












OK HI WOW Yeah bye

3、let’s begin our class.




Hello hi




小结:hello,hi 是我们日常用的打招呼的用语,当别人对你说hello时,我们通常用hi作为回答。


例:I’m Jim.


5、What’s in my pencil-case

认识文具用品:pencil eraser ruler crayon pen

Can you remember?

Let’s match



问候 1、Good morning/afternoon/evening, nice to see you! 2、Welcome to our kindergarten! 3、What’s the weather like? It’s sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy/snowy. 4.Whatdayisittoday?It’sMonday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday. 点名 5、Is everyone here? 6、When I call your name, please stand up and say “hi”. 7、Is here? Who is not here ? 生活常规 8、Boys, girls ,two lines! Line up! 9、Attention。One two! 10、Come here. 11、Go back to your points. 12、Keep quiet/silent. 13 、Stop fighting。 14、Take turns. One by one. 15、Look out./Watch out. 16、Thank you .It doesn’t matter. 17、Let’s play together. 18、Eyes on me. Eyes on you. 19、Clap your hands. One two, one two, three. 20、Don’t’ push. 游戏及活动 21. Let’s play a game. Join us. 22、Are you ready? One, two, three, go! 23、Who wants to try? Let’s me try. 24、Please follow me. 25、I ’ll divide you into two groups. You are Group .Are you sure? 26、When I call you, Please come here/stand up. 27、Never mind. Try again. 28、Hurry up. 29、Clap your hands/wave your arms/shake your body. 30、Nod your hands/Open your mouse. 31、Show your little hands, please shake. 32、Open your books, please turn to . 33、Read after me. Ok? 34、Listen carefully. 35、Your are too noisy. Please stop. 36、Return your seats. 37、Good job. Brilliant idea. 38、You are smart/so cool. 39、I agree with you. 课程开始及休息 40、It’s time for class./Let’s begin our class. 41、Let’s have a break./Break time.


少儿英语日常用语大全 少儿英语日常用语:晨间活动(Morning Activities) Good morning.早上好 Good afternoon. 下午好! Hello, everyone! 大家好! Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。 Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。 Glad to meet(see) you. 很高兴见到你。 Say good bye to your mommy/daddy/grandpa/grandma 请跟妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶说再见 How are you? 你好吗? I am fine, thank you. 谢谢,我很好。 Come in please. 请进。

How do you do?你好! I miss you baby.宝贝,我很想你。 Would you like to say hello to your friend?向别的小朋友问好,好不好? Say hello to Miss Li.向李老师问好。 You look pretty today.你今天看上去真漂亮。 I like your new dress.我喜欢你的新裙子。 You are a brave child. Don't cry.你是一个勇敢的孩子,别哭哦! Come on. Give me a hug/kiss.来,抱一下/亲一下。 Please take off your coat, and fold it here. 请把外套脱下来,叠好放在这里。 Please put your clothes here. 请把衣服放到这里。 Did you have a good sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗? Did you have a good time on your weekend? 周末过得好吗?


Pre-k家长公开课流程表 一.Greeting (向小朋友和家长们问候—5min) 二.Warmming up Sing songs---- 三.Presentation(课堂展示) 1.Stacy shows the flashcards(10张卡片---2min) Words:apple,ball,cow,dinosaur,eggs,fantastic,A,I,e,b 2.复习游戏---对对碰(准备六张单词卡片,首先邀请3对小朋友和家长参与游戏,每个小朋友们拿一个单词,家长们拿对应的单词图片,当外教说单词,小朋友要迅速的找到相应的单词卡片,如果答对了下面的小朋友就一起说:“BOOM”答对的小朋友和家长相互碰一下屁股,不对下面的小朋友则一起说:“NO”。) Words: igloo, elephant ,fish, ducks, cat, gorilla 3.齐唱一首歌(Happy New Year)木头人游戏(2min) 4.演练Drama(分两组进行竞争制的表演Zac and Dad—15min)

