美国小学英语教材1第4课Fun in the Rain 雨中趣事

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美国小学英语教材 1
第4课 Fun in the Rain 雨中趣事
Down, down came1 the rain. 雨下啊下。 Patty and Joe were in the house. 帕蒂和乔待在屋里。 They wanted to play in the rain. 他们想到雨中玩耍。 "Please, Mother," they said2. “求你了,妈妈”,他们说。 We want to go out in the rain. 我们想冒雨出去玩。 May we go to see Peter? 我们可以去找彼得玩吗? Mother said, "Yes, you may go. 妈妈说,“嗯,你们可以去”。 So they put on their rain coats and rain hats and rain shoes. 于是,他们穿 上雨衣、雨鞋,戴上雨帽。 Then they went out in the rain. 然后就冒着雨出去了。 Splash3, splash went Joe and Patty down the street. 乔和帕蒂踩着雨水,啪 嗒、啪嗒地走在大街上。 "Look, Patty," said Joe. “看,帕蒂”,乔说。 "I am a duck. Quack4, quack! “我是只小鸭子。嘎,嘎!” Patty laughed and said, "Yes, yes, we are ducks. Quack, quack! 帕蒂笑着说: “是的,是的,我们是鸭子。嘎,嘎!” So they went along5 the street with a quack, quack, quack and a splash, splash, splash. 就这样,他们嘎、嘎、嘎地叫,啪嗒、啪嗒、啪嗒地走在大街上。 Peter saw6 them coming and opened the front door. 彼得看到他们走来就打 开了前门。 "Hello, Joe and Patty, “he said. Are you wet? “乔和帕蒂,你们好,”他说。你 们有没有被雨淋湿? "No, "said Joe. "We are not wet. We have rain coats and rain hats and rain shoes. “没有”,乔说,“我们没被雨淋湿”。我们有雨衣、雨帽和雨鞋。 It was7 fun to be out in the rain. 下雨天出来真好玩。 Peter said, "Come in, come in. 彼得说,“快进来、快进来。 You are just in time. 你们来得可真巧。

美国小学英语教材 1
Mother and I are making cookies8. You may help us. 我和妈妈正在做饼干。 你们来帮把手吧。
They made9 funny brown cookies. 他们做了有趣的棕色饼干。 Some looked like pigs. 有的看起来像小猪。 Some looked like rabbits. 有的看起来像小兔。 Some looked like chickens. 有的看起来像小鸡。 Then every one ate10 cookies. 然后每个人都吃了饼干。 How good the cookies were! 饼干可好吃了! This is a fine party, said Patty. 这次派对真不错,帕蒂说。 "I am glad we came. “很高兴我们来了。 Soon Joe said, "Now we must go. 过了一会儿乔说,“现在我们该走了”。 Thank you for a good time, Peter. 彼得,谢谢你让我们度过了一段美好时光。 We have had11 fun at your house. 我们在你家玩得很开心。 Now we will have fun in the rain. 现在我们要到雨中玩耍了。 Patty and Joe said good-by. 帕蒂和乔道了别。 They put on their rain coats and rain hats and rain shoes. 他们穿上雨衣、雨 鞋,戴上雨帽。 Then they opened the door. 然后他们打开了门。 And, oh, how they laughed! The sun was shining12! 噢,他们笑得真欢呀!外 面的阳光真灿烂!
1 came
v.动词 come 的过去式

I was surprised why he came here so early.他为什么那么早到这里,我很惊奇。

The doctor came in time to save his life.医生及时来抢救他的生命。
2 said
v.动词 say 的过去式、过去分词

美国小学英语教材 1

He said to me that he could not come.他对我说他不能来。

He said to his mother that he would do it by himself.他对他的母亲说他将自己独立做
3 splash

I fell into the water with a splash.我跌入水中,激起水花四溅。

There's a splash of paint on the white wall.白墙上溅上了一片油漆。
4 quack

He describes himself as a doctor,but I feel he is a quack.他自称是医生,可是我感觉他是

The quack was stormed with questions.江湖骗子受到了猛烈的质问。
5 along

Would you like to come along?你想一起去吗?

They walked slowly along the road.他们沿着公路慢慢走。
6 saw
vbl.看见(see 的过去式);n.锯;v.用锯子锯

Would you like to saw a tree for me?你能为我锯棵树吗?

The moment I saw you,I knew you were angry with me.我一看到你,就知道你在生我的
7 was
v.(is,am 的过去式)是,在

He said he was right.他说他是正确的。

He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
8 cookies
