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Read Lesson 6 Text B"Unwilling to School"Judge whether the fllowing statements are true or false.


Unwillingly to School

By Katrin Fitz Herbert


Every child with a poor school attendance record is a child in danger. At best, he is in danger of not fulfilling his educational potential; at worst, he is in danger of cruelty or neglect.

Enforced school absence in childhood is sometimes used by adults to justify their own career failure. It is difficult for a child to play truant regularly if his parents are keen for him to attend school. Much truancy is openly condoned; as for the rest, not knowing that your children play truant is equivalent to not ensuring that they are at school. It shows lack of interest in their whereabouts, apathy about their education, or inability to control them-i.e., ineffective parents..…

The characteristics which lead families to reject regular schooling are likely to have other detrimental effects on the children besides educational failure.

For what could make parents decide that the most widely agreed route to secure employment, social acceptance and personal satisfaction is not for them? The first reason is a general difficulty in dealing with family responsibilities, particularly in the stressful environment of modern cities. Getting the child to school on time is too much to cope with(alarm clock, breakfast, clothes, shoes, gym cdothes, lunch money). Secondly, the child's company may comfort a depressed, isolated mothe The school's insistence on uniforms or other obligations and, possibly, its undisguised disapproval of an "inadequatel"family, may be the last straw.

Children who grow up in such families are likely to be deprived in many ways besides education. In these families, education is written off as a waste of time. For a child growing up, this is possibly more serious than the loss of education. Habitual non-

attendance can accustom children very early in their lives to rejecting the values and legal requirements of society. It is a training in deviance and anti-social behaviour which can lay the foundation for a generally deviant career. The common progression from truancy or parentally-condoned absence to juvenile crime has been reliably established.

In greatest danger of all is the child who successfully plays truant for long periods without his parents' knowledge. His personal isolation and alienation, not just from conventional behaviour
