

The First International Conference on Chemistry & Computer Science

(Chemistry & CS 2014)

31 March, Xi’an, China


?Chemistry & CS 2014-Call For Paper(word)

?Chemistry & CS 2014-Call For Paper(pdf)

Important Dates :

Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2014

Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2014

Proceedings version deadline: March 25, 2014

Topics include all aspects of conference but are not limited to the following areas:

?Map Reduce across distributed data centers for data-intensive computing

?DNA-Mediated Homogeneous Binding Assays for Nucleic Acids and Proteins

?The Chemistry and Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks

?Chemical plating and electroplating copper on the PCB( printed circuit board)

Instructions for Chemistry & Computer Science:

In recent years, plenty of information are springing up via Blog, QQ and other Medias which makes us lose in the sea of data. If you want to know more about it and find out the internal relations among them, you must use some techniques or methods to analysis and process data. Data-intensive computing and cloud computing emerge rapidly. Nowadays there are lots of technology which is not so far perfect. Thus this conference thus provides a platform for researchers, scholars and practitioners to exchange new ideas for solving these problems.

The conference would be able to introduce the chemistry as follows:

Firstly, this review focuses on homogeneous binding assays, which are carried out in solution, without the need for separation, immobilization, or washing steps. Such homogeneous binding assays can be performed in a single tube/vial or in live cells.

Secondly, Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are made by linking inorganic and organic units by strong bonds (reticular synthesis). The flexibility with which the constituents’ geometry, size, and functionality can be varied. These capabilities enable substantial enhancement of gas storage in MOFs and have led to their extensive study in the catalysis of organic reactions, activation of small molecules (hydrogen, methane, and water), gas separation, biomedical imaging, and proton, electron, and

ion conduction. At present, methods are being developed for making nanocrystals and supercrystals of MOFs for their incorporation into devices.

At last, chemical copper plating including electro less plating and electrochemical copper plating is manly that the especial additive is added to the copper plating bath for enhancing the abilities of micro via filling of the plastic plate or the copper plate. And in order to meet the needs of the industry, the copper plating formula is described in detail.

Introduction for the authors :

Submissions must not be substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or submitted in any other journal. The content of the thesis is innovative. And the submission should begin with a title followed by a short abstract and keywords. Authors of accepted papers or the applications of the unit or school must guarantee that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present their paper.

Submission instructions:

Papers must be submitted electronically through the submission web page. Electronic submissions must conform to the procedure described in the submission server and must be received by the deadline indicated below. Electronic submission via the described interface is the only form of submission considered.

Recently, I find a phenomenon that people tend to communicate on the internet. And anyone do not have QQ number or sina WeiBo? I think everyone do have, or you come from another planet. OK, let us 言归正传,Massive data is spring everyone, And how can we easily find the usefull information we need. That is important and essential. Nowadays, a lot of techniques are created, such as cloud computing,

The first Let us welcome!


这是一个模板,打开下面网页还有具体要求,可以参考网页中具体内容 SAMPLE MEETING NOTICE The _________________ [Name of Governing Body] of the _________________ [Name of Public Entity] (hereafter referred to as "governing body") will be holding a(n) __________ [regular, special, or emergency] meeting on _______ [Date] at ________ [Time]. The meeting will be held in the _________ room at _________________________ [Location of the Meeting]. In the event that any or all of the members of the governing body participate in the meeting by telephone or video, a speakerphone or monitor will be available at the location noted above. At the time this notice is being prepared, the governing body expects the agenda of its meeting to include the following topics: [Include all topics the governing body expects to discuss. Also include the topics to be discussed during, and the legal authority for holding, any anticipated executive sessions.] 1. 2.

