

ANM Admiralty Notices to Mariners 英版航海公告ASD admiralty sailing direction 英版航路指南ASP admiralty sailing pilots 美版航路指南ARPA automatic radar plotting aid 自动雷达标绘仪AIS AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION system船舶自识别系统adjoining chart 连接海图anchorage 锚地Air draft 水面以上高度Anti-clockwise 逆时针方向Anti-cyclone (反)低压气旋MSA maritime safety administration海事局

BAD bearings and directions 方位和方向Block 贴图、贴条Bands 横纹Back 逆时针方向close-quarters situation紧迫局面CNIS channel navigational information service 航道航行信息服务COLREGS Convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea 国际海上避碰规则公约CPA closest point of approach 最近会遇点Coastline 海岸线Catalogue 总目录cold front 冷锋ETA estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间

DSC digital selective calling 数字选择性呼叫diagram对景图depression 低压

EBL electronic bearing line 电子方位线encounter 相遇ECDIS electronic chart display and information system 电子海图显示与信息系统ENC electronic navigational charts 电子航海图fresh breeze清风fog 雾VTS vessel traffic services船舶交通管理系统或船舶交通服务give-way vessel让路船gyrocompass 电罗经general situation 概论gale 大风GPS global positioning system 全球定位系统GIS geographic information system地理资讯系统GNSS global navigation satellite system全球卫星导航系统gale大风Gale warning 大风警报heights 高程hurricane 飓风high seas 公海Heights 高程High seas 公海Hurricane warning 飓风警报Mariner~s handbook 船员手册PPI plane position indicator system平面位置显示器isolated showers零星小雨IHO international hydrographic organization 国际海盗测量组织IBS intergrated bridge system 综合船桥系统Ballast water压载水

Keep clear of 让行lookout 瞭望NP nautical publication 航海出版物

Magnetic variation curves 磁差变化曲线MHWS Mean High Water Springs 平均大潮高潮面Magnetic deviation 磁罗经的自差Magnetic variation 磁差Radio beacon 无线电信标

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 国家海洋和大气局NWS National Weather Service 国家气象局Navigational warnings 航行警告near gale 疾风

OOW officer on watch 值班驾驶员occluded front 锢囚锋CD chart datum 海图基准面pressure systems 气压系统PSC Port State Control 港口国控制Pressure systems 气压系统radio navigational warning 无线电航行警告restricted visibility 能见度受限right angle直角Relieving officer 接班驾驶员Repeater 复视器Coordinated universal time世界协调时supplement 补编stripes 竖纹stand-on vessel直航船storm狂风synopsis天气大势SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea 海上人命安全公约SCS ship control system船舶控制系统

scattered Showers 局部阵雨STCW the international convention on standards of traning certification and watchkeeping for seafarers 海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约

Stripes 竖纹Synopsis situation 天气大势分析Squall 风暴、飓风Synchronize 同步Strong breeze 强风Storm warning 狂风警报Crossing situation 交叉局面Navigational aids 助航设施TSAC tidal streams and currents 潮流和水流TSS traffic separation schemes 分道通航制tidal streams and currents 潮流Greenwish mean time 格林平时DP designated person 指定人VMS voyage management system 航行管理系统Veering 顺时针VHF very high frequency 甚高频电话Weather bulletin 气象公告warm front 暖锋

RNCS raster nautical charts 光栅海图RCOS raster chart display system 光栅海图系统RADAR radio detection And ranging 雷达RNW radio navigational warnings 航行警告简单注释Proper look-out 正规瞭望Whistle signai 号笛Head-on situation 对遇局面

附加P01Logbooks required by law,to be filled out by masters or officers on duty of every ship

1.The best title for the passage is “The logbooks and their applications”.

2.According to the passage, when a misentry has been made in the log, a red line would be drawn on those parts, with correct entry with signature being made near or above them.

3.According to the passage, the forms of logbooks must be proved by the shipping companies or marine authorities.

4.The logbook must be submitted on completion of the voyage to the superintendent of the owner or the marine authorities for justification, checking or approval.

附加P02 Sudden steering system failure of an oil tanker led to collision with a passing bulk carrier in

1.What happened in the story?An oil tanker collided with a bulk carrier and spilled some fuel oil.

2.Which of the following statements is true?Both vessels chose the deepwater route.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?Vessels shall never use deepwater routes.