后备游戏:掷撒子游戏(20min) 展示内容: 1.请小朋友表演elephant 和 fish 。 2.请小朋友为大家唱首英文歌。 < We Wish You Merry Christmas> 3.请小朋友教爸爸妈妈唱一首英文歌。 4.请小朋友和爸爸妈妈拥抱一分钟.并大声对爸爸妈妈说: “I Love You ”. 6.请小朋友齐唱 g.请小朋友来一个即兴表演。 四、排序不等式 (一)概念【9】: 设有两组实数 n a a a ,, ,???21 (1) n b b b ,, ,???21 (2) 满足 n a a a ≤???≤≤21 (3) n b b b ≤???≤≤21 (4)


儿童日常英语对话100句1. A: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening. B: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening. 2. A: How are you? B: Fine. Thank you. 3. A: What's your name? B: My name is xxx. 4. A: Hello. Nice to meet you. B: Hello. Nice to meet you too. 5. A: How do you do? B: How do you do? 6. A: This is my good friend, xxx. Do you know him/her? B: Yes, we saw each other somewhere. 7. A: Who's that boy/girl over there? B: It is a new comer. Sorry, I don't know. 8. A: How old are you? B: I am ten (years old). 9. A: Which school are you in? B: I am in xxx Primary/ Senior School. 10. A: What class/grade are you in? B: I am in Class One and Grade Two. 11. A: Where do you live? B: We live in XXX district.


儿童日常英语对话100句 1. A: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening. B: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening. 2. A: How are you? B: Fine. Thank you. 3. A: What's your name? B: My name is Alvin. 4. A: Hello. Nice to meet you. B: Hello. Nice to meet you too. 5. A: How are you doing? B: I'm good. 6. A: This is my good friend, xxx. Do you know him/her? B: Yes, we saw each other somewhere. 7. A: Who's that boy/girl over there? B: It is a new comer. Sorry, I don't know.

A: How old are you? B: I am ten (years old). 9. A: Which school are you in? B: I am in xxx Primary/ Senior School. 10. A: What class/grade are you in? B: I am in Class One and Grade Two. 11. A: Where do you live? B: We live in XXX district. 12. A: What does your father/mother do? B: He/she is a worker/ teacher/ doctor (B: He/she works in the office/ factory/ school/ hospital.) 13. A: Have you learned English? B: Yes, a little/ some 14. A: Do you like English/ Chinese/ math? B: Yes, I do


幼儿园教师英语日常用语120句 晨间入园 1、Nice to meet(see) you!/Glad to meet you! 很高兴见到你! 2、How are you today? 你好吗? I’m OK! 我很好!/ Fine, Thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 3、Are you happy today?你今天高兴吗? Yes,I’m happy.是的,我很高兴。 4、Why are you looking unhappy?你怎么不高兴? 5、What’s wrong with you? You don’t look well. 你怎么了?你看起来不太好。 6、Where did you go yesterday? 你昨天去了哪儿? 7、Please come in. 请进。 Please come here.请过来。 8、Say“Good morning ”to the teacher(s). 向老师(们)说早上好。 9、Say “Good-bye”to your daddy/mummy/grandpa/grandma. 跟爸爸/妈妈/爷爷/奶奶说再见。 10、Please put your schoolbag on the shelf. 请把书包放在架子上。 组织教学 1、It’s time for class. 到上课时间了。 2、Please look at me and listen carefully. 请看我这里,仔细听。 3、Now let’s learn something new. 现在,咱们学点新东西。 4、Are you ready? 准备好了吗? Yes, we’re ready. 是的,我们准备好了。 5、Do you understand?/Can you follow me?你明白了吗? 6、Follow me,please. 请跟我学。 7、Who wants to have a try?谁想试一试? Let me try! 让我试试。 8、Think it over and try again. 想一想,再试一次。 9、Try your best. /Do your best. 请尽力。 10、Don’ be afraid./ shy. 不要害怕/害羞。 11、All together. 大家一起做。 Girls (Boys) only. 只有女(男)生做. Practice in groups, please. 分组练习。In pairs. 两人一组。 12、Put up your hands, please./ Hands up. 请举手。 13、Repeat, please./ Repeat after me. 跟我重复。 14、Once more, please./ One more time, please. 请再来一遍。 15、Stop now, please./ Stop here, please. 请停下。 16、Be quick, please./Quickly, please. /Hurry up. 请快点。 17、Speak up./ Louder, please. 请大声点。 18、Be quiet, please. 请安静。 19、Help each other, please. 请互相帮助。 20、Please open your books. 请打开书。 Please close your books. 请合上书。