开会通知英语范文 本文是关于开会通知英语范文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 开会通知英语范文一 To: All staff From: Lisa Subject: Marketing get-together Dear Sir or Madam: I’m pleased to inform you of the date of the meeting. As you know, we had to postpone the last meeting because the boss was not feeling well. He has recovered now and wants to bring us up to date on recent developments about our company. The meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 26 at 3p.m. in the conference room. please attend it on time, thank you! Lisa 开会通知英语范文二 To:All Managers The next Monthly Management Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m.on Monday,April 5,in Meeting Room A. Following is the agenda for the meeting: 1.purchase of New Office Computers 2.Extension of Summer Holidays 3.Budgetary Control If there are any other items you would like to be placed on the agenda,let me know by e-mail by the end of this week. Thank you. John Doe 开会通知英语范文三 6:10 p.m., Wednesday

会议通知的格式及范文 篇一 会议通知 会议时间:xx年xx月xx日下午17:00 会议地点:项目部大会议室 会议主题:巡查情况质量、安全点评会 内容:由XXXX带队检查的XXXX质量、安全点评会,请下列人员准时参加(各施工队人员请各地块负责人转达)。 参加人员: 特此通知,请准时参加! XXXX项目部xx年xx月xx日 或 会议通知:定于xx日中午12点在工地会议室,由X总主持安全生产工作急需协调事项会议,请X总、X总、安全部主管、各地块经理及水电安装负责人准时参会。特此通知。 篇二

各单位: 为进一步总结工作、表彰先进、交流经验,经研究决定召开xx年度宣传工作会议。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、会议时间:xx年xx月xx日(星期五)上午9:30 二、会议地点: 三、参会人员:分管宣传工作的校领导,各部门、各学院分管宣传工作负责人、信息员,xx年度宣传报道先进个人。 四、会议内容: 1、总结xx年度宣传工作,部署xx年度宣传工作; 2、宣读表彰决定并颁奖; 3、解读,发放新闻线索征集表; 4、交流发言; 5、总结讲话。 特此通知。 宣传部

xx年xx月xx日 篇三 一、会议通知格式××厂关于召开计划生育工作会议的通知所属各单位: 正文开始>> 一、会议通知格式 ××厂关于召开计划生育工作会议的通知 所属各单位: 为了总结交流经验,研究分析存在的问题,进一步贯彻落实省、市计划生育工作会议精神,做好今年计划生育工作,经研究决定召开计划生育工作会议。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、会议内容:…… 二、参加人员:…… 三、会议时间、地点:…… 四、要求:……

会议通知范文英文版 会议通知是上级对下级召开会议等所使用的应用文,那么英文版的会议通知应该怎么写呢?下面给大家介绍关于会议通知范文英文版的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。 会议通知范文英文版篇一 You are organizing a business meeting,and you should write to people from other companies and tell them the changes of the meeting (time,location,etc.)。You will (1) explain why you have to make changes,(2) tell them the changes,and (3) apologize for the changes. Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to inform you about the changes we have made to the high-level meeting between our two companies. Mr. Anderson,project manager of "Sunshine Cooperation Campaign",has been ill recently and is currently in hospital for treatment. He is recovering well but won't be able to come back to work until 2 weeks later. As he is the designer and coordinator of this "sunshine campaign",we feel the meeting could not be held without him. Therefore,we are rescheduling the meeting to be held one month later,on 9 o'clock,Sunday,15 July. Also the place of the meeting has been changed from Hilton Hotel to the VIP meeting room at the headquarters of our company,No. 100,Oxford Street. We also might

会议室开会通知的英语作文 假定你名叫王海。现在是星期三下午六点钟,你正准备放学回家。校长让你路过外籍教师John住处时通知他明天下午三点到会议室开会(因为校长给他打电话时他不在家)。但你去时他还不在家,你给他留言,内容要点如下: ①会上讨论如何问题。 ②围绕两种意见展开讨论:一是多背单词,记熟语法规则就可学好英语;二是多讲就可学好英语,语法规则无关紧要。 ③请他准时到会,并发表意见。 6:10 p.m., Wednesday Dear John, Our principal phoned a message to you, but you were out. She asks me to tell you that a discussion on how to study English will be held in the meeting-room at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. Two different opinions will mainly be discussed: 1. Learning a large number of words and all the grammatical rules by heart is a good way to study English well. 2. The best method of studying English is to speak English as often as possible and the rules of grammar are not important at all. Please he there on time and give your opinion at the meeting. Wang Hai 1)这张便条是通知对方参加一个会议。所以,要把会议的时间、地点、内容、要求事项等逐一写清楚,不能让对方有任何疑惑。 2)注意把地点状语放在时间状语前面。

