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Chapter 1 understanding IR

⏹Chapter Summary

⏹IR affects daily life profoundly; we all paticipate in IR.

⏹IR is field of political science, concerned mainly with explaining political outcomes in international security affairs and international political economy.

⏹Theories complement descriptive narratives in explaining international events and outcomes,but scholars do not agree on single set of theories or methods to use in studying IR.

⏹States are the most important actors in IR; the international system is based on the soveignty of (about 200)independnet terrotorial states.

⏹States vary greatly in size of population and economy,from tiny microstates to great powers. Chapter 1 understanding IR

⏹Chapter Summary

⏹Nonstate actors such as mutinational corporations(MNCs),nongovernmental organizations(NGOs),and intergovernment organazitions (IGOs)exert a growing influence on intrnational relations.

⏹The worldwide revolution in information technologies will profoundly reshape the capabilities of actors in IR, in ways we not yet understand.

⏹Four levels of analysis---indivadual, domestic, interstate,and global---suggest multiple expalanations for outcomes observed in IR.

Key Terms


The relations among the world’s state governments and the connection of those relations with other actors(such as the United Nations, multinational corporations, and individuals), with other social relationsships(including economs, culture, and domestic politics),and with geographic and historical influences.

⏹Issue areas

⏹Distinct spheres of international activity (such as globle trade negotiations)within which policy makers of various states face conflicts and sometiomes achieve cooperation.

Chapter 2 Power Politics

⏹Key Terms

⏹Power ---can be conceptualized as influence or as capabilities that can create influence.

⏹The ability or potential to influence others’ behavior, as meased by the possession of certain tangible and intangible characteristic.

⏹Realism---A broad intellectual tradition that explains international relations mainly in terms of power.

⏹Idealism---An approach that emphasizes international law, and international organization, rather than power alone, as key influences on international relations.

Chapter 2

Chapter Summary

⏹Realists and idealists differ in their assumptions about human nature,international order, and the

potential for peace.

⏹The most important single indicator of a state’s power is its GDP.

⏹Short-term power capabilities depend on long-term resources, bothe tangible and intangible.

⏹Realists consider military force the most important power capabolity.

⏹International affairs can be seen as a series of bargaining interactions in which states use power capabilities as leverage to influence the outcomes.

⏹Bargaining outcomes depend not onlt on raw power but also on strategies and luck.

⏹Reciprocity can be an effective strategy for reaching cooperation in ongoing relationships but carries a danger of turning into runaway hostility or arms races.

⏹Game theory draws insights from simplified models of barginingsituations.

⏹The international system traditionally places great emphasis on the sovereignty of states, their right to control affairs in their territory, and their responsibility to respect internationally recognized borders.

⏹Power transition theory says that wars often result from shifts in relative power distribution in the international system.

⏹Hegemony---the predominance of one state in the international system---can help provide stability and peace in international relations, but with some drawbacks.

⏹The world’s main alliances, including NATO and the U.S-Japanese alliance, face uncertain roles in a changing world order.

Chapter Summary ( 3 )

⏹1.Foreign policies are governments use

⏹to guide their actions toward other

⏹states. The foreign policy is the set of

⏹process and structures that states use

⏹to arrive at foreign policy decisions

⏹and implement them.

Chapter Summary

⏹2.In the rational model of decision making, officials choose the action whose consequences best help to meet the state’s established goals. By construct, in the organizational process model, decisions result from routine administrative procedures, and in the government bargaining (or
