



1.We must brush our (tooth) two (time) a day.

2.He (watch) TV every day.

3.The (tomato) in the bag are from Shandong.

4.There are many (sheep) on the from.

5.Look! The (woman) are in nice (dress).

6.Six (woman) (doctor) are from Wuhan.

7.The (leaf) on the tree turn yellow in fall.

8.(he) bike is new, but (I) is old.

9.He often (go) shopping with (I).

10. This is (she) book, but that’s (he).

11. Who (teach) (we) math? —I don’t.

12.—Is this your late? —No, it’s she.

13. We (be) interested in (he) story books.

14. Would you mind (I) (open) the door?

15. Please help (I ) with (I) English.

16. He often (teach) (she) math.

17.—Which one is (you)?—The red one. The green one is (he).

18.The bird is nice. (it) name is kity. This box is (it) bed.

19. Let (he) go. He isn’t well today.

20. My father is fine? What about (you)?

21. The room is (them) , this one is (us).

22. There (be) too much water on the floor.

23. There (be) some boys (play) basketball on the playground.

24. Please (quiet) in class.

25. Y ou’d better (read) English every day.

26. In the past, he (like) (play) soccer, but now he (like) (dance)

and he (enjoy) (watch) TV.

27. In 2000, he (move) to Shaghai and (find) a job there.

28. On a spring morning, he (go) to a hospital and (see) a doctor, because she

(feel) terrible.

29. I (write) a letter to my sister and then I also (receive) a letter in 2008.

30. Y esterday it was (cloud) and it (rain) (heavy). I (can’t) go out.

31. They (clean) the classroom now. Look!

HanMei (carry) water and LiLei (clean) the desk.

32. She often (help) me with my English and I often (give) her some (help)

33. He (plan) (go) to Beijing last week.

34. There (be) too many beautiful flowers last year, but now, there (be) many

young trees.


35. He (read) English last night, but I (do) some washing.

36. He (stop) (give) me a call yesterday.

37. Last year, it (snow) (heavy) he (worry) about the young trees.

38. No one (know) me here, but I (know) everyone here when I (be) ten.

39. He (stand) here for a long time yesterday.

40. Don’t (make) the baby (cry).

41. She (have) (look) after herself last year, because her parents (go)

to Wuhan for work.

42. There (be) a bird (sing) in the tree now.

43. It often (rain) in spring and it often (snow) in winter in china.

44. She (teach) us English last year.

45. She (work) hard as a student.

46. She (live) here in 2008 and she (hope) (move) to Shanghai in 2011.

47. These days, he (be) busy (read) the book.

48. They (have) fun (listen) to the music yesterday.

49. They (decide) (go) to Wuhan last week.

50. He (forget) (call) me this morning.

51. I can’t stand (listen) to the loud music.

52 Would you mind (turn) down the music.

53. He (agree) (visit) Shanghai last Summer.

54. He (spend) 1000 yuan (buy) the machine.

55. He (drink) wine and (like) tea very much.

56. Each of them (want) (help) me (learn) Chinese.

57. Nobody (agree) (have) some fish yesterday.

59. She (wear) a beautiful dress today.

59. How about (go) Shopping today?

60. He (say) thanks to me and I (laugh) just now.

61. The (banana) are my favorite but he (like) (apple) very much.

62. The boy (watch) TV and the parents (clean) the house.

63. I (have) some (noodle) this morning.

64. She (have) (look) after her mother because she is ill.

65. It’s 10:00 now. They (run).

66. She (buy) a book for her brother.

67. He (cut) the bread into two (half).

68. We he (come) back yesterday he (being) me a nice bird.

69. I can’t wait (see) the animals.

70. She often (teach) me, so we (be) friends.

71. She (do) some reading yesterday but I (swim) in the river.

72. Can you tell me how (get) to the zoo?

73. He (ask) me (pass) him a cup of tea just now.

74. He is the first one (come) to school.

75. She does well in (play) basketball but I (be) good at (swim).


76. It’s time for (get) up now.

77. I hope (go) to Shanghai for a trip.

78. I want (learn) (make) clothes.

79. He is the (90) to get the ball.

80. (hundred) of students are here.