关于召开工作例会的通知 召开工作例会,会前需要进行通知安排,良好的通知能让会议进行的更加顺畅,下面请看这三篇关于召开工作例会的通知吧! 关于召开工作例会的通知 各处室(局)、总站: 经委领导同意,定于6月12日(星期日)上午8:20在委22楼会议室召开周工作例会,现将有关事项通知如下。 1、各处室、局汇报上周工作,安排下周工作任务以及本月工作安排。 2、各分管同志发言。 xxxx年6月7日 关于召开工作例会的通知 各市农业局(农委)、农科院,有关院校,厅属有关单位: 经研究,定于5月25日至26日在临沂市沂南县召开全省农业科教工作会议。 现将有关事项通知如下: 一、会议内容 传达农业部有关会议精神,总结交流xxxx年全省农业科教工作,安排部署xxxx年农业科教和科技扶贫工作。 二、与会人员

各市农业局(农委)分管领导、农业科学院主要负责人、农业广播电视学校校长、科教(技)科(处、站)长;省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队首席专家,省农科院、山东农业大学、青岛农业大学、山东农业工程学院、山东畜牧兽医职业学院科研(技)处处长;厅属有关单位负责人。 三、会议报到 请与会人员于5月25日中午12:00前到沂南宾馆报到(地址:沂南县朝阳路与北外环交界处200米,智圣汤泉客房接待中心,电话:xxxxxxxxxxxx)。 四、会议报名 请各市、各团队、各院校于5月22日下午16:00前将会议回执(详见附件)报省农业厅科技处(电子信箱:xxxxxxxxxxx),各市与会人员名单由市农业局(农委)统一汇总报送。 受接待能力限制,请各市统一组织前往,切勿超员,回执中注明驾驶员信息。 联系人及联系方式: 省农业厅科技处:xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 临沂市农业局:xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 沂南县农业局:xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 附件:全省农业科教工作会议回执

英文版会议通知怎么写 通知是各种党和政府的部门、机关、单位向下级机关、部门、单位或工作人员传达上级指示,要求做什么事情时,所常使用的一种公文样式。英文版会议通知怎么写?以下是小编整理的英文版会议通知,欢迎阅读。英文版会议通知怎么写一 To:All Managers, The next Monthly Management Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m.on Monday,April 5,in Meeting Room A. Following is the agenda for the meeting: 1.Purchase of New Office Computers 2.Extension of Summer Holidays 3.Budgetary Control If there are any other items you would like to be placed on the agenda,let me know by e-mail by the end of this week. Thank you. 英文版会议通知怎么写二 To: All Managers, Our Sunflower will hold a meeting on September 23, 2009.All the managers have to attend at that time .Our meeting will be held in the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao for two days. On the first day morning, we will sum up past experience, to identify shortcomings, and the most important, to discuss the future development. At that time ,we looking

关于通知的英语范文 【篇一:英文通知范文】 通知英语范文 ; y } x3 p- e8 {, c2 n7 } —、标题 通知的正上方通常要有一个标题。口头通知常用announcement, 书面通知多用notice 或notice。 二、日期 口头通知因是现场发布,不需要日期,但书面通知要写日期。布告 式通知的日期一般写在最后一行,即左下角,要低于落款;书信式 通知的日期可写在右上角。 三、呼语 口头通知往往要有呼语,如boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,dear friends,comrades等。 四、正文 通知正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。口头通知开始往往要用上“attention,please,或“may i have your attention,please?”或“be quiet,please”,其后可以加上i have an announcement to make,结束时可加上“that’s all”,“thank you!”之类的客套话。对举行活动的口头或书面通知,常用“sth will /is going to be held+地点+时间”或“there will/is going to be+sth+地点+时间”结构。结束语前常用“please attend it on time”,“do be present on time”或“everyone is/all are welcome/expected、to attend it”,“don’t be late”之类的句子。 五、落款 口头通知通常不用落款;书面通知要落款,写出发出通知的人或单 位名称。落款一般写在通知的右下角。 this is to announce that the university will organize a “teach in the west” program. this program applies to all the undergraduate students on campus. the volunteers will teach at junior middle schools for a year in the west area, and the subjects are chinese, english, math, physics and chemistry. the specific locations of the middle schools are upon further notice.

