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1) 先后次序关系:

at this time(这时候、此时); first; second; at last; next; previously(以前);

simultaneously[saiməl'teiniəsli](同时);eventually(最后);last but not least(最后但并不是最不重要的); to begin with(首先、本来); to start with =for a start(首先); first of all(首先,第一);to end with(最后); finally(最后); since then(从那时以来); afterwards(然后、后来);

following this:

following This Trend顺应这种趋势;By Following This Strategy通过采用这种策略;只要遵循这项策略following This Pattern下面这个模式;Following This Opinion由此来看

following This Way沿着这条思路;Following This Thought循此思路

following This Commitment根据这一承诺;Following This Example下面这位比如;

preceding this(在这之前).

2) 因果关系:

because; because of this; being that(既然、因为、由于); another important factor/reason of... ; since(既然、因为、由于、自…以来); as(因为、依照、当…时、随着、虽然); for; in that... (既然、因为、由于); owing to(由于,因为…); due to; for the reason that...; in view of(鉴于、考虑到); the reason seems to be obvious; for this reason; as a result of this; therefore; ...and so(因此、所以)...; consequently(所以、因此、结果); as a result; thus; hence; so; so that...; in consequence(因此、结果); as a consequence(因此、结果); accordingly (因此、于是); inevitably(不可避免地、必然地); under these conditions(在这种情形下、在此情况时、在这些情况下); thereupon [,ðεərə'pɔn ]于是; seeing... (因为;鉴于;由于);

3) 转折关系:

but; even so(虽然如此,即使如此); however; though(可是、虽然、然而、不过); even though(虽然、即使); independent of(不管); despite that(尽管、不管); in spite of that(尽管、不管); regardless of(不管); yet...(然而、但是); and yet(可是、然而); but unless(除非).

4) 并列关系:

and; also; too; as well as(也;和…一样;不但…而且); either...,or...(不是…就是…;或者…或者…); both...and...

5) (补充)递进关系:

furthermore(此外、而且); moreover(此外、而且); further(更远地;进一步地;而且);

In this way(这样); still(但是;仍然;尽管如此); not only...but also...; not that…but that…(不是(因为)…而是(因为)…); in addition (to)(另外,此外(除…之外)); additionally(此外), much more interesting, more specifically(更具体地说), next(其次;然后), besides(而且;此外;除…之外); as far as... (至于,就…而言);in other words(换句话说); on the one hand...,on the other hand...(一方面,另一方面); even(甚至;即使); as a popular saying goes...( 常言说); in order to do it...( 为了做这件事); meanwhile(同时); at the same time; accordingly(因此,于是); In the first place...(首先),in the second place...(其次、第二); equally important(同样重要); of even greater appeal(更吸引).

6) 比较关系:

similarly(同样地); in like manner(同样地); in comparison with(与…比较);

when compared with(当和...相比时); compared with(与...相比较); when in fact...(而实际上;但事实上); like...(如同); likewise(也;同样地); apart from (doing)...( 除…之外;且不说;);

... rather than...( 而不是;宁可…也不愿);by doing so(通过这样来做); both…and...;

in the same way(同样地;以同样的方式); not only...but (also);