81. It’s interesting (Listen) to the music.

82. They (be) busy (clean) the house yesterday morning.

83. She (like) (ride) bikes when she was 10.

84. He (want) to be a teacher when he (grow) up.

85. It’s boring (watch) TV too much.

86. It’s easy (lean) English well if you study hard.

87. He (learn) (look) after himself last year.

88. I’m glad (see) you again.

89. Can you teach me (learn) math? I’m (interesting) in it.

90. I don’t mind (go) there on (foot).

91. He can’t wait (go) to America by air.

92. He is fond of (喜欢) (watch) TV.

93. It’s time for (have) dinner now.

94. He (stop) (drink) some water and (have) a rest just now.

95. He (remember) (give) me a book. But in fact he didn’t.

96. He is new here, so nobody (know) him.

97. Lucy with lily (read) English now.

98. There is somebody (knock) at the door, please open it.

99. It’s 12:00 now. The Greens (have) lunch at home.

100. I wish you (be) happy all the time.

101. Thank for (give) me the flowers. I like them very much.

102. She (would) like a cup of tea.

103. He (put) on his coat and (go) out this morning.

104. He (want) to be a teacher when he (grow) up.

105. I am (write) a letter and the Smiths (listen) to the music.


1.Eight this morning, she came back.

2.2008, Beijing held the 29th Olympic Games.

3.The twins were born a Friday morning.

4.My birthday is may.

5.My father will be bake from Beijing a week.

6.How about living Suzhou? It’s very beautiful.

7.the wall, there is a nice picture.

8.The girl the left is a film star.

9.What’s this English? It’s a pen.

10. He is red today, and he is the bike now.

11. There are many oranges the trees and there are many birds the tree.


12. the desk, there are many beautiful flowers.

13. I can see the light the hole the wall.

14. Go the bridge and you can find the park.

15. 3 days, he gave me the book.

16. People there built houses stones.(石头)

17. I don’t agree you. I think I can answer English.

18. He comes Beijing.

19. Don’t knock the table when you have meals.

20. I can’t find the key the door.

21. the age ten. He came here his family.

22. the door, there is a dog. I can’t come .

23. Spring the birds come here every year.

24. We are home today they are school.

25. There is ball the floor.

26. He lives the fifth floor.

27. the morning of Sunday he often gets up late.

28. the bed, there are many shoes.

29. You must stay bed if you are ill.

30. In the front my classroom, there is a desk.

31. Go the forest (森林), you can find the river.

32. Next my house. There is a bank.

33. He arrived Beijing yesterday.

34. first, I want to do the homework.

35. What do you think China? And are you interested it?

36. fact, he isn’t interested math.

37. Look the picture and find the monkey.

38. Thank you telling the good news.

39. She is crazy pop music.

40. He isn’t home today. He is work.

41. She is good English and I do well Chinese.

42. Don’t talk class.

43. Please get early every day.

44. Last, he found the answer the question.

45. The bird is flying the sky.

46 I think I can learn all of you.

47. the way to school. I can buy some books.

48. We can eat the classroom but we can’t eat inside.

49. He is proud his son.

50. Reading is good your English.



1.—Where is your pen pal from? —.

A. You’re Chinese

B. He’s from China

C. I come from China 2.—? —English.

A. What’s her favorite subject

B. Where is your friend from

C. Where do you live 3.—your uncle come from England?

—Yes, he .

A. Does, does

B. Is, is

C. Do, do

4.Those people Chinese. Are they Chinese?

A. say

B. speak

C. tell

5.—What’s your favorite ? —France.

A. language

B. city

C. country

6.—Can you speak English? —Yes, but only .

A. very good

B. a lot of

C. a little

7.—Why don’t you like math?—Because it’s difficult.

A. a lot

B. very much

C. too

8.—does Miss Lin want? —A new pen.

A. Where

B. What

C. Who

9.—I know Jim is from Australia. does he live in that country?

—He lives in .

A. What, Paris

B. Where, Sydney

C. Where, Toronto

10.—Do you speak English or Japanese? —.

A. Only a little

B. Yes, I do.

C. Japanese

11. Please be . Listen to me!

A. happy

B. hungry

C. quiet

12. This is a street. Every day you can see many cars, buses coming and going on it.

A. old

B. short

C. busy

13. The Ren Min Park is a good place .

A. have fun

B. had fun

C. to have fun

14. The park is not a good place to .

A. go

B. visit

C. walk

15. —Paul, is there a post office near our school?

