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Title/论文题目:On Sino-western Cultural Differences in

Business Negotiation

Name / 姓名:___ 彭少英_____

Number / 学号:__ 200932030250

Major / 专业:___ 商务英语______


Tutor/指导教师:___ 丁莉____

Title/论文题目:On Sino-western Cultural Differences in

Business Negotiation


Abstract (4)

摘要 (5)

Introduction (5)

1 Performance of sino-western cultural differences in business negotiations (5)

1.1 Differences in sino-western values (5)

1.2Differences in sino-western verbal and non-verbal expression .6

2. The effect of sino-western cultural differences on business negotiation (6)

2.1 Sino-western cultural differences on intercultural

communication obstacles (6)

2.2 Effect of thinking difference on business negotiation behaviors


2.3 Effect of value orientation for negotiations (7)

3Countermeasures of sino-western cultural differences in negotiation (8)

3.1 Review interlocutors cultural norms, social customs and

taboos (8)

3.2Cultural differences, should remain neutral (8)

3.3 Overcoming communication barriers (9)

Conclusion (9)

Bibliography (9)

Acknowledgements (10)

On Sino-western Cultural Differences in

Business Negotiation


.Nowadays the cooperation and relationship between countries have become closer and closer because the tendency of the world’s economy globalization become s stronger and stronger. With the ongoing of China opening and reform policy, and successful entry in WTO, the relationship between our country and other countries in the world will also become closer and closer. Various cross-cultural negotiations become more and more frequent: so much attention is paid by business men about different cultures in the cross-cultural negotiation. This paper aims at pointing out the coping skills of the conflicts in the negotiation by analyzing specific cultural differences in sino-western in international business negotiation. .

Key Words:business negotiations; cultural conflict :countermeasures





International Business Negotiation is not only economic exchanges and national culture and communication. Especially between different ethnic groups in different countries. International business negotiation is affected by political, economic cultural and other factors from different countries and ethnic. . The most difficult to grasp is the cultural factors. Cultural differences always lead to the collision and even conflict during the business negotiations. As a result,many negotiations fail, which has a direct affect on the smoothie conduct of international business activities. Therefore we must understand the different cultural backgrounds of the different countries. In order to successfully carry out business activities, on this basis, to exceed and develop a reasonable negotiation strategy to make the international business activities successful.

1 Performance of sino-western cultural differences in business negotiations

1.1 Differences in sino-western values

Value is a key element of culture .In China, it is the Confucianism which is viewed rent as the key element, advocating the harmony of the person itself , person to person, man and society , that is, collectivism which emphasis on team goals, team spirit. Foreign scholars call this trait of the Chinese traditional culture collectivism, that members of collectivistic cultures are willing to sacrifice their personal interests, needs and goals to the interests of the groups. Because of this, the Chinese people emphasize the personal interests should be subject to the overall interests of society, and society should regard as a whole to develop, in order to get the greatest benefits.

In Western countries, the individualism is the core of its culture. personal values, personal will, personal ignite, individual freedom, personal feelings personal rights and personal interests are outstanding .The whole society go for individualism, put great emphasis on self-value realization, they measure the value of life by personal success. The main feature of Western culture is to put more attention on personal material. Therefore, in the communication they put theirselves as the center, to pass by the center, straightforward communication language, which is results-oriented. In order to achieve their own ends, they are not hesitating to use a variety of persuasion techniques.
