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英语物主代词的运用具有其鲜明的特色,有 些已成为固定用法,缺之不可。为了使表达 更加汉语化,在进行汉译时,这些物主代词 常可省去。例如:
Different metals differ in their electrical conductivity. The keyboard has lost one of its keys. Falling water has kinetic energy due to its motion. No two electrons may have all their quantum numbers alike.
2.3 省译形式宾语it
It作为形式宾语是英语的一个特别用法,汉 语并无对应的成分,汉译时常可省译。例如: By using electric computers, meteorologists are able to perform mathematical computations at a speed which makes it possible to use the results to make more accurate weather forecasts. We have made it clear that binary arithmetic is crucial to understanding computer operations. I heard it said that he has great concern for our biological experiments.
1.3 增译语气助词
为了更好地表达原著的意思,增加修辞色 彩,可以增译一些汉语中常用的语气助词, 如“呢”、“嘛”、“啦”、“的”、 “了”等,使译文更富有生活气息。例如: Great! Any other tips on the design? As for me, I shall not go back there, either. Go easy on the water----it’s the last bottle! We still have along way to go.
2.4 省译介词
介词在英语中使用频率很高,译成汉语时, 一些表示时间、地点的介词可以省译。例 如: The difference between the two machines consists in power. On October 16,2003, China’s first manned spaceship safely returned to the earth. Everything in our physical world is continually changing.
2.2 省译形式主语it
英语中it引导的句型很常见,译为汉语时, 形式主语it常可省去而译成无主句。例如: It is quite impossible for a body speeds faster than that of light. It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered a form of energy. It is damp and cold. I think it’s going to rain. It is thought that in the universe there is as much positive as negative charge.
1.4 增译量词
英语使用量词很少,数词一般可直接与可 数名词连用,译为汉语时,常需要加上量 词。例如: The successful landing of two robots on Mars is another landmark of man’s exploring outer space. Each material has its own specific resistance. The heavenly body “Sedna” may not be the tenth planet in the solar system.
The first electronic computers went into operation in 1945. The data are stored in the memory---another category of computer hardware, which is used to store data, and also hold the program. Irag has gone through years of turmoil.
一、词的增译 二、词的省译
增译法就是在翻译时,为了能更忠实地 表达原文的思想内容,根据意义上、修 辞上的需要,增加一些无其词而有其义 的词汇。最常见的增译有以下几方面:
1. 2. 3. 4.
增译名词复数 增译动词 增译语气助词 增译量词
1.1 增译名词复数
英文名词复数表现在词形的变化上,而汉语 名词复数需要通过数量词、重叠词等来表现, 因此常可增加诸如“一些”、“各类”、 “种种”、“们”等词汇,以提高修辞效果。
1.2 增译动词
汉译时,根据上下文需要,在一些名词 或名词词组前增加动词,能使其意思更加 明白,更符合汉语的表达习惯。例如: Einstein received his Nobel Prize for the theory of photoemission. We see airplane iห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ the sky and ships in the sea. An electric switch is often on a wall near the door of a room.
由于英汉语言的差异,一些词译为汉语是无 法译出的,例如冠词、物主代词、形式主语、 形式宾语等,按照英文逐字译出,反而使译 文累赘,不符合汉语习惯。这时,在不违背 原文的原则下,常可省译一些词语。 省译物主代词 2. 省译形式主语it 3. 省译形式宾语it 4. 省译介词
2.1 省译物主代词