幼儿英语课堂程序及用语 Step One Warm-up(热身运动) 1. Hands !(稍停) Hands ! Hands ! 1 2 3. Hands ! (稍停) Hands ! Hands ! A B C. (师生) Good morning,everyone. (师) Good morning,Miss Li. (生) 2. Stand up,please! (师)I stand up! (生) Attention! (师)One ! Two! (生) Be quiet! (师) Listen! (生) Eyes on me. (师)Eyes on you. (生) Follow me! (师)Follow you! (生) 3.(童谣设计选择)Hands up,up ,up! (师生) Hands down,down,down. (师生) Hands back ,back, back! (师生)5.Good!(师)V ery very,good,good,good!(师生) Cool! (师)V ery very, cool,cool,cool! (师生)Super !(师)V ery very super! (师生)5.G-o-o-d,good,good,good! (师生)N-i-c-e,nice,nice,nice! (师生)6. Sit down ,please! (师)I sit down! (生)

Step Two T opic (新单词学习) 1. Eyes on me. (师)Eyes on you. (生) Be quiet! (师) Listen! (生) 2.Learn new English words, O K? (师)O K! (生) 3.Look!(人)Who’s coming?\(物)What’s coming?(师) 小狗(生)Y es, dog,dog , a dog ,it’s a dog, dog dog(师) https://www.360docs.net/doc/e916279852.html,e here, please.(说两次)(师) 5. Attention! (师)One two. (生) Eyes on me. (师)Eyes on you. (生) Follow me! (师)Follow you! (生) Hands, dog dog dog (由大声变小声) dogdog (只发口型不发音) dog dog dog (由小声变大声) (师生) 6. Good!(师)V ery very ,goodgoodgood! (师生) Cool! (师)V ery very,cool,cool,cool! (师生) Super !(师)V ery very super! (师生) 7. Go back to your seat. shhy…(师) 8. Eyes on me. (师)Eyes on you. (生) Let’s ask and anwser one by one,OK?(师)OK!(生) How to say? (师)Dog(生) Good. /Good boy/ Good girl.(师) 9. Learn another new English words, O K?(师)O K! (生) (重复前面口语3至8句学习第二、三、四个单词。)


二十一个场景对话 目录 1、你有什么计划吗? (2) 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 (3) 3、英文问路指路 (4) 4、这位子有人坐吗? (6) 5、打电话预定餐厅位子 (8) 6、商务宴会中的英文点菜方式 (10) 7、At Breakfast 吃早餐 (14) 8、如何用英语买火车票 (16) 9、谈薪水必备英语口语 (17) 10、On a Bus 在公共汽车上 (21) 11、Asking Favors 求助 (23) 12、Making an Appointment 预约 (25) 13、Saying Goodbye 告别 (26) 14、Meeting old friends 老友重逢 (28) 15、Saying Thank You 道谢 (30) 16、介绍和开场白 (32) 17、Finding a Room 找住房 (34) 18、At a Hotel 在旅馆 (36)

19、The weather 天气 (38) 20、这里停车每小时多少钱? (39) 21、为什么突然要辞职呢? (40) 1、你有什么计划吗? Nancy:Have a nice weekend! 周末好! Jerry:Thanks. You too!