邮件会议通知范文 篇一:商务英语:会议通知邮件写作范例 在线英语外教一对一培训/retype/zoom/47f20f314a7302768e993944?pn=2&x=0&y=0&raww=478&rawh=23&o=jp g_6_0_______&type=pic&aimh=23&md5sum=dd90d1a06f954df0079f3acacf5223d5&si gn=643cec2f91&zoom=&png=11339-&jpg=0-” target=“_blank”>点此查看 3pm in room 305. While attendance is required for senior level staff only, all employees are encouraged to attend. Please refer to the attached meeting agenda for further details. Sincerely, Andrew Webster 规划委员会会议将于本周五下午3点在305室召开。此次会议要求高级职员参加,普通员工鼓励参与。详情请看附件中的会议安排。 篇二:关于发送邮件通知开会人员及邮件发送版本 尊敬的各位领导:晚上好!3月3日晚上19时,在行政办公楼5楼2号会议室召开会议;会议主题:总经理管理工作部署 会议内容:1、明确下一步的各部门工作部署;2、梳理各部门的工作不足及提出改善意见和建议; 会议主持:公司执行董事周博士 参会人员:****************************************,请大家提前做好会议准备。 另外,参会人员请提前5分钟到会场,尽量避免请假。谢谢。 2020.3.2 尊敬的公司领导、各位同事: 大家下午好!附件是2020年3月3日19时,关于《总经理办公会扩大会议纪要》、《总经理办公会扩大会议纪要表格》内容,

英文版会议通知范文2篇 This is to inform you that a meeting of the planning committee will take place this Friday at 3pm in room 305. While attendance is required for senior level staff only, all employees are encouraged to attend. Please refer to the attached meeting agenda for further details. Sincerely, Andrew Webster 规划委员会会议将于本周五下午3点在305室召开。此次会议要求高级职员参加,普通员工鼓励参与。详情请看附件中的会议安排。 信件2: TO:All Shellvon Employees, Please be aware that an all一hands staff meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 15 at 10:30am in the conference room. Attendance is mandatory for all employees. If you are unable to attend the meeting for any reason, you must clear your absence with your department head.

Sincerely, Management 请留意:全体员工大会安排在9月15日周二10点30分在会议室召开。所有职员必须参加。如果您因故无法出席,请务必向部门负责人请假。

会议通知英语作文范文 假定你名叫王海。现在是星期三下午六点钟,你正准备放学回家。校长让你路过外籍教师John住处时通知他明天下午三点到会议室开会(因为校长给他打电话时他不在家)。但你去时他还不在家,你给他留言,内容要点如下: ①会上讨论如何学习英语问题。 ②围绕两种意见展开讨论:一是多背单词,记熟语法规则就可学好英语;二是多讲就可学好英语,语法规则无关紧要。 ③请他准时到会,并发表意见。 会议通知英语作文范文: 6:10 p.m., Wednesday Dear John, Our principal phoned a message to you, but you were out. She

asks me to tell you that a discussion on how to study English will be held in the meeting-room at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. Two different opinions will mainly be discussed: 1. Learning a large number of words and all the grammatical rules by heart is a good way to study English well. 2. The best method of studying English is to speak English as often as possible and the rules of grammar are not important at all. Please he there on time and give your opinion at the meeting. Wang Hai

会议通知英文版 本文是关于会议通知英文版,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 会议通知英文版1 The Conference Notice The Graduate Students Education Conference will be held on March 23-25, 20xx in Guilin University of Electronic Technology. Everyone t begin to register and report for duty on March 23 night, Friday. Activities on March 24, Saturday, include Keynote Speaker make a speech, theses economic exchanges and dinner. It will be theses economic exchanges all day on March 25, Sunday, and we shall put the conference to an end at night. The Graduate school of Guilin University of Electronic Technology will host this special and significative conference and looking forward to the participants come to Guilin University of Electronic Technology to attend the conference. 会议通知英文版2 You are members of the Organizing Committee, and you are assigned to give a notice of the conference. Have a discussion with your colleagues and write a conference notice based on the following information in reference to Samples. The Conference Notice Gansu provincial Education Department and British Government Department for International Development (DFID) are co-organizing an International Conference on “International Conference on School Development planning”. The theme of the conference is “School Development planning” and central topic is “School Development planning (SDp) experience in China and worldwide”Teilnehmer: Administrators from all colleges and

