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A. German,German

B.Geramny German

C.Germans Germany

D.German Germany

( )17.---Why do you speak in loud voice?

----Because I want to make myself __ clearly

A.such hear

B.so heart

C.such heard

D.so hear

( )18.Edison was a great __. He__ over 1000 __ during his life

A invent invented inventions B.inventor invented invention

C.inventor invented inventions

D.inventor invents inventions

( )19.It’s very kind of you to give me a ride to th e station! -__

A.It doesn’t matter

B.never mind

C.Don’t mention it

D.my pleasure ( )20. Some moretrees need__on the hell

A.to plant

B.to be planted



( )21._____________? ---They were invented by Thomas Edions

A when were the invented B.Who were they invented by

C.Where were they invented

D.What were they used for

( )22.—“Frog”Mo Yan’s latest novel, please

---Sorry,it___just nov. But is will come out again soon.

A.sold out

B.is sold out

C.has sold out

D.was sold out

( )23.The Olympic Game of 2016 will___in Brazil

A.take after

B.take of

C.take place

D.be taken place

( )24.---Excuse me Is it my turn now?

---Not yet.Please wait on the chair till your name___


B.will call

C.is called

D.will be called

( )25.---what a good__you’ve given me!Thanks a lot---My pleasure





二. 短文填空

important,something, study, during ,consider, interest, together, ability, habit, however , who, which

Do you always focus on (1)and earning “A” grades in school? Most Chinese students work really hard. But in the United States, you might be(2) a bookworm if you cannot also socialize (社交). Socializing is just as(3) as your grades. If you just study all the time and don’t socialize, your life won’t be complete. So, how does one socialize with students in the US?

Lots of high school soccer games are usually held (4)the fall term. I didn’t know (5)about soccer, but I joined some of the soccer games in order to have fun with my friends. I thought I could learn the rules from others.(6), to my surprise, some American students don’t even know t he rules but still go to the games in order to socialize. They cheer for the soccer players and have fun(7).

The other common way to socialize is to join after-school clubs. You can choose clubs that you are (8)in and make a lot of new friends. For example, one of my friends started a sketch (素描) club. I was interested, so I joined the club. There I met lots of students (9)were also interested in sketching. We soon became friends with each other.

Socializing is an important thing in the US. But grades are still important, too.

A complete student should have the (10)to balance his or her studying and socializing.

三. 任务型阅读:

Finding a way on my own

Henry Bond was about 10 years old when his father died. His mother found it difficult to provide for a large family. Still, she decided to send her oldest child Henry to school and buy(A) him the books he needed.

At one time, Henry wanted a grammar book in order to join a class.(B) But the

book was so expensive that h is mother couldn’t afford it.

(C)He was very upset about this and went to bed with a heavy heart, thinking

about what could be done to get the book.

As soon as he woke in the morning, he found that a heavy snow had fallen and

the cold wind was blowing hard.

“Ah,” he said, “every problem brings a solution for some people.”

He rose, ran to his neighbor’s house and offered to clean the snow from their

sidewalk (人行道). His offer was accepted. After he completed this work and

received his pay, he went to another neighbor and offered the same service.

(D)Then he went to several other houses until he had enough money to buy the

grammar book. When school began, Henry was in his seat, the happiest boy

there, ready to begin studying with his new book.

From that time on, Henry always did well in all of his classes. Because he had

the will (意志), he always found a way.

1.写出A处划线单词指代内容: ____________________________


But the book was_______expensive ______his mother________ afford.



4. 把D处划线句子翻译成汉




