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Emerson, Ralph Waldo is an outstanding American writer in the nineteenth centu ry. His work Self-Reliance is an important and influential work which encourag es a man to be confident and independent. Through the analysis and research of Emerson and his works, the thesis explores four main ideas in the work, includ ing “The Confidence” , “The Independence” , “The Personality” , “Showin

g no Sympathy to the Poor”, of which “The Confidence” is the core point in this thesis. Based on the research of the four ideas, the thesis discusses the enlightenments on today’s society, including the enlightenments on the confid ent and optimistic attitudes towards life, the promotion of female’s self-rel iance, the influence on individuals’ success and a country’s prosperity.

Key Words

Self-reliance; Emerson; enlightenment






Emerson, Ralph Waldo was one of the most outstanding American writers in the19 th century; he experienced much in his whole life. His Self-Reliance is an inf luential work which deepl y attracts many readers. “Believe in Oneself” is th

e main idea expressed and analyzed in the work. In Self-Reliance, there exist four kinds o

f important thoughts. The first kind of thought is “The Confidenc e”. Emerson advocated that a man must show his opi nion confidently and bravel

y in spite of different ideas. “The Independence” is the second kind of impo rtant thought which is expressed in Self-Reliance. A man should keep himself f irmly but not be easily influenced by environment. The third kind of thought i

s to keep personality, which is closely related to the confidence and the inde pendence. From Emerson’s opinion, a man must keep his personality and conform to his own principles. “Showing no Sympathy to the Poor” is the fourth kind of thought in the work. It shows that why the poor are poor is mainly due to t heir backward thinking. Showing help to this kind of people means doing harm t o them. All these ideas in Emerson’s Self-reliance have enlightenments on tod ay’s society. They help people take confiden t and optimistic attitudes toward s life. These important thoughts enlighten the female to be confident and stri ve for their social status. Besides, they are crucial for individuals’ succes s. Each man who possesses the thoughts is easy to make progress and achieve su ccess. Moreover, a country’s prosperity is established on the basis of confid ence and independence.

I. A Brief Introduction to Emerson and His Self-Reliance

A. Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Emerson collected all his speech materials and made a book called Essays, incl uding Self-reliance, Love, and Friendship and so on. Emerson’s Essays speaks highly of the man who should trust their own suggestion. He advocated that a m an should develop the national pride and opposed following the others’ saying. Almost al l his speeches made a deep influence on America’s national civilizat ion. In 1837, he published a famous speech which declared that the American li terature was separated from Britain literature. He was also the spokesman of t ranscendentalism. Emerson abandoned the thought which takes god as the centre. He raised the idea that the man could know the truth by instinct, so to some e xtent, the man is the god. Then he cried out that ‘Believe in Yourself’. His opinion reflected the advancing spirit of capitalism society. This positive sp irit was called as American religion and it pushed the development of national spirit of America. He was the clairvoyant of American spirit and belonged to A merica, Emerson’s thoughts and works largely promoted the establishment and d evelopment of American national spirit.

B. Self-Reliance

Emerson’s works deeply attract readers, especially Self-Reliance, which is fr om Essays. This prose is finished according to a series of speech materials be tween 1836 and 1837. Self-Reliance is his significant work which expresses his idea of transcendentalism. “Believe in Yourself” is the core point of Self-R eliance. Emerson opposed all forms of imitation in the works. He thought the m an should believe he was excellent at any time. The real man should learn how to reject to drift with the stream. If a man is afraid of public opinion or co
