河南省中原名校(即豫南九校)2018届高三第二次质量考评 英语

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1. Why is the man having trouble finding lamb?

A. It is not common where he lives

B. There is no lamb at Harvard Meats

C. He doesn’t now what ind he wants

2. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Losing weight

B. Meeting old classmates

C. Graduating from school

3. What do the speaers have in common?

A. They lie to wal their dogs together

B. hey own the same ind of dog

C. They have the same job

4. What do the speaers already have enough?

A. Meat

B. Bread

C. Vegetables

5. Why did the officer stop the woman?

A. She was speeding

B. He thought she was in danger

C. She was maing too much noise




6. Who is the man inviting to the barbecue?

A. His neighbors

B. His colleagues

C. His sister’s family

7. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Use a gas grill

B. Stay outside all day

C. Add some barbecue sauce


8. What does Jill say about Bob?

A. He is forgetful

B. He is important to her

C. He always does well in eams

9. Which day is Bob’s birthday?

A. October 14

B. December 2

C. December 14


10. What is Miss Smith’s job?

A. She’s a lawyer

B. She’s a judge

C. She’s secretary

11. Why is Miss Smith so upset?

A. She can’t send an email

B. Someone is going to ill her

C. She has important wor to finish today

12. What color should the light on the blac bo be?

A. Green

B. Red

C. Yellow


13. What is the woman worried about?

A. Chris’s grades

B. Buying too little

C. Running out of money

14. Why does Chris need so many noteboos?

A. They will sell out soon

B. He needs one for each class

C. He wants to share with is friends

15. Who might Lue be?

A. Chris’s father

B. Chris’s teacher

C. Chris’s brother

16. What is the purpose of the ta-free weeend, according to the woman?

A. To help poor people

B. To donate school supplies

C. To encourage people to shop more


17. Which of the following about Adele was most unusual at the Grammy Awards?

A. Her dress made of glass

B. Her beautiful green gown

C. Her performance of a song

18. What made Adele’s performance different from other artists’?

A. Bac-up dancers

B. Impressive voice

C. Fancy clothes

19. Why did Adele stop singing during one of her performances?