4.Which of the following may be the cause of the accident?Both A and B.(A. Sudden steering failure / B. Restricted passing distances)

段落翻译:1.at certain positions on the charted isogonic curves . The annual change is expressed in minutes with the letter E or W and is given in brackets, immediately following the variation. On non-isogonic charts the variation will be found in the center of the compass rose and in a note on the chart.


2. Outside the chart borders are printed such items as chart number, date of publication, new edition , large correction, small correction, year of engraving, date of printing, process of printing, dimensions of the cart and adjoining charts, which may also be printed inside the chart borders.


3.Mariners are reminded that, when within the traffic lanes shown on this diagram and on the chart, they should proceed in the general direction indicated by the arrows or, if crossing a lane, they should do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to it.


4.Mariners are warned not to anchor or trawl near the cross-channel submerged power cable, and on no account to cut it should it be fouled.


5.Anchor berths within certain of these areas are shown as magenta circles with letters and numbers; mariners are requested to occupy these berths.


6Global Positioning System provides a quickest and most accurate method of locating position. 全球定位系统提供了一种最快最精确的海上定位方法


Charts should be used with prudence: there are areas where the source data are old,

1.T he larger scale charts are the most detailed.

2. In the area where new hydrographic survey information has just been incorporated in the charts the charted shoals are unlikely to be in error.

3. If the information provided by a chart covering an area where a new hydrographic survey has just been carried out has still some error as regards position, least depth and extent of shoals, the most probable reason is that the survey information has not yet been fully incorporated in the chart.

4. This passage is most likely extracted from Section I - Explanatory Notes of NM.


While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners 1.The data may become corrupted in any of the following process except in air mail delivery to the readers.

2. For information on the use of the data is advised to consult Mariners Handbook for further details.

3. Which of the following items professional amendments is not mentioned for which UKHO will accept no responsibility.

4. It is implied that although the data are accurate enough, you are still advised to use it with caution.


Corrections to Sailing Directions are given in Section Ⅳ. Those in force at the end of the

1. The corrections to Sailing Directions are reprinted in the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners.

2.The parent book is The Sailing Direction.

3.It is recommended that corrections to the Sailing Directions be kept in a file with the latest list of corrections in force on top

4.If the corrections be stuck in the parent book or current supplement, when a new supplement is received, those corrections issued after the date of the new supplement must be retained


INSERT is to be used for the insertion of all new data or, together with the DELETE

1.When a position is to be moved sufficiently, MOVE command is to be used for this correction.

2.When is MOVE to be used? The features are to be shifted small distance but their descriptions/characteristics are not changed.

3.A feature’s charted position is not to be changed but its characteristic to be changed AMEND command is to be used.

4.Under what condition is SUBSTITUTE command to be used? An existing feature is to be replaced by new one in the original place.

第二章P01 Marine Forecast Issued for Southeastern Grand Banks

1.The ridge and the low are moving in opposite direction.

2.At noontime Tue the wind direction will be NE.

3.It is forecast for Wed that there will be mod to strong S winds diminishing to light winds

4.On Tue afternoon, there will be showers.



1.Backing means the wind is changing anticlockwise in direction

2.The visibility in EAST NORTHERN section is mainly good.

3.In north part of WEST NORTHERN section, the wind is cyclonic 6 to gale 8 at first.

4.This passage is likely to be under the heading of FORECAST.


By turning the GAIN control clockwise, the gain of the receiver increases and the observing

1. Switching from short range to long range,you will have to turn the Gain control clockwise.

2. By turning the Gain clockwise,the contrast between echoes and background noise will decrease.

3. By increasing or decreasing the gain according to the range scale in use the best picture will be displayed on the screen.

4.With too little gain, the small targets are missed and there is a decrease in the detected range. 第三章P02

The official original data (S57 data) of the electronic nautical chart is usually supplied on

1.The passage implies ENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical Chart.

2.Which of the following is Not Correct as to the EMC and SENC? The EMC can be reconstructed from the SEMC.

3.Which of the following is correct statement?ENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical Charts and it may be changed by ECDIS manufacturer for speed and reliability

4.The passage indicates that the update of the S-57 can be done via II Digital telephone,III Satellite communication system.


At around 0545 hrs the Cutter PILOT-5 approached the Vessel. The cutter’s skipper drew the

1.The vessel has rigged pilot ladder in combination with the gangway.

2.The passage indicates the vessel has large freeboard.