会议管理规定及会议通知 流程 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

会议管理制度及会议通知流程第一条实行例会制度。 需研究的事项根据所研究事项的轻重缓急在不同的例会上研究解决。除例会外,可不开的会议坚决不开,能电话、便函、传真、邮件等解决的问题决不用会议的形式解决。 集团公司的例会分以下几个层面进行: (一)董事会例会 每季度末举行一次。梳理公司发展战略,重点研究解决集团公司重大项目的投资、融资等重大决策事项,跟进前一季度经营管理工作,盘点人力资产。 会议议题必须由办公室主任协调确定会议时间和内容,并提前一周通知董事会成员,会议时间一般不超过四个小时,每个董事发言必须有文字性材料且不超出10分钟,集团办公室主任列席会议。 (二)总裁常务会议 每月末召开一次。重点研究部署董事会决议精神,贯彻落实年会精神,跟进本月经营管理工作,研究新的经营决策方案,安排下一阶段工作,盘点人力资产。 会议时间一般不超过四个小时,参会人员为集团中高管以上人员及x大实体、x大中心、x大职能保障部门及xxx和工会负责人,为提高会议效率,要求各实业体系负责人的汇报不超过5分钟,各中心、各部门的汇报不超过3分钟。汇报重点一是近期重点工作的完成

情况,二是存在问题,三是下一阶段工作计划,四是对公司的建议。 会前将发言稿传至集团办。会议原则上由总裁主持,如总裁有事不能主持,可委托常务副总主持召开。办公室主任提前一周协调会议时间和内容,提前安排会议。会议可通过视频召开。 (三)总裁办公会议 即时召开。重点研究决策临时性重要工作、突发事件等事宜,单独听取二三级公司负责人情况汇报。会议时间一般不超过两小时,参与人员为相关人员。 (四)绩效评估会议 每季度次月18日至20日召开。重点对上季度企业、事业部、部门工作完成情况进行考核评估。参加人员为集团公司绩效考评委员会成员。责任部门为集团人力资源部、总管理部。 (五)运营调度周会 每周一8:30点利用半小时时间召开,由分管常务的高管召开,x大中心、x大部门、xxx和工会两大体系主要负责人参加。异地可通过视频系统。 (六)晨会 x大实业体系、x大中心、x大部门、xx和工会每天早上要利用5——10分钟时间召开晨会,并由专人做好会议记录,每少开一次罚款1000元,如有特殊情况不能召开要以书面形式报分管常务的高管批准。

将中文译成英语 the First International Conference on Behavior-Based Safety and Safety Management (First Announcement) (draft) Conference Background: Since1931,the research conducted by Internationally renowned security experts, such as Heinrich, shows that more than 80% accidents result from people's unsafe behavior. Almost all serious safety accidents are occured by illegal operation, neither in the domestic nor international. Many internationa l experiences have demonstrated that in order to effectively prevent the serious security incidents, unsafe human behaviors must be controlled. That is, behavior-based safety methods should be applied. In order to controlled people's unsafe behavior,measures should be taken on three aspects: individual,organizational and cultural.According to management theory, the behavior coordination on these three aspects is also the usual sense of safety management.Therefore, behavior-based safety and safety management is a question of either expression. The safety management is commonly used in China, but in the international the more common is the behavior-based safety.The theme of the conference is behavior-based safety and safety management. Theme: ? Security of the Basic Theoretical ? organizational behavior: Safety Culture Safety Management System Safety Management Structure Security Training: System and Content Security Risk Management Security Performance Management Safety legislation and safety Regulatory Social responsibility management ? Individual behavior: Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) ? the application of Behavior-Based Safety: Computer applications and Security Technology of Virtual Reality

