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V ol. 33 No.1Mar. 2015第33卷 第1期2015年3月

经 济 林 研 究

Nonwood Forest Research Doi:10.14067/ki.1003-8981.2015.01.025

http: //

油茶又名茶子树、油茶树,在海南被称为山柚茶,主要是山茶科Theaceae 山茶属Camellia 植物中油脂含量较高且具有栽培经济价值的一类植




作者简介:郑道君,副研究员,硕士。 通讯作者:张治礼,研究员,硕士研究生导师。E-mail :zzl_catas@ 引文格式:郑道君,潘孝忠,谢良商,等.海南省油茶产业发展现状调查与分析[J].经济林研究,2015,33(1):131-135.



(海南省农业科学院 农作物遗传育种重点实验室,海南 海口 571100)

摘 要:为了明确海南省油茶产业发展现状,采用实地调查和资料收集整理相结合的研究方法,对海南省的油



中图分类号:S609.9;S794.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003—8981(2015)01—0131—05

Investigation and analysis of Camellia oleifera industry development status

in Hainan Province

ZHENG Dao-jun, PAN Xiao-zhong, XIE Liang-shang, ZENG Jian-hua, WU Yu-jia, ZHANG Zhi-li, JI Qing-mei (Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Breeding, Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Haikou 571100, Hainan, China)

Abstract: In order to learn current situation of Camellia oleifera industry development in Hainan Province, cultivation history, development status, and processing and management status of C. oleifera were investigated and analyzed by fi eld investigation and collecting data. The results showed that cultivation history of C. oleifera was very long and its planting area was expanding quickly in recent years in Hainan Province. Production of C. oleifera oil was mainly dispersed and family artisanal pattern. There were about forty-nine processing spots for C. oleifera oil, distributing intensively in Haikou, Qionghai, Ding ’an, Chengmai and Tunchang. Processing technology for C. oleifera oil was very backward and lack of fi ne machining and comprehensive utilization. In Hainan, native C. oleifera oil had very high price and was mainly self-marketing. C. oleifera plantation in Hainan had been rapidly developed in recent years due to market factors, but the traditional techniques were still widely used, and the processing spots were spontaneously distributed, cultivation and processing techniques were backward and less corresponding scienti fi c and technological support. Prospect of healthy and sustainable development of C. oleifera industry in Hainan was full of uncertainty.

Key words: Camellia oleifera ; industry development; cultivation history and status; processing and management status; Hainan Province
