10 常见句型的翻译

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对先行词也有不同程度的修饰限制作用,有时也可以 译为前置定语。 5. The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.
3. Where water resources are plentiful, hydroelectric power
stations are being built in large numbers.
4. Wherever you work, you must always serve the people
18.You are the only person who could do it.
19. He has a son of twenty who is now at the college.
20. This was the first time I had serious trouble with my

教学目的:要求理解并熟悉常见句型(含 定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句等)的 翻译,力求在英汉翻译时做到通顺、准确。 教学内容:
1. 定语从句 2. 状语从句 3. 名词性从句
4. 翻译练习1、2、3
Attributive clauses are widely used in English. In many cases, sentences are made very long because of attributive clauses. Hence it
14. If you can come, I‟ll be only too glad.
你要能来,我就太高兴了。(条件状从译为原因状从) 15. She sang resonantly, if slightly nasally. 她唱歌声音洪亮,尽管鼻音略显重了些。(条件状从译为让步状从)
(=and he) told it to his
这种采取后置的办法来处理非限制性定语从句,一般 也使用指示代词来重复英语关系代词所代表的含义。
III、溶合译法 溶合法就是把原句子中的主语和定语从句溶合在一起 译成一个独立句子的翻译方法。另外,由于限制性定 语从句与主句的关系密切,所以,限制性定语从句似 乎更适合采用溶合法。英语中突出的 “there be” 句型 就是这样处理的。 溶合法与“前置法”有何区别? 16. There are many people who want to select this major. 许多人要选这个专业。 17. There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.
24. There is no bad habit that may not be cured by a strong willpower. 只要有坚强的意志,就没有什么坏习惯改不掉。/就 没有改不掉的坏习惯。(译成条件状从)
1. A rocket engine can work in space where there is no air.
II. 状语从句译在主句之前
6. She is sure to come unless she has some urgent business.
7. Please turn off the light when you leave the dormitory.
12. These books, which are only a small part of my
collection, I picked up in American.
15. I told the story to John, who brother.
2. She has invited me to visit her family, which is very kind of her .
3. He would be a short-sighted man who did not look beyond. 4. There is something original, independent and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them. 5. Here is the man whom you have been looking for. 6. Our two countries are neighbors whose friendship is of long standing.
8. I will never give in, no matter what happens.
9. You should not get off until the bus stops.
10. It was better in case they were captured.
由于计算机起着类似人脑的作用,所以常常被称作电 脑。(译成原因状从)
22. She insisted on buying another pair of roller skates, which she had no use of.
尽管用不着,她还是坚持再买一双溜冰鞋。(译成 让步状从)
23. Li Si took Chinese medicine which relieved her „symptoms.
5. Though he was defeated in the election, he became
famous for his fiery speeches against slavery.
A、一些结构比较复杂,或者意思上有较强的独立性的限制性 定语从句,通常可译为后置的并列句。采取这种译法往往要重 复关系代词所代替的词,比如:有时可在此词之前加指示词 “这”、“这些”或人称代词“他”、“他们”等等,来使译 文明确。
B、 非限制性定语从句与先行词的关系不十分密切,只 是对先行词加以说明,描述或解释,或对整个句子所陈 述的事实或现象加以总结、补充说明,其前都有逗号分 开。在汉译时一般译为后置并列分句。如: 11.He blamed me for everything, which I thought very
on. An attributive clause usually follows the word it modifies. This is
different from Chinese. In Chinese there is no post-position attributive and there can‟t be too many modifiers preceding the modified word. All this causes changes in translating some sentences which contain attributive clauses.
I. 按照原文顺序译出状语从句
1. If you do not mind, I will turn off the heating. 如果你不介意,我就把暖气关上了。
2. As far as I know, there isn‟t such a word in English.
据我所知, 英语里并没有这个单词。
3. 成都
Chengdu—A city you will never want to say goodbye after arrival. 4. In recent years, however, people have begun to become aware that cities are also areas where there is a concentration of problems. 可是,近几年来人们开始意识到城市也是问题成堆的 地方。
I、译成前置定语 一般说来,限制性的定语从句可提前译成定语。还 有一些定语从句,虽然并不明显地带有限制性质,但本 身较短,和被修饰语的关系紧密,也可译成前置定语。 1. To be sure, a great rebuilding project would give jobs to many of those people who need them. 诚然,一个宏伟的重建计划也许能为许多需要工作的人 提供就业机会。 2. This is the solider who just returned from Shenzhou VII . 这是刚从神七回来( 凯旋)的战士。
IV. 译成状语
有些定语从句从形式上看是定语,但在意义上与 主句有逻辑状语关系,对主句其原因、结果、目的、 条件、让步等状语作用,翻译时应尽可能按照其语法 功能,译成与汉语相对应的复句。
21. The computer, which seems to play the role of a human brain, is often called an electronic brain.
III. 状语从句转译成其他类型的状语从句
11. Skill and patience will succeed where force fails.
12. Though not in substance, yet in form, economic reforms are at first a nation-wide revolution. 如果不就内容而就形式而言,经济改革首先就是一场 全国性的革命。(让步状从译为条件状从) 13. Why did you give up when you could make it?
is important to have a correct comprehension and an accurate
translation of attribute clauses. Different attributive clauses may express different meaning such as purpose, concession, result and so
6. He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he
did not like his brother, wh百度文库 was aloof and arrogant.
II . 译成后置定语
7. But listen, I met a man, who said you could solve this problem. 听着, 我遇见一个人,这个人说你是有权解决这个 问题的。 8. Day light comes from the sun, which is a mass of hot, glowing gas. 日光来自太阳,太阳是一团炽热、发光的气体。