谢谢!你也好! Nancy:Do you have any plans? 你有什么计划吗? Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? 嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢? Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. 哦,我还没决定我要做什么呢。 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 John:Have you had a good time these past few days? 这几天玩得怎么样啊? Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。


幼儿园英语常用语大全精编W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

来、离园(come to and leave the kindergarten) 1. 小朋友早。Good morning, Kids. 2. 小朋友早。Hello, kids. / Hi, kids. 3. 小朋友再见。Good-bye, kids. 4. 向……问早安。Say good morning to … 5. 和妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶再见。Say good-bye to your Mummy/ Daddy/Grandpa/Grandma. 6. 你好吗?How are you 7. 见到你很高兴。Nice to see you. 8. 你好。Hello!(Tim! Tim) 9. 我真想你们啊 I miss you very much. 10. 你真有礼貌 How polite you are! 11. 快请进Come in , please! 12. 你今天高兴吗?Are you happy today 13. 你昨天去了哪?Where did you go yesterday 14. 你周末过得怎么样?How was your weekend

15. 你怎么不高兴?Why are you looking unhappy 16. 你还好吗?Are you OK 17. 我来量一下你的体温。Let me take your temperature. 18. 我的体温有多高?What’s my temperature 19. 你的体温是三十六点七摄氏度。It is 36.7 (Thirty six point seven degree Celsius.) 20. 别担心,上点药就好了。Don’t worry; it will be OK right after applying some medicine. 21. 贴上创可贴就好了。It will be OK, right after applying the bandage. 22. 打一针就好了。It will be OK, right after giving an injection. 23. 洗手时别弄湿伤口。Keep your wound dry。 24. 和妈妈、爸爸说再见。Say bye-bye to your Mummy/ Daddy. 25. 请把外衣脱掉 Please take off your coat. 26. 搬把椅子坐在那里Take a chair and sit there. 27. 玩会儿玩具好吗?Play with the toys, will you 28. 请浇浇花 Please water the flowers.


英语单词教学的五个步骤 一、让学生仔细听单词的读音。教师可放录音给他们听,使学生从听觉上正确地感受某个单词的读音。 二、让学生看所学单词所代表的事物之形状。因为小学英语中,大部分单词是表示 具体的事物,抽象的甚少。这样,教师就可以通过实物、卡片或寥寥几笔勾勒出的简笔画(也可以让学生自己画),把要学的单词展示在学生面前,使学生有一种直观感受。 三、让学生拼读单词。教师把所学单词书写在黑板上或卡片上,让学生拼读并掌握 单词是由哪些字母组合而成的。这就是我们的神奇单词课程,能系统地让孩子们掌握拼读方法,优化他们的记忆形式。 四、让学生想其读音和构成。通过以上三个步骤的训练,所学单词的读音和构成已基本上在学生大脑中形成。这时要求学生想一想所学单词读音和字母组合,主要是加深印象,让学生记牢。 五、让学生说出和写出单词,目的是检验学生的掌握情况。教师拿出实物或卡片,要求学生正确拼读出来,并能在三线本上写出来。如教师拿出苹果,学生观其形,就拼写出a-p-p-l-e 。 教单词与做游戏相结合,寓单词教学于娱乐之中 仅仅凭以上五个步骤的训练教学是不够的。因为它们容易使学生产生疲劳感,会使学生感到厌烦,使课堂教学气氛沉闷,不利于提高学生学习的积极性。玩,是孩子的天性。因此在英语课堂

