向您推销任何产品或者服务。整个访问大约需要12-15 分钟。 请问(读出被访者姓名)先生/女士,我可以现在开始访问吗? Good morning/afternoon/evening! Are you Mr. / Miss/ Mrs (Read out respondent’s name on sample lists)? My name is (Read out interviewer name) from TNS. TNS is an independent market research company in Hong Kong. We are conducting an opinion survey on behalf of MERCEDES-BENZ China Ltd. about the quality of after sales services offered by MERCEDES-BENZ service centres in Mainland China. All information you provide in this interview will be used for research analysis and kept strictly confidential. We will not try to sell you any products or services during the interview. The interview will last about 12 to 15 minutes. Mr. / Miss/ Mrs (Read out respondent’s name on sample lists), can I start to interview you now? 为了确保访问的质量,以下的访问可能将会被录音。 (不要读出) 1: 同意 2: 不同意 For quality control purposes, this interview may be recorded.