—. It’s just next to the supermarket.

A. Yes, there is

B. Yes, it is

C. No, there isn’t

16. This is the of the garden tour.

A. begin

B. beginning

C. begining



英语现在完成时专项训练100(附答案)含解析 一、初中英语现在完成时 1.It has been three years since I ______ a teacher. A. become B. became C. becoming D. to become 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】题意:现在完成时里,since从句里动词应用一般过去时。故选B。 【点评】考查现在完成时和表示一段时间的时间状语的连用用法,理解题意,即可得出答案。 2.—Do you still play basketball? —Oh, no. I ____ it for the past two years. A. haven't played B. didn't play C. won't play D. hadn't played 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你还打篮球吗?——哦,不了。我已经有两年没有打过了。根据句中的for the last two years可知应与完成时态连用,又有时间是the last two years可知是从现在往前两年,因此应使用现在完成时态,故选A。 【点评】考查动词时态中的for+段时间与完成时态连用,根据时间确定是现在完成还是过去完成。 3.All the skirts .They very well. A. sold out;are sold B. sell out;have sold C. have been sold out;sell D. have sold out;sell 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:所有的裙子都卖完了,他们非常畅销。第一空sell out“卖完”,强调裙子已经被卖完的状态,本句用现在完成时的被动语态:has/have+been+过去分词,sell 的过去分词为sold;第二空sell作“销售”解释时用主动语态,在此处表一直卖得很好的状态,用一般现在时。故选C。 【点评】本题考查一般现在时和现在完成时的被动语态,注意sell的不同语态和用法。 4.—The drama series The Thunder (破冰行动) hits screens these days. —Oh. What a pity! I ____________ any of them yet, A. doesn't watch B. didn't watch C. won't watch D. haven't watched 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——连续剧《破冰行动》这些天正在霸屏。——哦。真遗憾!我任何一集也没有看过。根据Oh. What a pity!可知我没有看过。过去的动作对现在造成的影响和 yet也,常和现在完成时的否定结构连用,可知此处用现在完成时。故选D。 【点评】此题考查现在完成时。注意yet常和现在完成时连用。


初三英语时态专项练习题(含答案) 时态练习题 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.He______ swimming in the river every day in summer. (go) 2. It________you are right. (seem) 3. Look, the children______ basketball on the playground. ( play ) 4. He______ to the radio when I came in, ( listen ) 5.It is very cold .I think it______ . ( rain ) 6. —I need some paper. —I______ some for you. ( bring ) 7. I can’t find my pen. Who______it ? ( take ) 8.He said that he______back in five minutes . ( come ) 9.I didn’t meet him. He______ when I got the re. ( leave ) 10.I______my bike, so I have to walk to school. ( lose ) 11.He______down and began to read his newspaper. ( sit ) 12.He is very hungry. He_________ anything for three days. ( not eat ) 13.I______with you if I have time . ( go ) 14.We will go to the cinema if it______fine . (be ) 15.I will tell her the news when she______to see me next week. (come) 16. “ When______you______the car ?” “In1998.”(buy) 17.We______good friends since we met at school . (be) 18.What______you______ at five yesterday afternoon ? (do) 19.The bike is nice . How much______it______? (cost) 二、选择最佳答案填空 ()1.We’ll go swimming if the weather______fine tomorrow. A. is B.was C. will be D.is going to be ()2.It______five years since he has left for Beijing. A. was B. has been C.is D.is going to be ()3.Please don’t leave the office until your friend______back. A.came es C.have come D.will come ()4.By the end of last year he______about 1500 English words. A. learns B.learned C.was learning D.had learned ()5.Listen ! Someone______in the next room . A.cried B.crying C.is crying D.has cried ()6.You must tell him the news as soon as you______him. A.see B.sees C.will see D.is seeing ()7.He told me that he______to see us the next day. es B. came C. will come D. would come ()8.We can’t find him anywhere . Perhaps he______home. A. is going B. went C. has come D. would come ()9.The teacher told us that the sun______bigger than the earth. A. is B. was C. has been D.will be ()10.Could you tell me where the railway station______? A. was B. is C. will be D. would be ()11.We______to the Great Wall several times.