中,可以在“玩”上下很多功夫,让孩子在玩中学,学中玩。快乐的学习过程自然会引发孩子对于英语的兴趣。小孩子注意力集中的时间有限,因此根据他们好动的天性,我会使用一些单词游戏丰富我的单词教学。 一、看口型猜单词 在学了若干个单词之后,老师不发音,只做口型,要求学生仅通过口型来判断老师说的是什么单词,比一比谁的反映最快。这时,教室里鸦雀无声,全班学生的眼睛紧紧地盯着老师的嘴巴,唯恐错过了某个细节。一旦知道答案,他们会立刻高举小手,热情高涨,效果不错。这个游戏也可以由学生来做口型。 二、注意联系,以旧带新 学生学习的单词有了一定的量后,在教学新单词时,我们要注意新单词与学生已学过的单词的联系,作出及时的归纳总结,教给学生行之有效的记忆方法。例如,我要教学生bus 词,我可以把taxi 这个词拿出来,与之进行再次复习,归纳学习。本来bus 对于学生来说是个陌生的单词,这样一比较起来,学生就会觉得这个单词有点熟悉. 三、相同词首单词拼读赛 将全班分成若干小组,教师说一个字母(如:D),第一组的第一名学生立即站起来,说出并拼出3个(也可以是5个或10 个,视学生词汇量的多少而定)以字母D 打头的单词,如:desk,dog,door 等,念不出或念错要扣分,这位学生说完后,教师念另一个字母,由第二组的第一名


儿童日常英语对话100 1.A: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening. B: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening. 2.A: How are you? B: Fine. Thank you. 3.A: What's your name? B: My name is xxx. 4.A: Hello. Nice to meet you. B: Hello. Nice to meet you too. 5.A: How do you do? B: How do you do? 6.A: This is my good friend, xxx. Do you know him/her? B: Yes, we saw each other somewhere. 7.A: Who's that boy/girl over there? B: It is a new comer. Sorry, I don't know. 8.A: How old are you? B: I am ten (years old). 9.A: Which school are you in? B: I am in xxx Primary/ Senior School. 10.A: What class/grade are you in? B: I am in Class One and Grade Two. 11.A: Where do you live?

B: We live in XXX district. 12.A: What does your father/mother do? B: He/she is a worker/ teacher/ doctor (B: He/she works in the office/ factory/ school/ hospital.) 13.A: Have you learned English? B: Yes, a little/ some 14.A: Do you like English/ Chinese/ math? B: Yes, I do (B: No, not very much) 15.A: What is this? B: It is my toy. 16.A: Is this your bag? B: Yes, it is. /No, it isn't 17.A: Whose bag/book/pen is this? B: It is mine/ it is not mine. 18.A: Do you want something to eat/drink? B: Yes, I want to drink some cold water/eat some fruit. 19.A: What did you have for lunch? B: We had some dishes and rice/ noodles. 20.A: What food do you like? Help yourself to the dishes B: I like fish. It is delicious. 21.A: What would you like to eat?


幼儿英语常用语 一、入园接待 Good morning.早上好。 Hello! 你好! Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。 Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。 How are you?你好吗? Give me a hug! 拥抱一下。 Please come in. 请进。 Say good bye to your mommy/daddy/grandpa/grandma. 请跟妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶说再见 二、早操(户外活动) It’s time to do morning exercises.早操时间到了。 Let’s go out. 让我们到室外去。 Let’s go downstairs. 让我们到楼下去。

Let’s play on the ground. 让我们到操场上玩吧。 Line up one by one. 一个跟着一个排好队。 Let’s go. 我们走吧。 Stand in a line. 请站成一队。 Count off. 报数。 Stand in a circle, hand in hand.手拉手站成一个圈。 Look forward! At ease. Attention.向前看!稍息。立正。 One step backward/forward.向后(向前)一步走。 Follow me. 请跟我这样做。 Let’s go back to the classroom.我们回教室吧。 No pushing, no running. 不要推,不要跑。 三、进餐 It’s time for breakfast/lunch/supper/snack. 现在是早餐(午餐、晚餐、点心)时间。 Wash your hands, please. 请洗手。 Show me your hands, are they clean? 让我看看你的手干净了吗? Please sit by the table. 请坐在餐桌边。 Please have some more. 再吃一点。 Is it tasty? 好吃吗? Are you full? 吃饱了吗? Clean your mouth with the napkin. 用餐巾把嘴擦干净。 Finish everything in your bowls. 把碗里的饭菜吃完。 Wipe your mouth, please. 请擦嘴。 四、课堂活动


