the American Civil War美国南北战争

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The American civil war was the second bourgeois revolution in American history. Slavery was destroyed in the civil war. The war solved the problem of farmers' land, maintained the national unity. More than that, the war cleared the way for the accelerated development of American capitalism and laid the foundations for the US among the world powers.
brief introduction
The American civil war was the only time civil war in American history. At the beginning , it was a war to maintain national unity. Later, it evolved into a revolutionary war for the freedom of the slaves.
two sides
Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis
the north of the United States of America
the southern confederate states of America
the American Civil War broke out (1861)
The north would prohibit slavery
The south would allow the existence of slavery
early period of the war
the northern failed followed in military aspect

Evaluation The American civil war was the second bourgeois( ['bʊəʒwɑː]) revolution in American history. Slavery was destroyed in the civil war. The war solved the problem of farmers' land, maintained the national unity. More than that, the war cleared the way for the accelerated development of American capitalism and laid the foundations for the US among the world
the American Civil War
Last month,I watched a film called glory. In the American civil war, there was a black voluntary army led ([led]) by white officer at the battle of the southern ( ['sʌðn])Charles ([tʃɑ:lz])Templeton and they wrote a glorious page in the war. Thus, I'd like to introduce the American civil war to you. Introduction The American civil war was the only time civil war in American history. At the beginning, it was a war to maintain national unity. Later, it evolved into a revolutionary war for the freedom of the slaves. Both sides of the war are the north of the United States of America and the southern confederate states of America. Process In the 19th century, the industrial revolution reached the United States and its economy developed rapidly. At the same time, the United States won the large tracts of territory in the west and successively set up a new state in the west. North bourgeoisie ([,bʊəʒwɑː'ziː])and the farmer claimed that they would prohibit slavery within the new state. Conversely southern slave owners argued that they determined to allow the existence of slavery in the new state. Abraham (['eibrə,hæm] ) Lincoln (['liŋkən])who advocated the abolition of slavery was elected President in 1860. For this reason the southern slave states were independent and formed a government of the confederacy with Jefferson(['dʒefəsn] ) Davis as "President" in February 1861. The American civil war broke out. In the early period of the war, because the south had sufficient military readiness, the northern failed followed in military aspect. When the north failed repeatedly in military, the radicals in Republican Party put forward the idea of emancipating([ɪ'mæ nsɪpeɪting]) and arming the black slaves. Lincoln was also aware of the necessity ([nɪ'sesɪtɪ])of emancipating black slaves. New Year's day in 1863, Lincoln announced the emancipation proclamation and allowed blacks to join in the northern army. This became the turning point of the civil war. Then the initiative was held in the northern army on the battlefield. Two year later, in April 1865, the civil war ended. The United States restored unity.
Thank youBaidu Nhomakorabea!
emancipation proclamation
turning point of the civil war (1863)
blacks joined in the northern army
the civil war ended (1865)
the United States restored unity