3. Who are to blame for the accident according to the passage? T he vessel.

4.The most possible reason for the falling of the pilot is the rolling and pitching of the vessel.


It shall be the duty of the owner, master, or person in charge of a tank vessel to require

1.It shall not be the duty of the 3rd officer to require and have performed the tests and inspections of all fire extinguishing systems on board.

2.Which one of the followings shall master write down? The dates when tested and inspected.

3.Why shall master make records of tests and inspections? He shall show the records if required.

4.Which one of the followings is not true? If the validity of your vessel’s current certificate of inspection is 2 years, then you shall keep the records for more than 2 years.

主船体main hull 上层建筑superstructure 上甲板/上层连续甲板upper deck 船底bottom 舷侧broadside 艏艉fore and aft 舱壁bulkhead 水密watertight 艏部bow 艉部stern/quarter 二层甲板second deck 平台甲板platform deck 桅屋masthouse 罗经甲板compass deck 驾驶甲板bridge deck

船长甲板 master deck 高级船员甲板 office deck 艇甲板 boat deck 船员甲板 crew deck 机舱 engine room 货舱 cargo hold 货舱口 cargo hatch 压载舱 ballast tank 深舱 deep tank 燃油舱 fuel oil tank 滑油舱 lubricating oil tank 淡水舱 fresh water tank 污油水舱 slop tank 隔离空舱/干隔舱 caisson 球鼻艏标志 bulbous bow mark/BB

mark 首侧推器标志bow thruster mark/BT mark 吃水标志 draft mark 甲板线 deck line 干舷甲板 freeboard deck 载重线标志 load line mark 热带淡水载重线tropical fresh water load line/TF 夏季淡水载重线 fresh water load line/F 热带载重线 tropical load line/T 夏季载重线 summer load line/S 冬季载重线 winter load line 北大西洋冬季载重线 winter North

Unit 03 Admiralty Notices To Mariners 英版本航海通告 TEXT I Guidance Notes 指导摘要(或指引) Admiralty Notices to Mariners, Weekly Editions,contain information which enablesthe mariner tokeep his charts and books published by the UKHO up-to-date for the latest reports received. 英版航海通告周刊,包括了要使海员始终保持被联合王国海道测量局最近出版的海图和书刊的接收是最新的 In addition to all Admiralty Notices, they include all New Zealand chart updating Notices, and selected Temporary andPreliminary ones. 除了所有的英版航海通告之外它(Admiralty Notices to Mariners)还包括了新西兰的海图更新通告,以及选定的临时通告和预告通告 Copies of all New Zealand Notices can also be obtained from New Zealand chart agents. 拷贝所有新西兰的通告资料也需要经过新西兰海图代理商的同意 The Notices are published in Weekly Editions, and are issued by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office on a daily basis to certain Admiralty Chart Agents. 这样的英版航海通告应该以周刊的形式出版,也要由联合王国海道测量局基于某些英版海图代销点发行 Weekly Editions can be obtained, or dispatched regularly by surface or air mail, from Admiralty Chart Agents .航海周刊的获得,要由英版航海通告周刊代销点,通过航空邮件或表面文件的方式有规律的发送 Ports and authorities who maintain copies of Admiralty Notices to Mariners for consultation arelisted on the UKHO website. 负责拷贝英版航海通告周刊的港口或当局的咨询方式应该被登记到联合王国海

metacenter 稳心 metacentric height 稳心高 metal plate path 金属板电镀槽 metal worker 金属工 metric unit 公制单位 middle line plane 中线面 midship section 舯横剖面 midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数 ML 物资清单,物料表 model tank 船模试验水池 monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台 monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏 more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂 mould loft 放样间 multihull vessel 多体船 multi-purpose carrier 多用途船 multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性 N/C 数值控制 nautical mile 海里 naval architecture 造船学 navigation area 航区 navigation deck 航海甲板 near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮 net-load curve 静载荷曲线 neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴 neutral equilibrium 中性平衡 non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍 normal 法向的,正交的 normal operating condition 常规运作状况 nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽 notch 开槽,开凹口 oar 橹,桨 oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩 ocean going ship 远洋船 off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值 offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物 oil filler 加油点 oil skimmer 浮油回收船 oil-rig 钻油架 on-deck girder 甲板上桁架 open water 敞水 optimality criterion 最优性准则 ore carrier 矿砂船 orthogonal 矩形的 orthogonal 正交的 out strake 外列板 outboard motor 舷外机 outboard profile 侧视图 outer jib 外首帆 outfit 舾装 outfitter 舾装工 outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头 overall stability 总体稳性 overhang 外悬 paddle 桨 paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构 panting beam 强胸横梁 panting stringer 抗拍击纵材 parallel middle body 平行中体 partial bulkhead 局部舱壁 payload 有效载荷 perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法 pile driving barge 打桩船 pillar 支柱 pin jig 限位胎架 pintle 销,枢轴 pipe fitter 管装工 pipe laying barge 铺管驳船 piston 活塞 pitch 螺距 pitch 纵摇 plan views 设计图 planning hull 滑行船体 Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线 polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼 port 左舷 port call 沿途到港停靠 positive righting moment 正扶正力矩

