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班级:_______ 姓名:________得分:_________


()1. This is song I’ve told you about. Isn’t it beautiful one?

A.the /the B.a/a C.the /a D.a /the

()2. ---Do you know ______ this dictionary belongs to?

--- Let me see. Oh, it’s _______.

A. whose , mine

B. who, me

C. who, mine

D. whose, me

()3.Don’t forget to put the book back on the shelf,_______?

A. do you

B. don’t you

C. will you

D.won’t you

()4. —Have you heard the good news? —No, what _______?

A. is it

B. is there

C. are they

D. are those

()5.The young man came riding full speed down the road on his bicycle.____ it was! A. How dangerous the scene B. What dangerous a scene

C. How a dangerous scene

D. What a dangerous scene

()6. ——Could you tell me __________?—— Sure.

A. when we started off

B. when did we start off

C. when we will start off

D. when will we start off

( ) 7.Are you going to learn _____ second language in ______ third grade?

A. a, the

B.a, a

C.the, the

D.an, an

( )8.—1 haven't seen Bob for a long time.

—I haven't seen him, _________.

A. too

B. also

C. instead

D. either

( )9. There are only new words in the passage, but I know _________ of them.

A. some ; all B a few ; none C. lots of ; a few D. a lot, some

( )10. —When will you return to China? —.

A. Until next week

B. Not until next week

C. A few days ago

D. For a few weeks

( )11._______ poor the boy is! He is ________ boy, but he has ________ time to play!

A. How; so little; so little

B. What; such little; such little

C. How; such a little; so little

D. What; so little a; such little

( ) 12. The water ______ cool when I joined into the pool for morning exercises.

A. was felt

B. is felt

C. felt

D. feels

( ) 13. Can you tell me you are going to talk with?





( ) 14. ----Mr Johnson asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don’t forget it!

----OK, I _________.

A. won’t

B. don’t

C. will

D. do

( )15. _________ old man on ___________ bike is my uncle.

A. An;a

B. The;the

C. The; a

D. An; the


1.The birds began to run __________ after they heard the gunshot. (失去控制地)

2.The radio says it will be _________(wet) tomorrow than today.

3.Take some _________(药) after you reach home, and you’ll feel better soon.

4.We should learn those ________________(运动员) team spirit.

5.When spring comes, the snow ________________(消失).

6.Timmy really doesn’t understand why his parents are so ____________(严格的).

7.He said that he___________ back in five minutes . ( come )

8.I didn’t go to the party because I ____________ (not invite).

9.He pays a lot of ______(注意) to the details.

10.Mr. Wu spends a lot of time _____________ (解释) things to us.

11.We shouldn’t be ___________(残酷的) to animals.

12.Mary lives two floors ___________ (在…的下面) Wendy.

13.My little brother ____________(摔) off the bike and hurt himself.

14.He doesn’t study hard. He often ___________(失败) in his exams(考试)

15.Don’t leave the classroom unless you________________ (tell) to do so.

16.-Don’t park your car here. – Sorry, I ______________ (not see) the sign.