Get up起床 Good morning,sweetie. You finally got up. Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗? Did you have a bad night? 晚上过得不好吗? How was your sleep last night? 昨晚睡得好吗? It’s almost time to get up. 该起床了。 Wake up, sleepyhead. 起床,小懒鬼。 Time to get going. 出发的时间到了。 We need to get moving. 我们要赶快行动。 It’s already late. 已经迟啦。 Are you still lazing around? 你还赖床吗? Rise and shine! 快起床吧! You better hurry. It’s time to get dressed. 该穿衣服啦。 It’s already 8 o’clock.已经八点了。 Well, honey, wake up, or you’ll be late for school. Ten more minutes. I'm still sleepy. 再多睡十分钟。我还想睡。Did you stay up late last night? 你昨天晚上熬夜了吗?

No, I couldn't fall asleep last night.没有,我昨晚根本睡不着。 2. 穿衣 Peter, take off your pajamas. 彼得,把睡衣脱掉。 What should I wear today? 我今天要穿什么? It’s chilly outside, so don’t forget to put on your jacket. 外面有点冷,把外套穿上。How’s the shirt? 这件衬衫看起来如何? Son, it looks great on you. 儿子,你看起来很帅。 Hurry up and get dressed. 快点换衣服。 You put your shoes on wrong. 你把鞋子穿错了。Put on shoes You’ve got your shoes on the wrong way. 你把鞋子穿错了。 You’ve got your right shoe on your left foot, and the left shoe on the right foot.你把右脚的鞋子穿在左脚上,把左脚的鞋子穿在右脚上了。 Those shoes are on wrong. 鞋子穿错了。 These shoes don’t match.这两只鞋子不是一双。 These shoes don’t go together. 这两只鞋子不是一双。 Are those shoes pinching your toes? 那双鞋子挤脚吗? Do you know how to tie your shoelaces yet? 你知道怎么系你的鞋带吗? What do you want to wear today?今天你想穿什么? What do you feel like wearing today?今天你想穿什么?



幼儿园英语日常用语 Hello, Peter! Nice to see you. 你好,皮特!很高兴见到你。 Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。How are you today? 你好吗?How are you? 你好吗? I am fine, thank you. 谢谢,我很好。Come in please. 请进。 Li Li, say “Bye-Bye ”to your father. 李丽,跟爸爸说再见。 Li Li ,say “Bye-Bye ”to your mother.李丽,跟妈妈说再见。 Li Li ,say “Bye-Bye ”to your grandpa.李丽,跟爷爷说再见。 Please take off your coat, and fold it here. 请把外套脱下来,叠好放在这里。 Please put your clothes here. 请把衣服放到这里。 Did you have a good sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗? Did you have a good time on your weekend? 周末过得好吗?

Did you have a good time on your holiday? 假期过得好吗? Are you fine? 你还好吧? You don’t look well. 你看起来不太好。Please sit here and play with the toys. 坐下玩一会玩具吧。 Please sit here and read the story. 坐下玩一会书吧。 Please water the flowers. 请你浇浇花吧。 Breakfast (早餐) It’s time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。Please wash hands.请洗手。 Please wash your hands before you eat.吃东西前请洗手。 Did you wash your hands? Let me have a look/check. 你洗手了吗?让我看看。Please wash your hands with soap.打打肥皂。 Breakfast is ready. Please sit by the table.早餐好了,请坐到桌边来。 Would you like a little bit more?(Are you sure


幼儿英语日常用语大 全

幼儿英语日常用语大全 幼儿英语日常用语:晨间活动(Morning Activities) Good morning.早上好 Good afternoon. 下午好! Hello, everyone! 大家好! Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。 Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。 Glad to meet(see) you. 很高兴见到你。 Say good bye to your mommy/daddy/grandpa/grandma 请跟妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶说再见 How are you? 你好吗? I am fine, thank you. 谢谢,我很好。 Come in please. 请进。 How do you do?你好! I miss you baby.宝贝,我很想你。 Would you like to say hello to your friend?向别的小朋友问好,好不好? Say hello to Miss Li.向李老师问好。 You look pretty today.你今天看上去真漂亮。 I like your new dress.我喜欢你的新裙子。 You are a brave child. Don't cry.你是一个勇敢的孩子,别哭哦! Come on. Give me a hug/kiss.来,抱一下/亲一下。 Please take off your coat, and fold it here. 请把外套脱下来,叠好放在这里。Please put your clothes here. 请把衣服放到这里。


