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课程名称:英语基础写作_______________ 考试时间:120 分钟


—、Choose the more suitable answer from the two provided for each blank in the following sentences, and write down the corresponding letter A or B on the ANSWER SHEET.(每题 1 分,共15 分)

1.As a 21-year-old college student, he published a book and invited historian and scholar Yi

Zhongtian to write a _________ (A. forward B. fore word).

2.Macbeth acknowledges that it is wrong for a host to kill his guest, but he and his wife do it anyway.

Their murder of Duncan is ___________ (A.immoral B.amoral).

3.One of her ___________ (A.principals B.principles) is that honesty is the best policy.

4.Some students are ___________ (A.uninterested B.disinterested) in the schoolwork.

5.He __________ (A.rose B.raised) from his seat to greet the guests.

6.Fm quite___ (A.jealous B. envious) of your opportunity to study at such a famous university.

7.That aristocrat often speaks in a (an) ___________ (A.proud B.arrogant) tone.

8.The day was ____________ ( A. typical B•representative) of deep winter here; it was snowing

heavily and a north wind was blowing.

9.We waited for a long time. ___________ (A.Finally B.At last) she came.

10.The chairman summed up the results of the discussion. ______________ (A.Finally B.At last) he

thanked all the participants for coming.

11.This salesman made frequent ___________ (A.trips B.travels) to nearby cities-

12.She may be fishing for a _____________ (pliment plement) and welcome your


13.The love of poetry was _____ (A.lighted B. kindled) in him by her teaching・

14._______ (A.Credulous B. Credible) attitude will only make you take anything for granted.

15.If you _____ (A.stride B.stroll) somewhere, you walk there in a slow, relaxed way.

二、Error Correction(每题 2 分,共20 分)

1.We have eliminated the enemy force entirely.

2.Please help us to propagate this new product.

3.If the products are really good. Many people will use them. Then this company will become famous.

4.I had no idea what I was getting into, I did not really care.

5.People watch TV for different reasons their judgment naturally differs.

6.Born in a small town in Anhui Province, Wang became a taxi driver last yea匚

7.She hopes to spend this holiday either in Shanghai or Suzhou.

8.Learning to speak English and how to use computers is import a nt.

9.The story he told at first sounded very interesting.

10.Looking out of the window, the lake is breathtakingly beautiful.

三、S entence Rewriting (每题 3 分卩共15 分)

Example for sentence rewriting :

The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways. ( periodic sentence) Reference for sentence rewriting:

In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization.

1.I go to medical school. They want me to do tha匸(simple sentence)

2.Bacon stepped to the front of the room. He tripped over the microphone cord, (compound


3.The picture on the wall was painted by a post-impressionist. Many people were standing in front of

the picture. They pretended that they could understand the picture, (one sentence with participles) 4.My grandma was sitting in her rocker, and her radio is singing happily in the spring

fragrance, (absolute construction)

5.The farmers grew worried. Clouds were forming over the mountains- They hoped a wind

would blow the clouds south, (compound-complex sentence)

四、N ote-writing (每题10 分,共10 分)

Write on ANSWER SHEET a note of50-60 words based on the following situation.

Your classmate, Jimmy, is head of the university^ swimming club. He has invited you to join the club, but you like some other sports. Write him a note, declining and explaining why.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization^ grammar and appropriaten ess.

五、W rite a Precis Based on the Following Passage (每题10 分,共10 分)

[1]Xiao Liu is a sanitation worker in a restaurant, a much honored one. She has been awarded for her "excellent work and satisfactory service" by the National Tourism Administration four times since she took the job six years ago.

[2]Her job seems simple. Every morning, she is required to clean two washrooms, two bathrooms, two locker rooms, the balcony and the corridor. But it is hard and demanding work, especially for a girl who suffers from heart disease. usually have to come at 8:30一half an hour before the working time begins, and start to bustle in and out without a break/9 says Liu. At 11 o^clock一the opening time of the restaurant, everything is washed up. So is she. Then she stands in front of the washrooms to greet every guest with a smile, help them and do the cleaning whenever it is necessary.

[3]"It is unusual work for such a young woman/9 says the manager of the restaurant. "It is not only the hard work but also the psychological pressure that she has to stand.^

[4]“I felt ver y ashamed and humble when I stood in front of the washroom on my first working day/ recalls Liu. Then only 17 years old she blushed whenever a guest came. Her colleagues poked