七年级英语语法----时态讲解及其练习 一、一般现在时 定义:表示经常、反复发生的动作,经常存在的状态或者习惯性动作(有时间规律发生的事情)的一种时间状态。(很拗口,但要学会就必须深刻体会,so please 将其狂读3遍) 具体用法 1、表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常与表示频率的时间状语连用。(always, usually, often, sometimes, every day\ morning\ night\ evening\afternoon\week,) e.g. I go to school at 8:00 every morning. 2 表示主语具备的性格、能力、特征和状态及喜好等。 e.g She is 11 years old . I don’t like English. She can speak English well. 3表示客观事实和普遍真理。 e.g The earth moves around the sun. 基本结构构成 含有be(am、is 、are)动词的用法 肯定句:I am+其它 You \ they\ we are +其它 She \he \ it+is +其它 否定句:I am not+ 其它。 You \ they\ we are not +其它 She \he \ it+is +not +其它 一般疑问句及回答: Are you +其它? 肯定回答:yes, I am. 否定回答:no, I am not. Are you\ they\ you+ 其它? 肯定回答: yes,we \they are. 否定回答:no, we \they are not. Is she\ he \it+其它? 肯定回答: yes,she \he \it is. 否定回答:no,she \he \it is not. 从上面结构中你能总结出be动词的用法吗?单数________,复数_________ ;我用_________,你用__________ ,______________-连着她他它。 含实义动词的结构:肯定句: 主语(I, we, you,they,)+动词原形+其它。


七年级英语时态专项练习 Ⅰ、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.We must brush our (tooth) two (time) a day. 2.He (watch) TV every day. 3.The (tomato) in the bag are from Shandong. 4.There are many (sheep) on the from. 5.Look! The (woman) are in nice (dress). 6.Six (woman) (doctor) are from Wuhan. 7.The (leaf) on the tree turn yellow in fall. 8.(he) bike is new, but (I) is old. 9.He often (go) shopping with (I). 10. This is (she) book, but that’s (he). 11. Who (teach) (we) math? —I don’t. 12.—Is this your late? —No, it’s she. 13. We (be) interested in (he) story books. 14. Would you mind (I) (open) the door? 15. Please help (I ) with (I) English. 16. He often (teach) (she) math. 17.—Which one is (you)?—The red one. The green one is (he). 18.The bird is nice. (it) name is kity. This box is (it) bed. 19. Let (he) go. He isn’t well today. 20. My father is fine? What about (you)? 21. The room is (them) , this one is (us). 22. There (be) too much water on the floor. 23. There (be) some boys (play) basketball on the playground. 24. Please (quiet) in class. 25. Y ou’d better (read) English every day. 26. In the past, he (like) (play) soccer, but now he (like) (dance) and he (enjoy) (watch) TV. 27. In 2000, he (move) to Shaghai and (find) a job there. 28. On a spring morning, he (go) to a hospital and (see) a doctor, because she (feel) terrible. 29. I (write) a letter to my sister and then I also (receive) a letter in 2008. 30. Y esterday it was (cloud) and it (rain) (heavy). I (can’t) go out. 31. They (clean) the classroom now. Look! HanMei (carry) water and LiLei (clean) the desk. 32. She often (help) me with my English and I often (give) her some (help) 33. He (plan) (go) to Beijing last week. 34. There (be) too many beautiful flowers last year, but now, there (be) many young trees.


英语时态、语态专题训练 一.选择题(共50小题) 1.I half of the English novel,and I'll try to finish it at the weekend.()A.read B.have read C.am reading D.will read 2.Jack in the lab when the power cut occurred.() A.works B.has worked C.was working D.would work 3.When walking down the street,I came across David,who I _____ for years.() A.didn't see B.haven't seen C.hadn't seen D.wouldn't see 4.Silk ______ one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100BC.() A.had become B.was becoming C.has become D.is becoming 5.Dashan,who crosstalk,the Chinese comedic tradition,for decades,wants to mix it up with the Western stand﹣up tradition.() A.will be learning B.is learning C.had been learning D.has been learning 6.﹣Excuse me,which movie are you waiting for? ﹣The new Star Wars.We here for more than two hours.()A.waited B.wait C.would be waiting D.have been waiting 7.However frequently he in doing the experiment,he never loses his


