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ent-minded 大相径庭/迥然不同 be totally different/differ completely 粗心大意 careless/carelessness 不计其数 countless 引人入胜 attractive extremely/completely 不折不扣 upset 心烦意乱 few 寥寥无几 如释重负 relieved
take time and trouble /take pains travel over mountains and waters
不辞而别 take leave without saying goodbye 家喻户晓 a household name 全心全意/一心一意 heart and soul/whole-heartedly 因人而异 depend on the individual/vary from person to person 微不足道 be not worth mentioning take it for granted 理所当然 wild with joy 欣喜若狂 come up to the expectations 不负众望 相依为命 depend on each other cost sb. a good opportunity 错失良机
pretend as if nothing unusual had happened Things turned out to be against one’s will.
1. Lack of cooperation cost them a good opportunity. 2. He can’t stand working with those who never stop talking. 3. Nowadays we can be informed of what is happening around the country without leaving our homes. 4. After their only son died in the accident, the old couple depended on each other. 5. When it was her turn to introduce herself, she was so nervous that she was at a loss/didn’t know what to do. 6. The domestic comedy appeals to everyone, whether old or young. 7. We both happen to agree with each other on how to deal with the used batteries. 8. He managed to finish his university education thanks to his neighbors’ generosity. 9. Since you are new here, it is normal not to be accustomed. 10. After the film Hero hit the cinema, the musician Tan Dun became a household name.
熟能生巧 入乡随俗 骄兵必败 所见所闻 言行一致 众所周知 开卷有益 无济于事 若无其事 事与愿违 Practice makes perfect. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Pride goes before a fall. What someone has seen and heard. What one does agrees with what he says. As is known to all Reading does you good. It’s no use doing…
置之不理 忍无可忍 不得而知 化险为夷 安然无恙 视而不见 充耳不闻 坚守岗位 坚持不懈 半途而废 take no notice of can no longer put up with remain unknown turn danger into safety safe and sound turn a blind eye to turn a deaf ear to stick to one’s post
persevere in doing give up halfway
三言两语 不知所措 一事无成 焕然一新 鼎力相助 不遗余力 受益非浅 一见钟情 不辞辛苦 跋山涉水 in a few words be at a loss achieve nothing take on a new look do whatever one can do spare no efforts to benefit a lot from fall in love with…at first sight