英语课堂流程 英语课堂组织用语 一、热身活动warming-up(2-3分钟) 1、常规活动{英语用语原则:a、简短b、直观(动 作、表情) c复现(教材中内容的复现,固定多变运用)} One two three, four four four. Look at me. Shua,shua,shua/ Look at you. Listen to me!Ah ah ah/ Listen to you. 2、师幼问好 Hello/Hi 3、师幼问答(互动) Give me one/ two/ five/ten. Give me a kiss/hug. How are you? Fine, Thank you./ I’m fine, thank you. Are you happy? Yes, happy./ No, sad. How is the weather? It’s______(根据天气情况回答) 4、游戏(T:Let’s play a game. Ss: Yeah, yeah, yeah. 5、儿歌歌曲(Let’s sing a song) 6、律动舞蹈(Let’s dance) 7、复习(Let’s review)

二、内容呈现presentation(3-5分钟) 呈现形式:听发音,听故事,听音效。 看实物;看单词卡、挂图、手偶、头饰、VCD,、简笔画;看动作;看表情;看情境。 Look! Guss! Listen! Watch TV. What’s this? Follow me! Follow you! Who is she/he/ it? 三、活动操练Practice(8-10分钟) 设置游戏操练:推荐常规游戏:1、大小声,2、拍卡片,3、红绿灯,4、paper sisers stone(单词操练读三遍单词然后出剪刀或者石头或者布,输赢奖惩老师自行设置), 5、萝卜蹲(单词复习,多个单词,学生各自拿个单词卡,eg: apple, banana, pear, watermalen, orange等。Apple down ,apple down, than banana down(可以任选一个水果说(除自己外)) 6、两只小螃蟹(两个单词,或者句型) Eg: chicken, steak/ I’d like some chiken/ steak. 老师说单词,两位学生拿单词卡,请1位学生做螃蟹,老师说到哪个单词,做螃蟹的学生要横着走向其单词卡并大声的读出来或者下面其余的学生大声说出来。


少儿英语日常对话50句 1.Are you tired? Yes, I am tired. / No, I am not. 你累了吗?是的,我累了。/ 不,我不累。 2.Be quite. 安静。 3.Let’s go to sleep. / Let’s go to bed. 让咱们去睡觉。 4.Get up. 起来。 5.Wake up. 叫醒。 6. Here you are. 给你。 7.Let’s start / begin. 让咱们开端。 8.Hand in hand. 手拉手。 9. Wave your fingers. 摇摆你的手指。 10.T ouch your stomach. 摸摸你的肚子。 11.What’s wrong with you? It’s nothing. 你怎么了?没事。 12.Where are you going? 你去哪里? 13. You are fat. 你胖。

14. You are slow. 你太慢了。 15.You are fast.你很快。 16.Don’t talk. 不要说话。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e916279852.html,e here. / Come on. 过来。 18. Go to there. 去那儿。 19.Listen to me. 听我说。 20.Follow me. 跟着我。 21. Put on your coat. 穿上你的外套。 22.Wait for me. 等等我。 23. I am here. 我在这儿。 24. I don’t know. 我不知道。 25.Close your eyes / mouth. 比上你的眼睛。/ 合上你的嘴巴。 26.Open your eyes / mouth. 张开你的眼睛。/ 张开你的嘴巴。 27.Close the door. 关门。 28. Open the door. 开门。 29. Return to your seat. 回去你的座位上。 30. Be careful. 当心。 31.Hurry up. 快点。 32.Look at me. 看着我 33.Let me try. 让我来试试。 34. Let’s watch TV. 让咱们来看电视。 35. Hand up. 举手。