英语动词时态专项练习 满分:100分你的得分_________________ 一.用所给词的适当形式填空:(30分) 1. Listen to the little girl. She ___________________(recite) a poem. 2. ________ your sister ___________(study) in this school two years ago? 3. I ________________(not go ) to the city next week. 4. They ______________(attend) a concert at this time yesterday. 5. You needn’t _______________(come) here so early. 6. Do you often go _______________ (climb) mountains? 7. They _______________________ (leave) here tomorrow. 8. I spend two hours _______________(do) my homework every day. 9. While we ________________ (wait) for the bus, a girl ___________ (run) up to us. 10. If it _____________(not rain) tomorrow, we will go to the zoo. 11. I__________ already___________ (see) the film. I __________ (see) it last week. 12. They________________(not make) a model ship when I saw him. 13. I believe that those mountains _______________ (cover ) with trees in a few years’ time. 14. There ________________ (be) a talk on science in our school next Monday. 15. My mother told us that Taiwan _________________ (be) part of China. 16. When he comes back, I ________________(tell) you at once. 17. He needs ________________(go) to see a doctor. 18. ---What are you doing? ---I ___________(write) and he _____________(watch) TV. 19. He turned off the light and then ________________(leave). 20. The boy was made ________________ (stand) there for an hour by his father. 21. The teacher came right away as soon as he _________(hear) the noise. 22. As I ______________ (walk) in the park, it ________________ (begin) to rain. 23. While mother _____________ (put) Cathy to bed, the door bell ____________ (ring). 24. He ___________________(borrow) this story book for two weeks. 25. ____________ you _____________ (find) your science book yet? 26. --- What ________ you _______ (do) at that time? ---We _________________ (watch) TV. 27. The best time _______________(go) to Yunnan is in spring. 28. Can you tell me if it _________(snow) tomorrow? 29. ---Where’s Li Ming ?


七年级下册时态复习(一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时) 1.完成表格:英语动词根据动作与时间的关系,在句子中有五种基本形式, 现在分词。以下列词为例:

3.写出各种动词形式的构成规则: 1).第三人称单数 2).现在分词 时态练习新课标第一网 一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式和现在分词 go ______ ______ enjoy ____ ________ teach ________ ________ eat______ _______ draw ______ ________ study _____ ________ take______ _______ dance____ ________ write ______ ________ run______ _______ swim_______ ________ get _______ ________ open______ _______ cut______ _______ see______ _______ 二.单项选择 ()1. Wei Hua ______ visit the Great Wall during this summer holiday? A.Do, going to B. Is, going to C. Will, going to ()2. ---Where are you going ? ---I ___ the shops for some fruit. A. am going to B. go to C. shall going to go to ()3. Mr Green usually ______ newspapers after supper every day. A. read B. reading C. reads D. looks ()4. Look! LiPing and Li Ying ________ basketball now. A. play B. played C. will play D. are playing ()5. I ______ music at 6:00 every morning. A. listen to B. listening to C. am listening to D. hear ()6. What ______ you ______ with your classmates this Sunday afternoon? A. are, do B.do, do C. will do ()7. ______ she ______ home at six o’clock every mornig? A. Do, comes B. Does. come C. Do, come D. Is, come ()8. There ______ an English party in our class this evening. A. will have B. are going to have C. is going to be ()9. My father ______ TV with my mother now. A. watch B. watching C. is watching D. watches ()10. ______ you usually ______ to school with your classmates? A. Do, comes B. does, come C. Do, come D. Are, come ()11 It’s six o’clock in the evening, My family______ supper at the table. A. eat B. is eating C. are eating D. eating ()12. My mother __ like watching TV, so she ____to bed very early every


2020年七年级英语假期时态学习及练习(答案) 现在进行时 现在进行时: 概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。 时间状语:now, at this time, these days, look, liste n 基本结构:am/is/are+do ing 否定形式:am/is/are+no t+do ing. 一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首。 、写出下例动词的现在分词形式。