1.Can you list at least three mooring lines Yes .They are head line, breast line, spring line, and stern line. 你能列举集中缆绳吗头缆,横缆,倒缆和尾缆 2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy. 在引航员上船前要准备些什么引航梯,吊绳和救生圈。 3.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival Through VHF. 在到港前船舶如何与港口取得联系通过甚高频。 4.What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station The ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station or anchorage. 什么信息需要报告给引航站船舶的当前位置,预计到达引航站或者锚地的时间。 5.What should be confirmed from the pilot station Pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side where the pilot ladder will be put. 什么信息需要引航站确认引航员的登船时间,地点和安放引航梯的船舷。 6.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what I srequested to report Ship’s name and call sign, present course and speed, ETA at the pilot station, the reporting point that the vessel is passing. 在船舶进入交管区时,需要报告些什么船名,呼号,当前的航向和速度,预计到达引航站的时间,船舶正通过的报告点。 7.If you are ordered: “stand by both engines!”, how should you reply and report I should repeat “stand by both engines”, then report “both engines stand by”. 如果你被命令“备双车”,你该怎么复诵和报告我会复诵“备双车”,报告“双车备好”。 8.Can you list 3 canals in the world Suez Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal. 列举三大运河苏伊士运河,巴拿马运河和基尔运河。

航海英语的日常用语 航海专111 主编:梁活东 Good morning 早上好!Good afternoon 中午好!Good evening 晚上好! How do you do? 您好! How are you?您好吗?Fine,thanks.很好,谢·谢 Welcome aboard 欢迎来到船上。I am a cadet officer我是个实习驾驶员My name’s Yang Ke我的名字叫杨可 Nice to meet you 见到您很高兴 Excuse me,(but) are you from China? 请问你是否来自中国? I’m now working on board as a cadet officer. 我现在船上做实习驾驶员Sorry, I almost forgot it. 对不起,我差点把它给忘了。 This is the cabin for you. I hope you will like it. 这是你住的房间,希望你喜欢。 It is much better than I expected. 这比我预计的要强的多。 That is for the safery’s sake. 那是为了安全起见。 You can take a shower in the bathroom. 你可以在洗澡间淋浴。

Anything I can do for you? 有什么需要我替你做的? Thank you for everything you have done for us. 感谢您为我们所做的一切。 We’d like to something about the vessel. 我们想了解些有关这艘船的情况。 She often calls at the ports in S.E. Asian countries. 该船经常停靠在东南亚国家的港口。 What is her length overall/gross tonnage/…? 她的全长/总吨位/……是多少? Her length overall is about 160 meters. 她的全长大约是160米。 Will that be all right? / Will that do? 那样可以/行吗? I suggest we go up and visit the bridge first. 我建议咱们先去参观驾驶室。 Let’s go to the mess room right now, shall we? 我们现在就去餐厅,好吗? That’s a good idea. 那是个好主意。 This way please. 请这边走。 Mind/watch your steps. 当洗脚下/ 小心别摔着。 May I come in?- Come in ,please. 我可以进来吗?- 请进。 What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么吗? That’s part of your practice, I suppose? 我想那是你实习的一部分?