英文通知及范文 通知是上级对下级、组织对成员或平行单位之间部署工作、传达事情或召开会议等所使用的应用文。通知的写法有两种,一种是以布告形式贴出,把事情通知有关人员,如学生、观众等,通常不用称呼;另一种是以书信的形式,发给有关人员,此种通知写作形式同普通书信,只要写明通知的具体内容即可。通知要求言简意赅、措辞得当、时间及时。 例一:布告形式的通知:通常此类通知上方正中写Notice或NOTICE(通知),发出通知的单位的具体名称可放在正文前,也可放在正文后,右下角处,发出通知的日期写在左下角处。例如: NOTICE All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in te college conference room on Saturday, August 18, at 2:00 p. m. to discuss questions concerning international academic exchanges. 通知 本星期六(8月18日)下午二时,全体教授和副教授在学院会议室开会,讨论国际学术交流问题,请准时出席。 例二:书信形式的通知 Dear Examinee: As you know, due to unfortunate circumstances, ETS was forced to cancel the scores of the October 1992 TOEFL administration in the Peoples Republic of China. At that time, you were notified that you would be able to take another TOEFL without charge up through the October 1993 administration. You should be aware that the TOEFL program has a long standing policy of not refunding test fees when administrations are cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to you. Russell Webster Executive Director TOEFL Program Educational Testing Service

周例会会议通知范文 周例会会议通知范文,一周一次的会议就要开始了,你是如何样写通知的呢?看看下面的范文吧! 周例会会议通知范文篇一: 集团公司在嘉各单位、各部门: 为了提高集团公司内外部工作衔接速度,增强集团公司所属各单位、各部门的处理事务能力,全面提升集团化治理模式工作效率;通过集团公司领导研究决定:建立嘉峪关市聚鑫达(集团)实业有限公司周例会制度,内容如下: 1:时刻:每周一下午2:30。 2:地点:合金厂会议室。 3:参加人员:集团公司领导、企管部、资金部、合金厂厂领导及各部门负责人、建材厂厂领导及各部门负责人、铭阳矿产负责人、鑫诚国贸负责人、鑫达房地产负责人。 4:会议要求:汇报上周工作完成情况、本周重点工作及需要协调和解决的咨询题。 5:会议由企管部主持,合金厂综合办负责会议服务工作。 6:本制度于20xx年1月7日起生效。 xx年x月x日 周例会会议通知范文篇二: 公司各部门:

为了规范公司会议治理、提高会议质量、促进工作开展、加强部门间的沟通与交流,现将公司周例会治理通知如下: 一、会议形式:周例会 二、会议时刻:每周周五下午2:00 三、会议地点:云南顺驰装饰工程有限公司办公室 四、参会人员:现参会人员暂定为:总经办:张树标;财务部:倪晓云; 综合部:李雁云;采供部:杜斌;工程部:郝昆、李天成;售后服务部:杨雄昆;预算部:梁芳芳;设计部:李志伟。 五、会议要求:(1)参会人员须于在周五14:00准时参加会议 (2)会议期间需关闭电话或调制静音不得看报纸、杂志或做与会议内容不相干的情况 六、奖惩规定:无故不参加周例会者公司将给予200元/次的罚款处罚。以上要求请参会人员务必自觉遵守,感谢大伙儿的配合与支持。 特此通知 周例会会议通知范文篇三: 关于公司定期召开职员周例会的通知 公司各部门: 为提高工作效率,加强公司内部内部交流沟通,公司决定固定召开职员周例会。本通知

这是一个模板,打开下面网页还有具体要求,可以参考网页中具体内容 SAMPLE MEETING NOTICE The _________________ [Name of Governing Body] of the _________________ [Name of Public Entity] (hereafter referred to as "governing body") will be holding a(n) __________ [regular, special, or emergency] meeting on _______ [Date] at ________ [Time]. The meeting will be held in the _________ room at _________________________ [Location of the Meeting]. In the event that any or all of the members of the governing body participate in the meeting by telephone or video, a speakerphone or monitor will be available at the location noted above. At the time this notice is being prepared, the governing body expects the agenda of its meeting to include the following topics: [Include all topics the governing body expects to discuss. Also include the topics to be discussed during, and the legal authority for holding, any anticipated executive sessions.] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where noted, the discussion of some of the above topics may be held in executive session rather than during the portion of the meeting which is open to the public. If this is a regular meeting, additional topics may be discussed. If this is a special or emergency meeting, the governing body's discussion will be limited to the topics and executive sessions listed above. Date of Notice:___________ Name of Person Preparing Notice: _____________________

