商务英语综合教程 第二册第7课

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Structural Analysis
Parts Paragraphs
Main Ideas
Part Ⅰ Para. 1 Part Ⅱ Paras. 2~16
China remains a developing country absorbing the largest amount of foreign direct investment.
Unit Seven Globalization
商务英语综合教程 第二册
Brainstorm: How has globalizationLeabharlann Baiduchanged our daily life?
Learning Objectives:
• To know what globalization is; • To understand the factors influencing
5. WTO: 世界贸易组织
• spearhead • unprecedented • escalate • optimization • legislative • enforcement
• revitalize • streamline • abatement • integrate • abide by • beef up
foreign investment; • To analyze the advantages and
disadvantages of globalization; • To use theme-related vocabulary and
expressions in real situations.
Many people are worried that economic globalization may lead to China’s overreliance on foreign investment. How do you think of this?
Some people think that globalization has more or less made the young Chinese generation “westernized”. Do you agree?
• 1. Firstly, China’s economic status has risen in an unprecedented way. By absorbing foreign capital, China has been deeply integrated into the network of global production; and become indispensable to the global production system.
Quiz: Word Derivation
1. Not all glass is ________. (transparency)
2. This job calls for a man with a great deal of ________. (mature)
3. We will continue to utilize foreign funds and ________ the mix of foreign investment. (optimization).
Many positive factors have made China attractive to foreign capital, including positive external investment reports, many international opportunities and new domestic policies.
• 1. Cultural Notes --- BBC; University of Maryland; GlobeScan
• 2. Word Explanation --- considerable; unease; correlate; skepticism
• 3. Assignment
Translation Exercise:
1. World Investment Report: 世界投资报告 2. China’s Ministry of Commerce: 中国商务部 3. Anyong Accounting Firm: 安永会计事务所
4. China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment: 中国外商投资企业协会
Learning Points
Part I: Lead-in
Part IV: Exercise &
Unit 7
Part II: Text A
Part III: Text B
1. Cultural Notes 2. Words to Drill 3. Structural Analysis 4. Questions for Discussion
Quiz: Word Derivation (con.)
4. For a time in the post-Cold War period, regional conflicts were still frequent, even showing a trend of ________. (escalate)
• 2. China’s is now stepping up the optimization of the industrial structure to ensure that enterprises with foreign investment will enjoy in-depth development in China. In fact, technology- and capital-intensive industries have been the top priority for foreign investment.