授课提纲 ____________学年度第_______学期任课教师____________ 章、节名称对应教材内容 Logbook 章节页次 教学目标At the end of class, students will be able to grasp the contents of Logbooks and know how to keep a logbook. 教学重点和难点1.The contents of Logbooks 2.The characteristics of logbooks. 3.The practical words and expressions used in a logbook. 难点处理 方法 Discussion and detailed explanation,Pair work 教学内容摘要、时间分配、板书设计、教学手段 Logbook Step 1 preparation (10 minutes) Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons. Key words: Superintendent accurate entry execution dispute erasure Step 2 Extensive Reading(30 minutes) Read the passage, and try to finish the multiple choices. Step 3 Intensive Reading (25 minutes) The students are required to Read the passage in details, and answer some questions. Step 4 Consolidation (10 minutes) The students are required to point out the key points in this period. Step 5 Summary and assignment(5 minutes) 1) Recite the words and expressions learnt today 2) Learn by heart the key points of Logbook. 课后 追记

Passage 01 Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes. Ferries are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East. Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year. 1.The deep-sea liners ________. A. carry mainly containerized cargo B. carry mainly conventional cargo C. offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles D. sail across channels and narrow seas. 2.The Liners ________. A. always sail full B. sail regularly even not full C. always sail in ballast D. will not sail if not full 3.A list of the arrival and departure dates of liners ________.

船舶英語縮略詞 3-roller bending machine 三弯机abandon v.弃船 abolish v. 消除 ABS 美国船级社 acceleration n.加速度accelerometer n.加速度表accommodate v.容纳accommodation deck 起居(住舱)甲板 accuracy n.精度 accurate synchro device 准同步装置 acetylene cutter 气割机 acid-pickling n.酸洗 acoustics n.音响效果adhesiveness n.粘附力 adjacent a.相邻的 adjust v.调节 administration n.行政管理 admit v.接纳 adopt v.采纳,采用 affiliated factory 分厂,附属工厂aforementioned a.前述 aft a. adv. n.(在)船艉 aft peak 艉尖舱 after service 售后服务 ahead n.正车 air bottle 空气瓶 air compressor 空压机 air reservoir 气瓶 air siren 汽笛 air-tight test 气密实验 alarm bell 警铃 alignment n.找中 all waves 全波 allowance n.允值 allposition 全方位 alternating current (A.C.) 交流电ammonia n.氨 amplify v.放大 an automatic production line 自动生产线 analogous output 模拟输出analogue computer 模拟计算机

Passage 3-01 Labour should be ordered by 0900 hrs for 2nd shift (1500 to 2300 hrs) on same day and by 1300 hrs for 1st shift (0700 to 1500 hrs) for next day. By1100 hrs, for 3rd shift (2300 to 0500 hrs) in same day. Under normal circumstances, no work is performed during meal hours 1100 to 1200 hrs and 1830 to 1930 hrs. unless the ship is classified as a key vessel or the agent orders work during the meal hours. 劳工应责令0900小时第二轮班同一天(1500至2300年时)小时和1300第一班的第二天(0700至1500小时)小时。 By1100小时,第三转变同一天(2300至0500小时)。 在正常情况下,没有工作是执行在用膳时间1100至1200年和1830年至1930年小时小时。除非该船舶被列为重点船舶或者其代理人的订单时,才会在用餐时间的工作。 C 001. If you want to order labour in this port for the third shift in same day, the order should be made by ________ .如果你想在这个港同日第三班劳动,顺序应该是在… A. any time任意时间 B. 0900 hours C. 1100 hours D. 1300 hours B 002.________is performed during meal hours under usual circumstances. 正常情况下,…会被安排在用餐时间工作 A. Cargo work货物装卸 B. No cargo work不进行货物装卸 C. Ordering work by Agent代理所下的订单工作 D. loading and discharging 装卸 A 003. Loading and discharging can be performed during meal hours _____ A. if the ship is classified as a key vessel 该船为重要船只 B. if agent orders work beforehand 代理预先有所要求 C. under normal circumstances 在正常情况下 D. either A or B A或者B C 004. What does the word “key” mean ________? A. laden满载的 B. small小的 C. pivotal重要的 D. big大的 Passage 3-02 Before arrival in the United Kingdom, the master will have informed his owners or agents of the approximate time of the vessel's arrival at the pilot station for the port of destination. The vessel should be flying her ensign and also her signal letters and the requisite pilot signal when approaching the pilot station. The international signals, as well as any local port signals, can be found in the Sailing Directions, which is also known as the "Pilot Book" When a pilot is required most ports now require due notice of the vessel's ETA to be sent in by radio. However, this does not relieve the ship's obligation to display the pilot signal ("G" by any of the methods of signaling ) until the pilot is aboard when "H" flag will be flown. If the master or first mate of the vessel has a pilotage certificate for the district then the above is unnecessary, in such case the pilot flag (white and red horizontal halves, as on the pilot vessel) will be flown. 在到达英国之前,船长会在引航站通知他的业主或代理到达目的港的大致时间。船舶应该在靠近引航站时升起船旗和她的信号字以及必要的控制信号。国际信号,以及本地港口的任何信号,都可以在航路指南也叫做水路指南的书中找到。大多数港口现在需要引航员通过无线电适时通知其船只的预计到达时间。但是,只有当引航员在甲板上升起H旗才算是免除船舶显示控制信号的义务(“G“的通过对信号的方法之一)。如果该船只的船长或大副有一个该区的引航证,则不需要进行上述行为。在这种情况下,将需升起引航旗。 B 005. While the pilot is on ship, ________should be displayed on the top of the ship mast. 当引航员在船上,…需要展示在船桅顶端 (1) "G" flag G旗(2) "H" flag H旗 A. only (1) 只有(1) B. only (2) 只有(2) C. both (1) and (2) (1)以及(2) D. (1) plus (2) (1)加上(2) A 006. What's the meaning of the "ETA"________ ETA的意思是…. A. Estimated time of Arrival 预计到达时间

