中西方文化差异 PPT

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▪ 再如,汉语中的“上哪儿去啊?”和“到 哪儿去啦?”这样打招呼的话直译成英语 就是Where are you going?和Where you have been?用这两句英语来打招呼,大部 分讲英语的人听了会不高兴,他们的反应 很可能是:It’s none of your business! 你 管得着吗!
▪ The west is always strange to the Chinese people in the meeting is to ask, "do you eat it?"" Chinese friend's words are equivalent to English in the Hello or Hi, but if literally translated into you eaten yet Have? Or you had your lunch Have? Foreigners sound strange. Americans will think that this kind of greeting seems to be saying, "I didn't eat it.". Come on, let's go and have something to eat." Or, "if you don't eat it, I'm going to invite you to my house." In a word, it is sometimes mean to invite someone to dinner.
▪ For example, in Chinese, "where are you going?" And "where are you going?" So say hello word translated into English is are you going Where? And you have been Where? With these two English to say hello, most English speaking people will not be pleased to hear, their response is likely to be: s' none of It business your!
▪ 西方人总奇怪于中国人在见面是问“您吃了吗? ”中国朋友的话等于英语中的Hello或Hi,但如果 照字面译成Have you eaten yet?或Have you had your lunch?外国人听起来就很怪。? 美国人 会以为,这种打招呼似乎是说:“我也没有吃。 走吧,我们一起去吃点东西吧。”或者说:“如 果没有吃的话,我正要请你到我家去呢。”;总 之,这样打招呼有时意味着邀请对方去吃饭 。
2A210 舍长:车明祥 成员:宋通、郭天昊、王慎云、康瑶、魏乾宽
Cultural differences between China and the West
Cultural differences between China and the West
▪Fortunately, not all greetings sound strange or arouse displeasure. There are a lot of greeting words that are similar, some of which are just different. In many languages, greeting words are often similar, some of which are just different. In many languages, greetings are often associated with time, but even in a language, there are inconsistencies. English has morning Good, afternoon Good, evening good are equivalent to the Chinese in the "hello", just say that the time is different, but do not say noon Good. Good night (good night; see tomorrow; goodbye) is not a greeting at all, this is just to say goodbye.
Chinese traditional festivals have Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival. Western festivals have a grand Christmas, Thanksgiving, easter. In festivals, the Chinese and the West show great differences.
religious belief
The main belief in Buddhism and Taoism in china.
Christianity in the west.
Festival difference
中国传统节日有春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节。 西方的节日有隆重的圣诞节,感恩节、复活节。在 节日方面,中西方表现出巨大的差异。
To Greet
▪ 表现:中国人打招呼,一般都以对方处境或动向 为思维出发点,而西方人往往认为这些纯属个人 私事,不能随便问。
▪ Performance: Chinese people say hello, generally in the other side of the situation or trends for the starting point, and the Westerners tend to think that these are purely personal matters, not just ask.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
▪幸而,打招呼的话并不都令人感到奇怪或者引起对方反感。有 许多打招呼的话是相似的,有些只是说法不同。在许多语言里, 打招呼的话往往是相似的,有些只是说法不同。在许多语言里, 打招呼的话往往与时间有关,但即使在一种语言中也有不一致的 地方。英语中有Good morning, Good afternoon, good evening 都相当于汉语中的“您好”,只是说的时间不同而已,但不说 Good noon。而 Good night (晚安;明天见;再会)根本不是 打招呼的话,这只是告别时说的话。