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- using grammatica l me t aphor to nominalise the attitude just reviewed so that it comes out gram matica lly as a thi ng:
the cont rast in styles is of co nsiderable interest
Working with appraisal
J R Martin Department of Linguistics
University of Sydney
1. Theoretical overview
INTER-personal (80s) mood, modality... speech function, exc hange str uct ure inter -PERSONAL(9 0 s) comment adjunct, attitudina l Epithet... attitude
strrse semantics
grammar & lexis
phonology/ graphology
- realisation of an attitude t ends to splash across a phase of discourse, irrespective of grammati cal boundaries – especially where amp lif ied. The following rave by a St evie Ray Vaughan fan (from the Amazon websit e) accumulates a positive evaluation t hat is more than th e sum of its clause based parts:
aweso me! aweso me! awesome! awesome ! it's very worth buyi ng. oh did i say t hat it's awesome ! thank you . stevie ray!
- attitude can be realised across a range of grammatic al cat egories, as in the following examp les:
an inte resting con t rast in style s
adjective (Epithet)
the contrast in styles interes t ed m e
verb (Pr ocess)
interestingly , there's a contrast in style s adverb (Com ment Adjunct)
saturating prosody
Fucken Hell man, who the hell told you I liked doing this kind of shit.
intensifying prosody
It's a dirty rotten stinking lousy bloody low filthy two-faced lie
prosodic st ruct ure...
saturation – this type of prosodic realisati on is opport unisti c; the prosody manifests wher e it can. This kind of opportunistic realisation is similar to vowel harmony in phonology.
cf. an int eresting cont rast in styles above, which was in f act unpacked in a revie w entit led 'An interesting contrast ' as follows:
His ov erall appearance, his stage p resence, even his playing style are quit e diff erent in the t wo shows.
volume is turned up so that the pros ody makes a bigger splash which reverberates thought the s urrounding discourse...similar to the use of loudness and pitch movement for highlighting i n phonology.
'That,' said he r spouse , 'is a lie.' 'It's the t ruth, ' said she. 'It's a dirt y rot t en st inking lous y blo ody low fil t hy tw o- f ace d lie,' he ampl ified. (Rohan 1 9 63 Down by the Dockside ) [ f rom Poynton 1 9 8 9 ]
I sup pose pr oj ecti ng mental pr ocess
he might modal verb
pos sibly
have mightn't
modal adju nc t
modal verb ( +ne g)
inte nsification – this type of re alisat ion involves amplifi cation; the