船舶航海英语词汇中国外轮代理公司fork - lift 铲车,叉车 Ranks of ship' s crew(船员职务) china ocean shipping company (cosco) funnel 漏斗crew 船员中国远洋运输公司gangboard 跳板captain(master) 船长china ocean shipping company gantry crane 龙门吊chief officer 大副chartering department(coschard) garbage(sludge,sewage) boat 垃圾船 or chief mate(first mate)中国远洋轮船公司租船部(“中grab 抓斗second chief 二副远租” )grain elevator 吸粮机or second mate chian ocean shipping tally company hammer 铁锤third officer 三副中国外轮理货公司handcart 手推车or third mate china ocean shipping supply harbour light 港口灯标 assistant officer 驾助corporation(supco.)中国外轮供应公司iron nail 铁钉radio officer ( radio 报务员the ~ office of the register of shipping of landing pier 登岸码头operator, wireless operator)the people' s republic of china 中华人lifting maget 西铁吊具 purser (chief purser) 管事,事物长民共和国船舶检验局~办事处lighter 驳船clerk 事务员joint inspection party 联检小组light house 灯塔boatswain or bosun 水手长customs officer 海关官员light ship 灯船cassab 副水手长harbour officer 港务监督员manila rope 白棕绳quartermaster 舵工frontier defence officer (inspector ,guard) mat 席子coxswain 舵工,艇长边防检查组mobile crane 流动吊车 able seaman 全能水手,一水Quarantine officer(dotor) 卫生检疫员mooring anchorage 系泊锚地 ab(able bodied seaman全能水手customs boarding office 登轮官员mooring buoy 系泊浮筒 e. D.h. , d.h.u. 全能水手customs searching party 海关检查组motor launch 小汽艇 o.s.(ordinary seaman普通水手,二水docker 码头工人(广义)nylon rope 尼龙绳 seaman, mariner普通水手,海员longshoreman 码头工人(在岸上装卸)oil hose 输油软管 deck boy 甲板员stevedore 码头工人(在船上装卸)open yard 露天货场 engineer 轮机员foreman 装卸队长personnelboat 交通艇 chief engineer 轮机长,大车,老轨pilot 引水员pilot boat 引水船 second engineer大管轮,二车,二轨cargo surveyor 商品检验员plate hook 钢板吊钩 third engineer 二管轮,三车,三轨marine or ship surveyor 验船师pontoon 浮码头 fourth engineer 三管轮,四车,四轨chief tallyman 理货员pontoon bridge 浮桥assistant engineer 轮助waterman 加水工人quarantine anchorage 检疫锚地mechanic 机工agent 代理quarantine vessel 检疫船 fireman 生火Marine loading and discharging gear refrigerator car 冷藏车 cleaner or wiper 清洁工and harbour facilities rope sling 绳吊索 chief steward 大管事(海运装卸机械工具和港口设施)saw 锯 (or catering officer) barge 驳船semi-portal crane 半门吊 second steward 二管事beacon 航标灯shifting board 防动板 chief cook 大厨belt conveyor 皮带运输机signal tower 信号台 second cook 二厨board palnk 木版steam launch 小汽艇 supernumerary 额外人员bridge crane 桥吊,装卸桥steel wire 钢丝绳 ship' scomplement船上的定员bunkering tanker 供燃料船tower crane 塔吊 deck serang 水手长buoy 浮筒,浮标tractor 牵引车 deck tindal 副水手长can hook,barrel sling 吊桶钩traffic boat 交通艇 seacunny 舵工canvas 帆布tug boat(motor tug) 拖轮Names of marine organizations and canvas sling 吊货帆布袋warehouse 仓库their(船务机关名称及工作人员)cargo tray 吊货盘water boat 供水船 harbour administration bureau (or cargo runner 吊货钢丝绳watr lever indicator 水深标尺 harbour bureau)港务局chafing plate 防擦板wire cargo net 钢丝网络 the joint inspection party-inward and chafing mat 防擦席wire sling 钢丝吊索 outward 进口联合检查组chain sling 链条吊索various kind of vessels (各种船舶) harbour supervision office 港务监督crane 吊车air cushion craft 气垫船the customs 海关cold storage 冷藏仓库bage-carrier 载驳货船 frontier inspection station 边防检查站conveyor belt 传送带bulb-bowed ship 球鼻首船 quarantine office (s0ervice) 卫生检疫所crowbar 撬杠bulk-carrier 散货船animal and plant quarantine service 动customs launch 海关关艇cargo liner 定期货船 植物检疫所dolphin 系缆桩collier 散货船china commodity inspection and testing dunnage 垫仓物料crew boat (船员)联络船 bureau(ccitb)中国商品检验局electric crane 电吊diesel boat 柴油机船 china marine bunker supply corporation elevator 升降机dry cargo ship 干货船中国船舶燃料供应公司ferry boat 轮渡船dumb lighter 驳船(没有机器的)china national chartering fire boat 消防船freighter 货船corporation(zhongzu) 租船公司floating crane 浮吊oil barge 油驳china ocean shipping agency footboard 踏板ore carrier( ore ship)矿砂船

