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•16*福建医药杂志20丄8年8月第40卷第4期Fujian Med J,August20丄8,V()l.40,N().4

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【摘要】目的将经阴道实时三维子宫输卵管超声造影(T V S R T3D-H y C o S y)与宫腔水造影(S I S)联合应用,旨


206年1月至2017年2月在我院拟行宫腹腔镜手术的66例不孕症患者,术前行T V S R T3D~H y C o S y联合S S,根据宫腔

镜检查(H S)结果分为宫腔病变组和无宫腔病变组,比较T V S R T3D-H y C o S y联合S S和T V S R T3D>H y C o S y两种方法对

宫腔病变的诊断敏感度、特异度、准确率、K a p p a值,分析两种方法的诊断效能。结果以H S为标准,T V S R T3D-

H y C o S y联合S S诊断宫腔病变的灵敏度89.65%、特异度97.29%、准确率93.93%;T V S R T3D-H y C o S y诊断宫腔病变的


异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论T V S R T3D-H y C o S y联合S S可以提高宫腔病变的诊断准确性。


【中图分类号】R71 1.74【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1002-2600(2018)04-0016-05

D iagnosis value o f H ysterosalp in g co n stra st s o n o g ra p h y co m b in e d w ith S a lin e so lu tio n in fu tio n s o n o h y s t o n u te rin e c a v ity le sio n s L I L i l i n g,G U O W e i,F A N Z h i h u a,T A N G L i,L I J i a n w e i.D e p a r t m e n t o f u l t r a s o u n d,

P r o v i n c i a l C l i n i c a l M e d i c a l C o ll e g e o f F u j i a n M e d i c a l U n i v e r s i t y,F u z h o u,F u j i a n35000 丄,C h in a 【Absract】Objective T o assess the diagnosis value of transvaginal ultrasound real time three-dimensional hysterosalping

constrast sonography(T V S R T3D-H y C o S y.)combined with saline solution infution sonohysterography(S I S)on uterine cavity

lesions in patients with infertility,providing a more comprehensive and objective diagnosis of the cause of i T h e66patients with infertility were detected by T V S R^P3D-H y C oSy combined with S I S in Fujian Provincial Hospital from J a n­

uary2016to December2017,who would be operated for both Hystcroscopy( H S)and Laparoscopic surgery(L P S).66P a­

tients of T V S R T3D-H yC oSy combined with S I S were divided into two gro u p s:uterine cavity lesions and n sions.八ccording to hystcroscopy(H S),we compared the results of T V S R T3D-H y C o S y a n d T V S R T3D-H y C o S y combined

with S I S in the diagnosis of uterine cavity lesions and analyzed the diagnostic efficacy of the two m two methods of T V S R T3D-H y C oSy with S I S and T V S R T-3D-H y C o S y in diagnosing uterine cavity lesions taking H S as the

gold standard.T h e sensitivity,specificity and acurracy of T V S R T-3D-H y C o S y combined with S I S diagnosing uterine cavity le­

sions were89.65 %,97.29%,93.93%.T h e sensitivity,specificity and acurracy of T V S R T-3D-H y C o S y diagnosing uterine

cavity lesions were48.27 %,89.18%,71.2 1%.T h e specificity difference between the two methods w 0.05).T'he sensitivity and accuracy difference between the two methods were statistically significant T V S R T3D-H yC oSy combined with S I S could improve the accuracy of diagnosis in uterine cavity lesions.