关于会议纪要的通知 篇一:关于下发《公司例会制度》的通知 关于下发《公司例会制度》的通知 公司各部门: 为加强公司管理,增强团队建设,使各部门在工作中能够更好协同配合。经执行总经理办公会议及领导班子研究决定,下发《公司例会制度》,望各部门遵照执行。 附件:1、《公司例会制度》 2、《会议纪要》模版 3、《工作周报告表》模版 XXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司 20XX年XX月XX日 《公司例会制度》 一、例会目的

1、检查、掌握公司日常运营、管理工作执行情况,规范公司管理,促进公司上下的沟通与合作。 2、提高公司各部门执行工作目标的效率,追踪各部门工作进度。 3、集思广益,提出改进性及开展性的工作方案。 4、协调各部门的工作方法、工作进度、人员及设备的调配。 二、例会类别 1、部门例会:由部门经理召集主持,每周六上午10:30分开始会议,部门全体人员参加。 2、执行总经理例会:由公司执行总经理召集主持,每周六下午17:00分开始会议,主管以上管理人员参加。 三、执行总经理例会 1、会议组织、责任部门:行政部。 2、会议参加人:公司全体人员,由于出差、紧急情况等特殊原因不能参加例会的,应提前向行政部请假。 3、会议记录人:公司行政部。

4、会议地点:公司二楼会议室。 5、会议内容: 对本周的工作进行总结,包括主要的工作内容、原定计划(上周例会决定事项)的执行情况及在执行的过程中出现的问题及解决办法,有哪些不足需要加以改进,针对存在的问题进行沟通研讨,制定解决方案(如未 得到解决的问题进行讨论,找到及时的调解和处理的办法),对 下周的工作计划进行布置、规划,追踪并改进日常管理工作,学习、传达、解释总部的最新政策、文件和要求,对部门工作及部门人员进行点评,以及其它公司事务。 6、特殊原因需要延期召开、停开及临时增加会议的由行政部提 前通知。 四、执行总经理例会会议纪要 1、行政部需负责作会议内容记录,做好会议原始记录的日常归档、保管工作;会后整理《会议记要》,《会议记要》要标明会议召开


关于公司周例会及月度总结例会流程通知 为使每次会议更高效、有序,现将开会有关事项通知如下,各员工须遵照执行。 一、周例会 1、时间:每周一下午13:30-15:00 (控制在1.5小时内) 2、参与人员:各部门负责人 3、主持:各参与人员轮流主持 4、会议流程 会前:①会议室清洁、整理,根据与会人员安排好座位等。 ②根据需要印发会议文件资料。 ③根据需要准备好会议记录工具(笔,记录本,录音笔等)。 ④根据需要准备好会议需用的设备(电脑,投影仪等)。 ⑤至少提前半个工作日发放会议通知,并把与会人员情况反馈给会议主持者。 ⑥与会人员需提前准备好会中所需汇报内容。 ⑦与会人员需提前安排好会议时间段内所需处理的其它工作。 ⑧手机关机或调成静音状态。 ⑨会议记录与主持者,需提前一分钟到达会议室。 ⑩如有其它新的指示安排,提前告知与会人员。 会中:①会议记录者根据既定的记录格式做好会议记录。 ②会议主持者根据既定的会议议程控制整个会议过程。 ③与会人员积极发言,并注意自己的语气、语速、音量等。 会议内容:与会人员汇报上次会议决策执行情况及本周具体工作计划、安排。 会后:①发放会议记录,(根据需要发放给与会人员及未与会人员)。会议记录应准确,会议中所形成的决策要突出承担行动的责任人、具体完成时间及标准。 ②根据会议对执行进行监督、检查、反馈。 二、月例会 1、时间:每月三号下午13:30-15:30(控制在2小时内) 2、参与人员:公司全体员工 3、主持:阮总 4、会议流程 会前:同上 会中:同上 会议内容:①由店长汇报上月店铺整体计划指标完成情况,并由各部分责任人协同汇报在执行计划过程中发现的问题,未(如未完成)完成的原因,解决方案,具体行动计划等。
