物流管理第5章 顾客服务差异化

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Байду номын сангаас
Density Example
How many trucks do you need to finish this transportation task?
Need to ship: 60,000 lbs of paper @ 20 lbs/ft3 6,000 lbs of light bulbs @ 2 lbs/ft3 Truck capacity:
Turnover Ratio =
Small inventory
Large turnover ratio Small inventory cost Annual Sales Turnover Ratio
Average Inventory =
Task in class
(1) 30% of the items produce 75% of the sales (2) The first 25% have a 10:1 turnover ratio (A items), the next 30% have a 5:1 turnover ratio (B items), and the last 45% have a 2:1 turnover ratio (C items). (3) Total annual sales are estimated to be $5,000,000.
Product Attributes
• Value
– High value:
• Transport quickly. • Few items and short time in inventory. • Extra security may be needed.
– Low value:
• Can transport slowly. • Large inventories OK.
Chapter 5 Customer service basic – the product differentiation Learning Outline : 1.Product Classification 2.Product Attributes 3.80-20 Curve Emphasis:
80-20 Curve (Pareto Principle)
• Most of the revenue (or profit) comes from a relatively small percentage of items (products). • Focus on the small number of important items.
– Clothes, furniture, automobiles, etc. – Healthcare (personal physician), restaurants, etc.
• Specialty goods & services:
– Luxury autos, gourmet foods, custom products, etc. – Advanced medical treatments, etc.
Given an X and Y, then A =
For each set of items: Use the shape constant A and the % of items (X) to calculate % of sales (Y).
Y= (1+A)X A+X
80-20 Curve: example Given: (1) 30% of the items produce 75% of the sales (2) The first 20% are to be A items, the next 30% are B items, and the last 50% are C items. Question: What % of sales do A, B and C items account for?
What are the logistics demand of consumer goods?
Product Attributes
• Density (the ratio of product weight to bulk (volume)
– High: Metals, printed matter, liquids, etc. – Low: Snack foods, light bulbs, etc. – Vehicles have weight and volume limits. – Can increase density by disassembly. – Mix loads to adjust density.
– Low substitutability:
• Few locations; Customers will travel. • Customers will wait.
Product Attributes
• Risk
– Theft, Perishability, Explosion, Fire, etc. – High risk:
Product Attributes
• Substitutability
– High substitutability:
• Wide availability at many locations. • High service level; Always in stock; Quick service.
Turnover Ratio
Turnover Ratio = Example: Annual Sales Average Inventory
$1,000,000 sales per year $200,000 average inventory 1,000,000 200,000 =5 (5:1 or 5 to 1)
– Identify the important items: ABC classification. – Apply highest service level to most important items.
• Examples:
– 20% of the people do 80% of the work. – 10% of the people cause 90% of the problems. – 15% of the items (products) create 90% of the sales.
Classification: Consumer Goods
• Convenience goods & services:
– Food, convenience store products, gasoline, etc. – Dry cleaners, banking, etc.
• Shopping goods & services:
• Few locations, small inventories. • Increased security for storage. • Increased security for transportation.
– Low risk:
• Many locations. • No added security.
80-20 Curve: Mathematical Model
X=0.30; Y= 0.75
X(1-Y) Y-X
0.30(1-0.75) 0.75-0.30
= 0.16666
A items: X = 0.20
(1+0.1666)X 0.1666+X
(1+0.1666)0.2 0.1666+0.2
– Directed to ultimate consumers. – Buyer seeks goods. – Marketing is important.
• Industrial Goods:
– Used to produce other goods and services. – Raw materials, components, equipment. – Vendors seek buyers (usually).
The ABC Classification is a frequently used analytical method to classify objects (Customers, Products or Employees) based on a particular measure (Revenue or Profit). •ABC-classification groups a range of items (finished products, customers, ...) into 3 categories (A, B, C) based on Pareto's 80-20 rule Purpose setting priorities among a number of problems or a number of causes focusing your resources on the areas of greatest opportunity
= 3,000 ft3 = 3,000 ft3
40,000 lbs and 3,000 ft3
Plan A Truck 1: 40,000 lbs paper (2,000 ft3) Truck 2: 20,000 lbs paper + 4,000 lbs light bulbs (3,000 ft3) Truck 3: 2,000 lbs light bulbs (1,000 ft3) Plan B Truck 1: 30,000 lbs paper + 3,000 lbs light bulbs (3,000 ft3) Truck 2: 30,000 lbs paper + 3,000 lbs light bulbs (3,000 ft3)
= 0.6363
A+B items: X = 0.50 Y = 0.875 B items alone: Y = 0.875 - 0.636 = 0.2387 C items: Y = 1 - 0.875 = 0.125
A: 63.6% of sales B: 23.9% of sales C: 12.5% of sales
Growth: Expanding availability; High service level
Maturity: Widest availability Decline: Decreasing availability; Reduced service
Introduction: Limited availability
80-20 Curve: Mathematical Model
Y = cumulative % of sales X = cumulative % of items A = shape constant (0<A) (1+A)X A+X X(1-Y) Y-X
0% 0% 50% 100% 100%
The application of 80-20 Curve
Class discuss: The application of ABC Classification.
Consumer goods and industrial goods • Consumer Goods:
Product Attributes •Life Cycle
Maturity Growth
Logistics system changes as product “ages”.
Life Cycle
• Logistics system changes as product “ages”.