三、将下例句子改成一般疑问句。 1)Mike is climbing the hill. 2)We are hav ing an En glish less on now. 3)Li Ping is jump ing like a mon key. 4)The students are reading the text now. 5)I am studying English. 四、对划线部分提问。 1)The baby is listening to the music. 2) I am look ing for a jacket for my son. 3) She is smili ng to herself in the mirror. 4) The boys are visiting the history museum. 5) The old man is sleep ing right now. 五、将下例句子改成否定句。 1)The woma n is making a cake in the kitche n. 2) We are hav ing lunch now. 3) The boy is wait ing for his mother un der the big tree. 4) You are play ing the violi n. 六、用动词的正确时态填空。 1)I ________ (talk).You ____ (liste n)to me now. 2) Look, the boy _______ (run) fast. 3) ——What are you doing? ----1 ___ (do) my homework. 4) —— ____ t he students ____ (read) En glish.——Yes, they are. 5) Tom ______ (not study)E nglish .He is study ing Chin ese. 6) ---- Who ____ (si ng)a song? ---- Li Ying is. 7) The girl ____ (not eat)ba nanas now. 8) 一Where ____ they ________ (sta nd)? ----They are sta nding over there. 9) Look !The boy over there ___ (ply) a model plane. 10) ----What is Meimei doi ng now? ——She ___ (watch)TV with her pare nts


课程教案 ——时态专题 模块一:现在进行时 Warm-up 请观察下列句子,并寻找其中的规律: 1.I'm drawing pictures. 2.I'm reading a book in the library. 3.She is jumping. 4.It's eating bananas. 5.They're climbing trees. 6.He is swimming. Presentation I. 现在进行时的定义:现在进行时一般表示正在进行的动作或事情,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 II. 请看下列例子: I am reading a book in the classroom. Mary is swimming in the sea. They are eating lunch now. 主语是实际的人/物/代词be动词要和主语一致动词的现在分词地点状语/时间状语通常 在句末 III.现在进行时的句型结构及举例: 句式句型结构及例子 肯定式主语+ be (am / is / are) + 动词的分词形式+ 其他Lucy is watching TV now. 否定式主语+ be (am / is / are) + not+ 动词的分词形式+ 其他I am not reading a book in the classroom. 一般疑问句式Be (am / is / are) +主语+ 动词的分词形式+ 其他—Are you having a picnic? —No, we aren’t. —Are they eating the honey? —Yes, they are. 疑问词+ be (am / is / are) +主语+ 动词的分词形式?


初中英语动词时态专项练习题用括号中动词的适当的形式填空。 1. The boy is happy because he ___________(sell) out all the newspapers. 2.The plan _____________(give) up because of rain. 3.If it __________(not rain) tomorrow, we ____________(go )fishing. Where ____________you____________(be) these days? 5.Where is Tom? He _________(go) to the post office. He said he _________(come) back soon. 6.Mike says he _________(want )to be a worker after he _________ (finish )school. 7.The last bus ____________just ________(leave) when they ________(get) to the bus stop. 8.She _________(not go) to bed until she _______(finish) her work. 9.Light ___________(travel )much faster than sound. 10.I __________(feel) much better after I _______(take) the medicine. 11.”Where ________we________(meet)?”“Let’s meet outside the park gate.” 12.I_________(be) afraid Mr Johnson __________(not visit) out school tomorrow. 13.I _________(lost) my bike ._________you _________(see) it anywhere? 14.________this kind of car __________(produce) in Shanghai? 15.We __________(see) several members of the family since we ________(arrive) 16.I found that the students _________(play) football on the playground. 17.The shop ___________(close) at this time of day. 18.Where ________your watch _________(lose)? 19.________the doctor __________(send) for last night? 20.Three children ___________(take) good care by the nurse. 21.Some children ___________(take ) good care by the nurse. 22.Some new houses _________(build) by the villagers themselves. 23.What language ________(speak) in Australia?