[4] Have the safety belts for _______been examined? A. total enclosed lifeboats B. totally enclosing lifeboats C. totally enclosed lifeboats D. total encloseing lifeboats 答案:C 全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗? [5] The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________. A. in satisfactorily condition B. satisfactorily C. satisfactory D. satisfactored 答案:C防火救生艇被发现是良好的 [6] We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___ the abandon ship drill. A. combining with B. combined with C. combining to D. combined to 答案:B我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。 [8] Painting on _________is prohibited because it will weaken its sensibility A. ship shell B. exterior of winches C. hydrostatic release unit D. hold ladders 答案:C在静水压力释放器上涂漆是被禁止的,因为它将会减弱灵敏度 [20] Without doubt the radar is a highly important navigation aid. But duty officer shall aware that_____ when using it. A. Its range reading is more accurate than its bearing reading B. A low-lying coastline with a long, flat beach will show up properly on the radar C. Radar is only aimed at collision avoidance. D. The use of radar is necessary only when visibility is restricted. 答案:A毫无疑问雷达是一种非常重要的助航设备。但是值班驾驶员在使用的时候应该注意到他的距离读书比方位读数要精确 [44] The acccuracy of the DGPS mainly depends on_______. A. The price of the equipment B. The relative angle between the satellite C. The position of the observer D. The age of the calculated correction 答案:D差分GPS的精度主要依赖于计算改正量 [45]What is the purpose of a Pedestal(基座,柱脚)Roile? A. To change the direction of lead on a mooring line B. To secure a chain C. To secure the eye of a mooring line D. To facilitate towing 答案:A Pedestal Roile的用途是什么?改变系泊缆的导向


授课提纲 ____________学年度第_______学期任课教师____________ 章、节名称对应教材内容 Logbook章节页次 教学目标At the end of class, students will be able to grasp the contents of Logbooks and know how to keep a logbook. 教学重点和难点1.The contents of Logbooks 2.The characteristics of logbooks. 3.The practical words and expressions used in a logbook. 难点处理 方法 Discussion and detailed explanation,Pair work 教学内容摘要、时间分配、板书设计、教学手段 Logbook Step 1 preparation (10 minutes) Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons. Key words: Superintendent accurate entry execution dispute erasure Step 2 Extensive Reading(30 minutes) Read the passage, and try to finish the multiple choices. Step 3 Intensive Reading (25 minutes) The students are required to Read the passage in details, and answer some questions. Step 4 Consolidation (10 minutes) The students are required to point out the key points in this period. Step 5 Summary and assignment(5 minutes) 1) Recite the words and expressions learnt today 2) Learn by heart the key points of Logbook. 课后 追记
