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post office police station

on Bridge Street across from

next to between…and…

in front of / in the front of behind

I’m new in town around here

walk with sb. go along/down

turn right turn left

at the first crossing on one’s left/right

in the neighborhood spend time on sth.

watch sb do sth. watch sb. doing sth.

look like clean air

The best things in life are free. cross the street live in a noisy neighborhood

enjoy doing sth. time goes quickly


1.Police station. 警察局

Police 名词,警察的总称,作主语,谓语动词用复数。

例子:The police are looking for him. 警察正在找他。

2.回顾there be 句型

①一般疑问形式:Is there a police office near here?

回答:肯定,Yes, there is.

否定,No, there isn’t.


Are there any books on the desk?

No, there aren’t./ Yes, there are.


There is a supermarket and two small shops near here.

There are two small shops and a supermarket near here.

③there be 句型不与have/has连用。

There is a pen on the desk.(强调存在有)

She has 10 pens.(强调拥有)


1) some apples in the box.

A. There are

B.There have

C. There is

D. There has

2)-Is the hotel next to the post office?

- .

A. Yes, there is

B.No,there isn’t

C. Yes, it is.

D.No, it not.

3) a table and four chairs in the room.

A. There are

B.There have

C. There is

D. There has

4.句型转换-There is a library on Bridge Street.

否定句: a library on Bridge Street.

一般疑问句 a library on Bridge Street?-Yes, . /No, 答案【ACC;There isn’t,Is there, there is, there isn’t】

3.pay phone.付费电话


pay for sth. 付钱买某物

pay + 钱 +for + sth. 支付多少钱买某物

例子: I can pay 100 yuan for the book.

You pay for the lunch.

4.I am new in town.我是镇上新来的

In town. 在城镇

5.①cross 动词,“(从表面)横过,穿过”---cross the street “过马路”

②across 介词/副词,(从表面)横过,穿过”---Go/Walk across the street“过马路”

【短语】a cross from “在……对面”--- The restaurant is across from the bank.

③crossing 名词,“十字路口”---at the first crossing “在第一个十字路口”


1).Go across the street and you can see the store. (改为同义句)

_______ the street and you can see the store.


Please left the second .

[答案]Cross; turn, at, crossing

6.sb. spend +时间/金钱on sth. 意思“某人花时间/金钱在某事上”

sb. spend +时间/金钱doing sth.意思“某人花时间/金钱做某事”


Alice spends too much time computer.


B. plays


D.to play