初一英语时态专题复习 一、一般现在时:(1、现在的状态。2、经常或习惯性动作。3、主语所具备的性格和能力。4、真理。) 1、标志:often(经常),usually(通常),sometimes(有时),always(总是),never(从不), on Sundays(在星期天), every day/month/year(每一天/月/年) 2、结构: (1)主语+连系动词be(am/is/are)+名词/形容词/数词/介词短语/副词等做表语表状态(包括There be +n.) 练习: 1.I______(be) a student. My name_____(be) Tom. 2. Where _____(be) my shoes? They___(be) here. 3.Who ____(be) the girl with long straight hair? I think she ___(be) Kate. 4. You and I ___(not be) in Class Six. 5.___(be) there a supermarket on the Fifth Avenue? Yes, there_____(be). 6. ____ her parent tall? No, he____. (2)主语(非第三人称单数)+行为动词原形+其他(用助动词do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问) (3)主语(第三人称单数)+行为动词的第三人称单数+其他(用助动词does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句) 行为动词第三人称单数加-s的形式 1.- s 2. 辅音+y: study-studies 3.以s,x,ch,sh结尾watch-watches teach-teaches4特殊have-has do-does go-goes 练习: 1)His parents _______(watch) TV every night. 肯定句1) My brother _________(do) homework every day. 2)His parents _________(not watch) every night.否定句2)My brother________(not do)homework every day. 3)_____his parents_____(watch) TV every night?一般疑3)______ your brother _____ homework every day? Yes, they _______. No, they _______. Yes, he______. No, he _________. 4)When___ his parents _____(watch) TV? 特疑4)When _____ your brother ____(do) homework? They watch TV every night. He does homework every day. 二、现在进行时:表示说话瞬间或现阶段正在进行的动作。 1、标志: now(现在)listen(看)look(听) 2、结构:主语+助动词be(am/is/are)+行为动词的现在分词(doing) 现在分词的构成:1.-ing: eat-eating 2.辅音字母+e: take-taking 3. sit, put, begin, run, swim, stop, get, shop,(双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.) 练习: 1. Jim __________________(take) photos in the park now.


七年级英语时态汇总专练 1. My mom can __________(cook) food well. 2. Must she __________(stay) at home now? 3. What can the boy __________(do) for his parents? 4. Tom can’t __________(sing) an English song. 5. He may __________(perform) ballet at Kangkang’s birthday party. 6. She should __________(help) her parents do some housework. 1. Tom often __________(take) a talk after supper. 2. Tom and I usually __________(go) to school by bike. 3. Does Lin Tao __________(like) reading storybooks? 4. What classes do you __________(have) today? 5. How often does the girl __________(watch) TV? 6. Where do they __________(live) now? 7. Every year many people __________(lose) their lives in traffic accidents. 8. Sam doesn’t __________(get) up early in the morning. 9. Each of them __________(have) a nice schoolbag. 10. They each __________(sleep) late at night. 1. She is in a blue dress.(变否定句) She __________ __________ a blue dress. 2. I am from Yunyang.(变一般疑问句) __________ __________ from Yunyang?


高中英语动词时态和语态专项练习题 1 (2002全国高考题)—You haven’t said a word about my new coat,Brenda.Do you like it? —I’m sorry I ________ anything about it sooner.I certainly think it’s pretty on you. A.wasn’t saying B.don’t say C.won’t say D.didn’t say 2.(2002全国高考题)I wonder why Jenny ________us recently.We should have heard from her by now. A.hasn’t written B.doesn’t write C.won’t write D.hadn’t written 3.(2003北京春季高考题)—When will you come to see me,Dad? —I will go to see you when you ________ the training course. A.will have finished B.will finish C.are finishing D.finish 4.(2003北京春季高考题)—How long ________ at this job? —Since 1990. A.were you employed B.have you been employed C.had you been employed D.will you be employed 5.(2003上海春季高考题)By the end of last year,another new gymnasium ________ in Beijing. A.would be completed B.was being completed C.has been completed D.had been completed 6.(2002北京高考题)The little girl ________her heart out because she ________ her toy bear and believed she wasn’t ever going to find it. A.had cried; lost B.cried; had lost C.has cried; has lost D.cries; has lost 7.(2002北京高考题)—Excuse me,sir.Would you do me a favor? —Of course.What is it? —I ________ if you could tell me how to fill out this form. A.had wondered B.was wondering C.would wonder D.did wonder 8.(2002上海高考题)He will have learned English for eight years by the time he ________ from the university next year. A.will graduate B.will have graduated C.graduates D.is to graduate 9.(2002上海高考题)I feel it is your husband who ________for the spoiled child. A.is to blame B.is going to blame C.is to be blame D.should blame 10.He has been writing the composition the whole morning and he still ________. A.has been B.does C.has D.is 11.If city noises ________ from increasing,people ________ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now. A.are not kept; will have to B.are not kept; have to C.do not keep; will have to D.do not keep; have to 12.The price ________,but I doubt whether it will remain so. A.went down B.will go down C.has gone down D.was going down 13.—How long ________ each other before they ________ married? —For about a year. A.have they known; get B.did they know; get C.do they know; are going to get D.had they known; got 14.You can’t move in right now.The house ________. A.has painted B.is painted C.is being painted D.is painting
